This woman was one of the most troubled in the head people you can imagine. She was smart enough to function fine, but she was a total trouble-making liar who would do anythi... moreThis woman was one of the most troubled in the head people you can imagine. She was smart enough to function fine, but she was a total trouble-making liar who would do anything to be the center of attention.Her daughter, who texted me, turned on me after I made peace with my mother and her. My mother was dying and she and my cousin, this woman, had not spoken for years. I brokered that peace between them. Her mother who died, tried to get my mother to throw me out of our house because she believed a lie about me that was insanely ridiculous.So, this is the kind of people these two are. They are trouble-making, sick, toxic, entitled sad sacks. How do I respond?The woman who texted me, showed up in court in a case against my brother assaulting me and took his side in court without telling me she was appearing on his behalf.He hurt me and she took his side.I'm supposed to say WHAT to her now? less