Clearly all life is not precious to millions. Why I don't know. Not even THEIR LIVES or the LIVES OF THEIR LOVED ONES are precious. That is a fact. Another why I don't know.
Clearly because they are following his lead and not wearing masks, ridiculing/mocking the virus or ignoring it altogther. They will ship their kids to school. They will feather in ... moreClearly because they are following his lead and not wearing masks, ridiculing/mocking the virus or ignoring it altogther. They will ship their kids to school. They will feather in colors together all the time in large crowds cheek to cheek. Of course I CANNOT PROVE that will come true but it seems to me a logical conclusion.So for my part I will not mourn their loss for all of them have also affected all of us who want to stay alive.
There will firing squads with "bad" people standing against the blindfolds or cigarettes. There will be camoglaughed weaponized mystery meat pulling people off the streets... moreThere will firing squads with "bad" people standing against the blindfolds or cigarettes. There will be camoglaughed weaponized mystery meat pulling people off the streets and out of their homes to be thrown in arenas with a yet-to-be-determined killer there to wipe them out.Being of commercial bent the president will have it all on show in person for a huge price and also televised for a very goodly price for the homers. Soon coming to an arena near you.Think not?
There is no country in the real world that could flip that fast from the road to equality back to the days of slavery. Never could happen. We wouldn't let that happen. Would we?
Terentius Publius Afer was a Roman African playwright. He wrote six plays all available still. On a trip to Greece at the age of 25 he disappeared and was never heard from or of ag... moreTerentius Publius Afer was a Roman African playwright. He wrote six plays all available still. On a trip to Greece at the age of 25 he disappeared and was never heard from or of again. It is thought he died on that trip.He was freed because of his remarkable talent. I wonder how many slaves were remarkably talented but were owned by those who looked at them as subhuman?"Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its fragrance on the desert air".Shocking to me that it has been such a long time for slavery.Allegedly slavery began in earnest only after agricultural took hold...something like 11,000 years ago. I guess the landowners were too high and mighty and soft and LAZY to do the work and so they bought people or took people and forced them into labor.Perhaps the slaves were black because they were very strong while the whites were very puny and weak and meek when it came to doing HARD WORK and incapable of tilling the soil and making things grow? I do not know. Do you? less
A smear that is examined under a microscope, evaluated and reported to "the powers that be" who reside elsewhere.How does it feel to be a test sample? You won't know the results of... moreA smear that is examined under a microscope, evaluated and reported to "the powers that be" who reside elsewhere.How does it feel to be a test sample? You won't know the results of course. Was what you were being tested for a win or a loss? A keep/save or a dump? At least you know you have been useful. That is enough.
That is the uniform of the dog whistled supporters of the person whose dream is to be supreme commander of the world. He is getting there pretty quickly isn't he?
Sociopaths have no conscience and therefore they care not about anyone or anything. They can destroy damage harm and feel absolutely NOTHING.Can they be made? An injection or a pil... moreSociopaths have no conscience and therefore they care not about anyone or anything. They can destroy damage harm and feel absolutely NOTHING.Can they be made? An injection or a pill that would turn an ordinary normal everyday typical person into a killing machine? Maybe "they're" already working on it for the upcoming Armageddon that is sure to happen soon. Maybe they already have it and have tested it and it works! Maybe they haven't. In a certain period of time we will find out. Everyone says so.
Thomas Jefferson is probably the most famous white man who bedded a slave or maybe many. I believe all his descendants gather together from time to time. I wonder if good old Tom h... moreThomas Jefferson is probably the most famous white man who bedded a slave or maybe many. I believe all his descendants gather together from time to time. I wonder if good old Tom had any guilt about any of it. Owning what he bedded in secret? Nothing to be ashamed of right?
You were born with their DNA and they shaped you formed you guided you inculcated you with hate or love or prejudice. How much of that is YOUR fault? Do they take pride in what you... moreYou were born with their DNA and they shaped you formed you guided you inculcated you with hate or love or prejudice. How much of that is YOUR fault? Do they take pride in what you are and do you take pride in what they are? Or are you ashamed embarrassed humiliated?
So they gathered together in large crowds to protest. Thereby spreading the virus.I wonder how many of those gathered together for positive motives became ill or spread illness to ... moreSo they gathered together in large crowds to protest. Thereby spreading the virus.I wonder how many of those gathered together for positive motives became ill or spread illness to others.Two-edge sword indeed.
That is a ridiculous statement. It isn't what's outside or what you are packed in that determines your worth or significance. Yet so many think it does. Do you?
Some are so DESPERATE to not be alone they will endure lives of misery and pain. "Who else would want me?" Geez that makes no sense does it? What does that kind of mentality do to ... moreSome are so DESPERATE to not be alone they will endure lives of misery and pain. "Who else would want me?" Geez that makes no sense does it? What does that kind of mentality do to any children who happen to be around? How can anyone value themselves so little they think they deserve being a doormat or punching bag?
How long could you survive on your own all alone without other homo saps? Providing you were not ill and had all you'd need to live. Food shelter clothing.
So you get lots of lemons in your life. You can make lemonade but that takes tons of sugar. You can make a lemon pie. You can "season" many things with lemons. Or you can let them ... moreSo you get lots of lemons in your life. You can make lemonade but that takes tons of sugar. You can make a lemon pie. You can "season" many things with lemons. Or you can let them pile up, watch them rot and then throw them out.
When you engage in sidebar conversations with one another! Some of you are hilariously witty and I'm laughing as I'm reading the thrust and parry and thrust and parry and thrust an... moreWhen you engage in sidebar conversations with one another! Some of you are hilariously witty and I'm laughing as I'm reading the thrust and parry and thrust and parry and thrust and parry. I hope you don't mind when I visually eavesdrop on your conversations. Sometimes I comment but mostly I stay out of it.Of course I don't read all of them. I'm always behind the 8 ball on that. I probably miss some really great stuff.
I've been married for almost 50 years to the same woman. In the course of that time, I have had mumerous women flirt with me and at least two extend concrete offers for, well... moreI've been married for almost 50 years to the same woman. In the course of that time, I have had mumerous women flirt with me and at least two extend concrete offers for, well... you know what. No? Okay, sex. Want details? I've got them. Now, she said that in the course of our long and very satisfying relationship, she has only had one man flirt with her. She is more attractive than I am; a cute-as-hell face, legs down to there AND up to here, a tall curvatious body, and a beautiful smile. She is out going. Is it possible that only one man has made a pass at her in ALL THIS TIME????? less
Courtesy of the major ninja turtle..the trump. Get ready get set and go. Pulled off the streets during peaceful protests and whisked away to unknown locations and then what mutilat... moreCourtesy of the major ninja turtle..the trump. Get ready get set and go. Pulled off the streets during peaceful protests and whisked away to unknown locations and then what mutilation abomination occurs? Pigs fly. They wear lipstick. They tweet they preen they prance they brag they lie. They also invite a Saudi Prince to come on over and behead his enemies. What are friends for?When do the monster ninja turtle PIGS die (figuratively)? When do they go away someplace and get out of our face and let us alone?Any day now? less
What there where? In the south where all the statues and monuments and awards and accolades and gory glory was HEAPED UPON treasonous traitors? How could you know unless you have t... moreWhat there where? In the south where all the statues and monuments and awards and accolades and gory glory was HEAPED UPON treasonous traitors? How could you know unless you have traveled and seen it? How would you know and why would you know?So why has it taken so Long to rid ourselves of the detritus trash crap remnants of the treasonous traitors? BECAUSE NOW WE ALL KNOW WE ALL SAW WE ALL SEE THE SHAMEFUL. That it took this long to repudiate vilify and try to EXCISE the cancer that almost killed a country will never be adequately explained or understood. Shameful that there are still those who want to go back to then and will do anything they can to get there. Shameful disgusting abhorrent abominable. Embarrassing humiliating devastating. less
The biggest abomination the world has ever known was installed in a rigged election with the help of hostile foreign enemies and millions of adoring worshippers. All at fault. All ... moreThe biggest abomination the world has ever known was installed in a rigged election with the help of hostile foreign enemies and millions of adoring worshippers. All at fault. All to blame. All a stain on the country forever.Some of us are better than this. But America is what it is because of the power in power. Evil traitorous treasonous souless dishonorable cruel selfish greedy gluttonous.