How the mighty have fallen.We were so arrogant. We said we were "EXCEPTIONAL". We thought we were among the leaders in the world if not THE LEADER.Yet here we are in dire straits f... moreHow the mighty have fallen.We were so arrogant. We said we were "EXCEPTIONAL". We thought we were among the leaders in the world if not THE LEADER.Yet here we are in dire straits falling down down down down down because we are "led" by a clown clown clown clown clown.We CHOSE this demon and now we are paying dearly for it.Funny tragic. All of this was predicted by others who knew him years ago. None of this is a surprise.Couple an impotent arrogant inadequate insane sap who never takes any responsibility or accepts any blame and what would you expect? Exactly what we have.New and improved? The new product. Will it have legs? Will it go the distance. Or will it be like any other fad and die out? Oh for the days of innocence! Hula hoops. Beanie Babies. Tupperware. Green stamps. Norman Rockwell. less
We don't CHOOSE our ingredients. We are born with them and limited by them. Which accounts for good and evil right and wrong light and dark beautiful and evil. The world as it was ... moreWe don't CHOOSE our ingredients. We are born with them and limited by them. Which accounts for good and evil right and wrong light and dark beautiful and evil. The world as it was is and always will be unless we can figure out a different way to propagate!
i want my life to go better ... i want to have my own business and make lot of money every month . then i could move to another country and buy myself a house
We took grandkids to the zoo. Masks required for over 9. Plexiglass between seats on the train. Not near as many people. (No wait for the rides or feed the stingray)... moreWe took grandkids to the zoo. Masks required for over 9. Plexiglass between seats on the train. Not near as many people. (No wait for the rides or feed the stingray) No cash transactions allowed.
The trump attempt to BLOCK FUNDING for virus testing and tracking. They (the republicans) will have none of his sh** on this issue. None of it. He is all alone on that ice floe&nbs... moreThe trump attempt to BLOCK FUNDING for virus testing and tracking. They (the republicans) will have none of his sh** on this issue. None of it. He is all alone on that ice floe is fastly heading out to open ocean. After that who knows what happens? Can he swim? Is he tasty? Sharks might just love to dig into him. I'm just sayin'.....
Only the FAUX and few between DESERVE to cover it. A great honor. It will be 3 hours every day of trump who will of course campaign throughout it too. After all he is cheated from ... moreOnly the FAUX and few between DESERVE to cover it. A great honor. It will be 3 hours every day of trump who will of course campaign throughout it too. After all he is cheated from having his ego hate rallies in different towns and he needs to get his message out there to everyone who hasn't memorized already.Mark you calendars. Make sure you watch/listen to every minit of it and know you will be out there all alone in your glory listening to the guy who knows everything. Three hours every day. What more could you ask for? Of course you have memorized the script. It's the same one he used in 2016. Comforting like mashed potatoes or grits. Isn't it? less