Ever meet an automatic robotic mechanical wind-up toy homo sap? Don't need batteries. Wind down and then you wind them up again. Nothing exotic or state of the art.
Have you found the prize yet in your Crackerjack box life? Know what that golden ticket comparable is?You are given a chance for one more life. This time you will configure it for ... moreHave you found the prize yet in your Crackerjack box life? Know what that golden ticket comparable is?You are given a chance for one more life. This time you will configure it for you. It will be custom made according to your directions.Would you reject that opportunity or seize it in a heartbeat?What would you change? Add? Delete? Expand?
Because when you are KIND you do not lie cheat steal sabotage undermine attack insult harm hurt kill murder defame disparage denigrate aggravate irritate conjugate.Being that one t... moreBecause when you are KIND you do not lie cheat steal sabotage undermine attack insult harm hurt kill murder defame disparage denigrate aggravate irritate conjugate.Being that one thing 24/7 would change the world. Chances of that?
Be breathingBe at least 35Be a "natural-born" citizenThat's it.What does being a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant or a nuclear physicist require?Where does presidenting fit on t... moreBe breathingBe at least 35Be a "natural-born" citizenThat's it.What does being a doctor or a lawyer or an accountant or a nuclear physicist require?Where does presidenting fit on that list?Isn't it ridiculous to give unlimited power to a 35 year old breathing "natural born" anything?You get what you pay for! When you settle for so little why expect so much?
You either do or you don't. You either can or you can't.Same with the ability to process information.You cannot be "taught" how. It is an automatic thing. I doubt there is any scho... moreYou either do or you don't. You either can or you can't.Same with the ability to process information.You cannot be "taught" how. It is an automatic thing. I doubt there is any school that can teach it. It would be like trying to fill a cup without any opening. A glass with its lids on. The information drenches the glass but never gets inside. The inability to process information is a life-long crippler. It cannot be fixed by an operation. You can't throw money at it and expect miracles. You can't pray it away. You can't apply it on the outside and expect any of it to sink in. less
Can a very impatient person learn to be patient? If so how? Ive tried for decades and nothing changed. Still IMPATIENT as ever! What is repairable fixable changeable about homo sap... moreCan a very impatient person learn to be patient? If so how? Ive tried for decades and nothing changed. Still IMPATIENT as ever! What is repairable fixable changeable about homo saps and what is rock solid not?
Figuratively of course. He is being ignored by more and more each day. His insanity is manifesting itself as being the only thing about him that is "real". An interesting "freak" o... moreFiguratively of course. He is being ignored by more and more each day. His insanity is manifesting itself as being the only thing about him that is "real". An interesting "freak" of nature if you will but the side show is boring and so people are moving on.
Right now Mary is at bat. She gave an hour-long interview to a cable news journalist and I expect there will be more to come so her day in the sun will be lengthy. VERY LENGTHY. Sh... moreRight now Mary is at bat. She gave an hour-long interview to a cable news journalist and I expect there will be more to come so her day in the sun will be lengthy. VERY LENGTHY. She is a Psychologist you see and so she speaks in clinical terms about her family...most especially the donald. She was asked if she fears reprisal from the weaponized wackadoodlenoodle trump adoring worshippers. She said she is not afraid but she is taking certain precautions. She said she knew going in what she would face. The first day her book was released she sold 980,000 copies! Think folks are interested in a professional's psychologist's inside view of the head of the donald?After awhile someone else will come out with another book the trump will try to block and he will fail again. Perhaps by then he will already be a nobody citizen discredited despised on trial for various crimes. Who knows? The third time's the charm. Whom d'ya think it will be to provide the final blow? Who knows a lot about the trump? Well the roger stone d... less
As we go along futurely forwardly we are discovering more and more about the nature of this virus and in fact when it does affect children it is often their brains. We cannot know ... moreAs we go along futurely forwardly we are discovering more and more about the nature of this virus and in fact when it does affect children it is often their brains. We cannot know the long-term effects of getting the virus and surviving. Long-term doesn't happen in a few months. We do know many survivors are left with long-term damage.So the know-it-alls are very content to throw all their children back in school. They will be safe. Children don't get the disease. That is the mindset by gawd and don't tell them any otherwise. They are not interested. What happens to the teachers and others involved in running schools? Perfect places for SUPERSPREADING and bringing home.Just as the trump knows more than the generals y'all know more than the scientists. Good luck with that. So far no good. Why not keep it up? What ya got ta lose? So your kids are brain=damaged so what? Got ta open up the economy NOW so the trump can trumpet how wondrous a job he has done with that. Anything for the trump. Anything to please the tr... less
Not that you pray for her to die of course. Just pray for her to be permanently unable to come back to bench thus leaving the way open for the trump to appoint another extreme righ... moreNot that you pray for her to die of course. Just pray for her to be permanently unable to come back to bench thus leaving the way open for the trump to appoint another extreme right-wing white FASCIST RACIST to the bench. You like those odds. 6-3. Although you did screwed by two of them didn't you? Both trump boys? Gorsuch and Kavanaugh voted with the Liberals. There is no guarantee that other trump appointees won't also screw him. If they have any moral or pride they will do so from time to time. In any case how are your prayers being framed to GOD. Dear GOD please make RBG unable to continue"? Where's the harm in that?I don't trust any of you. I wonder if GOD does? less
Do you ask GOD to render his opponents challengers ineffective or worse do you pray that grievous harm comes to them? Perhaps you are drunk when you pray. If so do your drunken pra... moreDo you ask GOD to render his opponents challengers ineffective or worse do you pray that grievous harm comes to them? Perhaps you are drunk when you pray. If so do your drunken prayers get very ugly and hostile and cruel? Do even remember what they were? Do you think those prayers are appropriate or is GOD in your corner and loves so no matter why you do/say and whom you wish to come to GOD will adore you? Do you?
Today I heard about all the home and car breakins in Parksville and I started thinking about the song Little Robbers by the Motels. In case you never heard it -&n... moreToday I heard about all the home and car breakins in Parksville and I started thinking about the song Little Robbers by the Motels. In case you never heard it - it goes a little something like this - little robbers are on my mind little robbers going steal you blind if you don't watch out. Take my suitcase from my back put it down and it don't come back. - little robbers. Little robbers are every where little robbers they don't care little robbers just sit there and go ya ya ya they go ya ya ya they go ya ya YA. Cheers! less
this question asks the opposite; which has been your least favorite vehicle, and why? If you care to list more than one vehicle as least favorites, please feel free to do so.... morethis question asks the opposite; which has been your least favorite vehicle, and why? If you care to list more than one vehicle as least favorites, please feel free to do so.
Mine were these two, a Ford Mustang and an Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, the latter being the worst of the pair.
The Mustang was my first and last sports car. I found it to be slung way too low for my preferences, the way the driver’s seat was designed was far too “laid back” and could not be adjusted differently, much too restrictive field of visibility, too difficult to be seen by other drivers. I learned that sports cars are not my choice, and I have shied away from them ever since.
When I was growing up, my stepfather always said that a car is nothing but a hole to throw money into, and 15 years later, I had to agree with that sentiment because I became the owner of the Olds. It had so many mechanical problems that I called myself a member of the Part-of-the-Month-Club. I poured so much mo... less
I've heard suggestions that he was a fascist, a communist, a racist, and an anti-Semite. The first two are, of course, contradictory. Was he a political nut? Did he hate blacks and... moreI've heard suggestions that he was a fascist, a communist, a racist, and an anti-Semite. The first two are, of course, contradictory. Was he a political nut? Did he hate blacks and Jews? Or are these typical malicious lies we like to tell about great men so we don't have to feel so unaccomplished?
1. Type of vehicle, such as sedan, truck, SUV, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, or other.2. Size.3. New or used or doesn’t matter.4. Propulsion non-electric, electric... more
1. Type of vehicle, such as sedan, truck, SUV, motorcycle, recreational vehicle, or other.2. Size.3. New or used or doesn’t matter.4. Propulsion non-electric, electric, or other.5. Exterior color.5a. Interior color (if applicable).6. Any other specifications that you either must have, want to have, would like to have, or might consider.
7. When you might purchase it, such as immediately, within the next week, month, four months, year, when finances allow, awaiting a particular financially-related event to happen, depends on how long my current vehicle holds out, other factors determine it, etc.
Thank you.I am thinking of 1. a pickup truck 2. two-door, standard cab, medium sized bed3. most likely used4. 4-cylinder or 6-cylinder gas propulsion engine5. black, but if used, will accept dark blue or dark brown6. nothing older than 5 years, no salvage vehicle, no history of accidents, complete power package, Bluetooth compatible, GPS, tire sensors, tire size must be standard7. no nee... less
my neighbor was doing drugs and she finally got kicked out, now theyve been putting plastic on the walls, guess they found meth on the walls, ive never done dr... more my neighbor was doing drugs and she finally got kicked out, now theyve been putting plastic on the walls, guess they found meth on the walls, ive never done drugs myself but i wondered if my bldg could get shut down cause of it. any ideas?
One-sided anything logically and intellectually and morally should not work. Reciprocity. Two-way street.And yet a one-way street dude demands two-way street from everyone. They gi... moreOne-sided anything logically and intellectually and morally should not work. Reciprocity. Two-way street.And yet a one-way street dude demands two-way street from everyone. They give what he demands. What are they and why are they who are they and how do they survive the short end of the stick?
Why are the VOID brains usually the "leaders"? Are empty heads cuter?They have one or two thoughts that they regurgitate 24/7. That's it. Nothing more. Only that. Over and over and... moreWhy are the VOID brains usually the "leaders"? Are empty heads cuter?They have one or two thoughts that they regurgitate 24/7. That's it. Nothing more. Only that. Over and over and over and over. Empty heads are the winners and those filled with ideas and inventiveness and creativity and substance are blocked stopped prevented shackled. GO FIGGER!F'r intance a Dr. Anthony Fauci president. Consider that if your brain doesn't explode in the trying.An intelligent knowledgeable experienced measured calm logical human being. Could you take it? less
What if?You could still disagree and be disagreed with but all arguments WOULD BE BASED ON LOGIC!Shocking thought! But what the he** what will it cost to think about that WHAT IF?
The braindead bugnor sez no will will mandated to wear masks in the entire state. Whatcha gonna Braindead boy put the Savannah George Mayor in prison. Let's see your stuff. What le... moreThe braindead bugnor sez no will will mandated to wear masks in the entire state. Whatcha gonna Braindead boy put the Savannah George Mayor in prison. Let's see your stuff. What level of stupid dumb will you dive down to so that the trump still loves YOU? Sheesh. WUSS! Girly man!