Is there anyone in your family who's very attractive?My mom was a real, really, she was!! she was compared to Loretta Young and Garbo as a younger woman;... moreIs there anyone in your family who's very attractive?My mom was a real, really, she was!! she was compared to Loretta Young and Garbo as a younger woman; even as she aged she looked very good for her age.alas, her great looks didn't come to me! LOL.......just an average lookin' guy.....then I have an aunt who strongly resembled Audrey Hepburn.......seems as they both got older, they looked more and more alike!! sadly, Hepburn passed away in her late 60's I think, while my dear aunt's still goin' strong at 92! she did Yoga for years but also had great genes!!!THEN I have an uncle who, during WWII, won a contest for the 'man looking most like Tyrone Power'.......I know, who's that?!?! lollook his photos up that's my family 'looks' about yours?????????? less
Sadly, mine is my dad. I have a legitimate complaint; he’s racist. I love him because he’s my dad, he’s been a great father, and has always treated my mother well... moreSadly, mine is my dad. I have a legitimate complaint; he’s racist. I love him because he’s my dad, he’s been a great father, and has always treated my mother well, but I butt herds with him over his racism and racist comments. I have kicked him out of my home a couple of times for using racial slurs.
All of my mom’s side of the family came from England. Manchester and Stockport to be exact. My dad’s side of the family came from Scotland, Austria, and the Czech Repub... moreAll of my mom’s side of the family came from England. Manchester and Stockport to be exact. My dad’s side of the family came from Scotland, Austria, and the Czech Republic.
I don’t have children. Today I watched my niece and nephew for my sister. They were out of school and she didn’t want to take off. My nephew looks like his dad, but act... moreI don’t have children. Today I watched my niece and nephew for my sister. They were out of school and she didn’t want to take off. My nephew looks like his dad, but acts just like my sister. His attitude and temper is the exact same. His sense of humor and interests are the same. My niece looks like my sister and acts like her dad. She’s always singing, dancing, or doing artsy stuff.
About a month ago, the results arrived, and similar to the people you see in those television commercials for various ancestry services, he was surprised to find out the wid... more About a month ago, the results arrived, and similar to the people you see in those television commercials for various ancestry services, he was surprised to find out the wide range of regions of the world from which he descended, such to the point that he was actually disappointed. I asked him if he was at least satisfied in knowing, even though the information was not what he had expected. He told me that in the end, he regretted the entire experience and would have preferred not finding out. If he had the choice of turning back the clock, he wishes he would have never participated in it.Please select any or all of these questions below. A. Have you researched your own family tree?
B. If not, do you think you ever will?B1. If you don't think you'll do it, why not?C. If so, did you do it through DNA testing, or through other methods, or through both?C1. Which other methods?D. If you've already done it, how far back in history were you able to trace (what year), and what was your impression of the res... less
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