You know dam* well WHY? The trump will have been ignominiously defeated humiliated crushed shunned reviled smashed smacked down ridiculed mocked. Already mad and terrified he will ... moreYou know dam* well WHY? The trump will have been ignominiously defeated humiliated crushed shunned reviled smashed smacked down ridiculed mocked. Already mad and terrified he will still have the power to take it out on the world and he will.Be afraid. Be very afraid. Dread what's yet to come. Unless we experience a DEUS EX MACHINA. We shall be doomed.
TRUMPICA! Just like Putin's Russian or Kim's North Korea.The trump heros. He patterns himself after them. Russian gulags will be replicated the swamps of Florida.... moreTRUMPICA! Just like Putin's Russian or Kim's North Korea.The trump heros. He patterns himself after them. Russian gulags will be replicated the swamps of Florida. Where else?Look alive folks. He is now getting his headwind.
What could it hurt? He would have done his damage way back there then and maybe we would have recovered by now. Or we could send the trump to the future...say the year 3000? Whadya... moreWhat could it hurt? He would have done his damage way back there then and maybe we would have recovered by now. Or we could send the trump to the future...say the year 3000? Whadya say? Ship him forward for others to deal with? Kick the can down the road so he is someone else's problem? What ya got ta lose? Whaddya say?
I just realized that my really weird, strange, improbable, off-the-wall dreams are never about one single goofy thing, instead, there are always layers of craziness piled on top of... moreI just realized that my really weird, strange, improbable, off-the-wall dreams are never about one single goofy thing, instead, there are always layers of craziness piled on top of each other. One weird thing taking place that builds on others, or many extremes of loopiness unrelated to each other but all taking place in the same dream.
Written in a "DAILY BEAST" op ed.So of course the trump will play golf and demand schools open no matter what the numbers are.And of course y'all will support defend embrace and ag... moreWritten in a "DAILY BEAST" op ed.So of course the trump will play golf and demand schools open no matter what the numbers are.And of course y'all will support defend embrace and agree with him on that though you may not have your own golf course to play on.So let's see how far "they' take this joke this hoax this fake news.Imagine the size of this CONSPIRACY worldwide all creatively manufactured to take down the trump. Imagine how many enemies he has to revenge himself upon and retaliate vendetta?It takes billions of people who hate the trump and despise him to have conspired colluded together to pull this off. Y'all don't believe a word of it of course. A horse is a horse of course of course and a hearse is a curse or worse. Two plus two equals whatever the trump say it do and you will always and forever agree with he. And so it goes. And the band played on. As the world turns. Everyone says so. less
Isn't almost 4 years long enough to determine whether or not the manufacturing plant will ever produce what the public needs? How long a time should it have to either crap or get o... moreIsn't almost 4 years long enough to determine whether or not the manufacturing plant will ever produce what the public needs? How long a time should it have to either crap or get off the pot? Any specific timeline?
The trump has had almost 4 years to make good.Had the help of many experienced knowledgeable intelligent people whom he very purposefully got rid of because they cramped his style ... moreThe trump has had almost 4 years to make good.Had the help of many experienced knowledgeable intelligent people whom he very purposefully got rid of because they cramped his style and refused to roll over for him.He is left with all the roll overs beggars play deaders toady sycophants and belly crawlers. By his own wish and by his own hand this is what he carved out by himself for himself. All kudos go to him for all of it.
It is about the life of a real person who spent 50 years of his life at West Point. Began as a dishwasher and ended up an NCO and involved with teaching the cadets to swim (though ... moreIt is about the life of a real person who spent 50 years of his life at West Point. Began as a dishwasher and ended up an NCO and involved with teaching the cadets to swim (though in the film he couldn't).I don't know if everything depicted therein actually really happened. Some historical movies take license. But I do know enough is true to make it a well-worthy movie in which one can invest time and end up being glad for having done so. These days what else is there to be "glad for having done so"? Just my opinion of course. If you want to FEEL GOOD for a few hours I recommend it. If you already feel good about the way things are don't waste your time. You won't understand it or comprehend it or find any value or worth in it. less
Who can possibly be thinking about taking a VACATION NOW during this hurge enormous spikey surge in new COVID 19 cases and deaths? You?What kind of brain-eating amoeba attacks such... moreWho can possibly be thinking about taking a VACATION NOW during this hurge enormous spikey surge in new COVID 19 cases and deaths? You?What kind of brain-eating amoeba attacks such people who think such things?
Planclothes weaponized Federal thugs are taking people off the streets who were peacefully protesting.No explanation. No identification. No nothing. GESTAPO is alive and well and w... morePlanclothes weaponized Federal thugs are taking people off the streets who were peacefully protesting.No explanation. No identification. No nothing. GESTAPO is alive and well and will be dispatched from coast to coast.For those who welcome it sit back relax pop some popcorn and pour the moonshine. The best is yet to come for you.For those who are appalled and horrified I have nothing I can say to you to make it okay. Be aware. Be prepared. Be on guard. We are being invaded by HE** demons and there is no end to it or them. Swarms of them are overwhelming and overtaking and overrunning.More swarms to come. In the dark of the night. Next they will break down your doors and drag you out of your homes. What happens next I can only guess.Camouflaged FEDERAL AGENTS dispatched to terrify. The goal? CHAOS. It's working. less
I was 16. My grandfather was dying and it was the last time I saw him. He said (in broken English) "you are a jewel. Make sure you always put yourself in the proper setting". He wa... moreI was 16. My grandfather was dying and it was the last time I saw him. He said (in broken English) "you are a jewel. Make sure you always put yourself in the proper setting". He was from the "old country" and learned English and became a naturalized citizen. So that's why it was "broken".At the time it didn't really resonate that much.At 16 I didn't think much beyond the emotion of the moment and I remember crying. But over the years I realize how wise he was. Fortunately I have always been drawn to the light to the intelligent to the honest to the honorable to the good. Lucky me. less
Is working in the profession of committing treason a lucrative career choice?It need involve any ideals or moral or beliefs at all. It can be purely done by any money-hungry hoor t... moreIs working in the profession of committing treason a lucrative career choice?It need involve any ideals or moral or beliefs at all. It can be purely done by any money-hungry hoor to whom "whatever it takes" and "the end justifies the means" is sacrosanct.We live in the age of treason and traitors. Treason being committed at ALL LEVELS and traitors enjoying the fruits of their duplicity very much a lot all the time. Is there an end to all things or are some meant to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on? Eternally. Forevermore. To infinity and beyond. less
Bertha Levy Ochs, mother of Adolph Ochs, was a Confederate supporter, three members of her family fought for secession, and before she died in 1908, she requested that a Confederat... moreBertha Levy Ochs, mother of Adolph Ochs, was a Confederate supporter, three members of her family fought for secession, and before she died in 1908, she requested that a Confederate flag be draped over her casket.
Today I saw about 30 motor bikers in a group riding threw Parksville. A few of them were flashing their colors which showed they were from the mainlan... moreToday I saw about 30 motor bikers in a group riding threw Parksville. A few of them were flashing their colors which showed they were from the mainland so I got the feeling that they were here for a biker war/take over of the Island drug buisness. They were stopped at a light while I was walking across the street while eating a cheese burger - a few of them were staring at me and I was going to say - what are you staring at but I thought that would be double trouble - eating a un healthy burger and mouthing off to bikers. Cheers and happy weekend! less
So donny dark won't be offended. He's too dumb for that. He will be offended no matter what it takes. It is his goal life to find offense in everything he doesn't generate. And so he does.
*This is not about the airline itself, the flight, the airport, the terminal, flight attendants, pursers, ticket agents, gate agents, baggage handlers or customer service reps.~
Portland, Oregon.WHY?Cuz he was BORED playing toy soldier and decided to do something he could sink his fangs and claws into and make a splash and get attention.It worked. Ge... morePortland, Oregon.WHY?Cuz he was BORED playing toy soldier and decided to do something he could sink his fangs and claws into and make a splash and get attention.It worked. Gestapo boy will do this pet trick as often as he can to get attention and show that his is way bigger than anyone's. Yeah. Right.He was invited to get the he** out. No one wants him anywhere or his presence or his plainclothes gestapo robots or his spokes mouths or his toady sycophant lemmigns. He is a pariah in this country. In fact the entire world (except Putin) despises him. For putin he is a useful idiot. Better donny darko should stay in bed with the covers up and not tweet ever again. Pull covers up over head and play dead. less
That Joe Biden supports defunding the police.Donny Dark is not used to be being smacked down in real time by any FAUX NEWS anything! More would be better but god save Chris Wallace... moreThat Joe Biden supports defunding the police.Donny Dark is not used to be being smacked down in real time by any FAUX NEWS anything! More would be better but god save Chris Wallace. One thing good about FAUX news. The rest? Sheesh. Seriously?
You ask a lighthearted question and receive a very dour sour serious reply. Oy vey!You ask a serious question and the reply is more "aren't I clever see how I answer?". Neither is ... moreYou ask a lighthearted question and receive a very dour sour serious reply. Oy vey!You ask a serious question and the reply is more "aren't I clever see how I answer?". Neither is satisfying to the asker but maybe it's inevitable..