I love my Grandma, but for years now she has not once asked me to come over... to show an interest in ME. To show any sort of care and want to see me... I'm the only one initiating... moreI love my Grandma, but for years now she has not once asked me to come over... to show an interest in ME. To show any sort of care and want to see me... I'm the only one initiating it, and when she had to move a few yrs ago I helped her get rid of junk, do laundry, clean etc, and she barely could utter thank you as I went out the door. My aunt asked, 'why do you go over there to visit?' but I guess it is my duty? I just feel she simply doesn't care if she sees me. Would u just continue to visit, say anything, or not visit as much? less
It's tough.. I work for a college.. I love the college, it's got a good rep academically.. However, this same college actively discriminated against my daughter because she has a d... moreIt's tough.. I work for a college.. I love the college, it's got a good rep academically.. However, this same college actively discriminated against my daughter because she has a disability.. and the discrimination wasn't based on her actual disability.. but on a perception of it.. They hadn't actually even met my daughter when the principle made the decision.. Now, see that's wrong.. I know it's wrong, everyone else knows it's wrong.. and it's not acceptable for the college to treat people that way... So that leaves me with what to do about it? I've (almost) made sure my daughter is ok now, she way more than meets the criteria for the course in EVERY way, but has decided not to do that course as she fears that the teacher will be horrible to her because of what happened... But I STILL feel it's wrong.. on many levels.. and me being me.. the injustice warrior I am feels that this cannot be swept to one side.. My feeling is that the college needs to face up to what they did.. to be made VERY aware that ... less
My birthday is coming up and every single yr i get calls from siblings and either cousins or whatever, my parents arent alive so i cant get the... more My birthday is coming up and every single yr i get calls from siblings and either cousins or whatever, my parents arent alive so i cant get their calls, but anyways, the only time i hear from my brothers is on that big day. my twin dont do that, i talk to her every wk, Im resenting that they do that cause it makes me feel like they dont really want to talk but they just feel obligated, and yes, ive tried to email or facebook them in between their birthdays but most of the time they dont even answer me. I have nieces that are teenagers and i feel like they are strangers, i have two, if i email or facebook them they wont even respond 99% of the time. the only time i hear from them is on the big day. I feel like theyre just calling out of obligation and not cause they want to talk to me, was wondering if i should just take my phone off the hook or take off, that dont work cause they just call the next day, any suggestions? i hate when my family does this less
Do you take any credit for or pride in it? You'd probably be an entirely different person too. How do you take credit for or pride in something you had nothing to do with? You are ... moreDo you take any credit for or pride in it? You'd probably be an entirely different person too. How do you take credit for or pride in something you had nothing to do with? You are a result of the actions of others. It was circumstance. Chance. Whom you are was not premeditated. Just biology doing its thing. So many variables "could have been" but weren't . There but for the grace of God go thee or me. If your life is good do you realize how fortunate you are and appreciate every moment of it? Do you have any feeling at all for those whose lives are not so lucky? Not your problem? Who cares? So what? SIGH less