Inspired by this question that was posted by another member: more
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
opposed to online grocery shopping and/or having them delivered, are there certain items or products you no longer buy because other people touch them, whether that is at the proce... moreopposed to online grocery shopping and/or having them delivered, are there certain items or products you no longer buy because other people touch them, whether that is at the processing stage, packaging stage, stocking stage, other customers, etc.?~
I buy feminine hygiene products for my wife all the time, and it causes me no shame nor embarrassment at all. When I first began doing it over twenty years ago, I often got it wron... moreI buy feminine hygiene products for my wife all the time, and it causes me no shame nor embarrassment at all. When I first began doing it over twenty years ago, I often got it wrong; the wrong brand, the wrong type, etc., so she had me take the label from the package she had at home and it resolved the problem from then on.~
My daughter-in-law spins yarn, then knits or weaves with it. I visited a bison ranch where my brother-in-law worked and bought some bison hair for her to spin.
Is it even possible or advisable to do such a thing without discussing it first? What if it means a higher insurance bill and five years of loan payments? What if the giftee would ... moreIs it even possible or advisable to do such a thing without discussing it first? What if it means a higher insurance bill and five years of loan payments? What if the giftee would rather have selected the car for himself or herself? And GMC even has a commercial where the husband surprises his wife with TWO new trucks, one for each of them. Unless they're filthy rich, who can or would do this?