Some people “just don’t get” English grammar. To me, however, it comes quite easily. Conversely, I’m only functionally efficient in the basics... more
Some people “just don’t get” English grammar. To me, however, it comes quite easily. Conversely, I’m only functionally efficient in the basics of mathematics, the deeper intricacies* of it escape me, I “just don’t get” them. Is the comparison of the disciplines and how they manifest themselves in me and in others some type of allegory or symbolization?*AlgebraAdvanced Geometry CalculusTrigonometryEtc.
In word processor typing, first, I saw there was the spelling-‘red wavy line’ & grammar checkers-‘green wavy line‘, then as I will type other things to you-... moreIn word processor typing, first, I saw there was the spelling-‘red wavy line’ & grammar checkers-‘green wavy line‘, then as I will type other things to you-will use (reality check) typing-then the error wavy line would be purple - example: ’The rock is floating on water’, then the purple wavy line would be around rock floating or/and water, because the rock won’t float on water, which is much different from grammar.Then you can type me a story & tell what errors to find from it.Option: Which errors, and how many word errors to find.Then will try it with 10 different kinds of word checking errors, which are 10 different colors of wavy lines.Ready-can get started now with these- less