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  • Today at the Black journalists conference Trump went a rant questioning why Kamala Harris is now claiming to be a black woman when she has always identified herself as an Indian. A...  more
    Last post by Spunky - August 4
    1,039 views 1 like
  • Trump’s new nickname is Duckin Don. And I think he will live up to that nickname when he ducks out of the debate. I think his excuse for duckin out will be – he has rel...  more
    Last post by my2cents - July 31
    121 views 0 likes
  • At a event hosted by the conservative Christian organization Turning Point Action – Trump urged Christians to vote saying - they wouldn’t have to do it again if they go...  more
    Last post by my2cents - August 3
    637 views 0 likes
  • Right now the MAGA’s are saying that Kamala Harris is not fit for office because she laughs too much. But yet they loved Tucker Carlson even though he laughed a lot and his l...  more
    Last post by Nanoose - July 26
    169 views 1 like
  • At a recent rally Trump said - "If you don't mind, I'm not going to be nice, is that OK?" Then he added - "I was supposed to be nice, (referring to his brief call for national...  more
    Last post by my2cents - August 3
    413 views 1 like
  • In the movie the Jerk Steve Martin lost a class action suit and had to write checks for 10 million people. I think one day the same thing will happen to Trump – like maybe hi...  more
    Last post by Nanoose - July 24
    92 views 0 likes
  • Kamala Harris Can’t Be President Because She Doesn’t Have Kids! (Will Chamberlain, senior counsel for the conservative judicial advocacy group)
    Democrats Can&rsq...  more
    Last post by my2cents - July 25
    1,088 views 0 likes
  • Biden Dropping Out Of Race For Re-Election
    Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the Democratic ticket.

    ...  more
    Last post by Spunky - July 30
    278 views 1 like
  • A three judge federal appeals court (including 2 Trump appointees) have overturned Judge Cannons ruled dismissal of the documents case arising from the Mar a lago search warrant. B...  more
    Last post by Spunky - July 21
    207 views 0 likes
  • A: Donald J Trump.
    B: Donald J Trump with a bandage on his ear.
    Cheers and happy weekend!
    Last post by my2cents - July 21
    215 views 0 likes
  • Trump has compared himself to many famous people – everybody from Elvis Presley to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
    So I think he will use the assassination attempt to compare ...  more
    Last post by my2cents - July 21
    464 views 0 likes
  • Apparently, not long.  A website owned by a Donald Trump company is selling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT High-Top" sneakers with a photo from the assassination attempt for $299.
    Read in...  more
    Last post by Jane S - July 19
    794 views 1 like