A. Abandon the country immediately?B. Bribe him with a lifelong sandwich deal to get yourself a position in his court?C. Conduct coup d’état to overthrow him an... more
A. Abandon the country immediately?B. Bribe him with a lifelong sandwich deal to get yourself a position in his court?C. Conduct coup d’état to overthrow him and restore the rightful leadership?D. Defend his ascension to the throne as the exact thing your country needs at the moment?E. Establish a wait-and-see attitude, giving him 30, 60 or 120 months to determine whether or not life is better under his rule?F. Find a way to infiltrate his government and bleed the coffers dry of the rich tilde-based revenues?G. Give exclusive interviews to the foreign press of your knowledge of his past misdeeds, thereby embarrassing him and having the international community shame him into abdicating?H. Hire a hitman?I. Investigate further to uncover the origins of this fishy deal?J. Join him as an ally and carve out your own piece of the pie as a nobleman or noblewoman?K. Keep a secret stash of avocados, mayonnaise and Vegemite in preparation for a poisoning plot?L. Lose your mind in giddy excitement that y... less
What specific things that the trump has said/done or not said not done would Jesus approve?Would Jesus attend a trump rally that is filled with ego and hate? Would he cheer the wor... moreWhat specific things that the trump has said/done or not said not done would Jesus approve?Would Jesus attend a trump rally that is filled with ego and hate? Would he cheer the words the trump employs without exception?If Jesus sat next to you would you be embarrassed and terribly ashamed that you were there? Any of you Christians out there still honorable honest truthful? Or have you all turned like the Senate Republicans? Turned your back on all that matters all that is good all that is true all that is holy?Well? less
Why do they have such an egotistical highly opinionated opinion on what others think would do feel would say?Arrogance thy name is REPUBLICAN TRUMPICAN. Sheesh.They tell you what G... moreWhy do they have such an egotistical highly opinionated opinion on what others think would do feel would say?Arrogance thy name is REPUBLICAN TRUMPICAN. Sheesh.They tell you what GOD thinks. They tell you what long-dead people think. Some of the more childish among them even dare to tell you WHAT YOU THINK!Where do they get off having such a high opinion of themselves? Are they hooked up hooked in to a magic a place the rest of can't access or are all of them living in outer space on a different plane of existence like the trump who is not of this world at all or is it simply more partisan propaganda scripted partisan political spin/doctrine they promulgate? Do they get paid by the word or the hour? less
His cognition is in retrograde that it took THIS LONG to seep into the blocked head.Stable genius? Sure he is. He remembered 5 words during a test and repeated them!
People DIED as a result of his lack of cognitive thought. In January or February he could have acted but instead mocked ridiculed HOAXED.Not until mid or late March he get up off h... morePeople DIED as a result of his lack of cognitive thought. In January or February he could have acted but instead mocked ridiculed HOAXED.Not until mid or late March he get up off his a** and react with any kind of cognitive recognition/A test in a hospital. What proof do we have?The real-world test where lives were on the line and lost because of him? His failure can never be forgiven. Never. Ever.
The trump cabal et al is INCAPABLE of it. With them it is EITHER/OR and they only want OR.Screw pandemic. Focus on kids back in school.No ability to handle both so of course choose... moreThe trump cabal et al is INCAPABLE of it. With them it is EITHER/OR and they only want OR.Screw pandemic. Focus on kids back in school.No ability to handle both so of course choose the one that makes least sense. Why not?. Try it you will like it. What could it hurt?
Remember DOING THE RIGHT THING simply because it was the right thing to do and not because you were obligated to or forced to but because you WANTED to?Have we abandoned them forre... moreRemember DOING THE RIGHT THING simply because it was the right thing to do and not because you were obligated to or forced to but because you WANTED to?Have we abandoned them forrever? Are they now extinct? Did we ever hear the death rattle? Did we ever get to pay our last respects?
Force him off the stage out of the spotLIGHT into the darkness of the night. He will melt like a vampire does in light. Out of sight. Forever. Got any darkness to spare?
They're STILL AT IT. As thousands get ill and some die they are MOCKING RIDICULING the restrictions placed on opening up schools! MOCKING AND RIDICULING WEARING MASKS. MOCKING AND ... moreThey're STILL AT IT. As thousands get ill and some die they are MOCKING RIDICULING the restrictions placed on opening up schools! MOCKING AND RIDICULING WEARING MASKS. MOCKING AND RIDICULING ANY ATTEMPT TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND IMPLEMENT STAY SAFE METHODS. MOCKING AND RIDICULING SCIENCE. MOCKING AND MINIMIZING the virus. It does not take intelligence to mock and ridicule. They have shown us that every day in every way forever.What does it take besides being profoundly dishonorable? Or does profoundly dishonorable cover it? less
The reason this was done is because millions of people are jealous of him because he was sent by GOD to take care of his true believers and so the entire world has conspired agains... moreThe reason this was done is because millions of people are jealous of him because he was sent by GOD to take care of his true believers and so the entire world has conspired against him and he is a victim of a crucifixion just exactly like Jesus only Jesus was crucified just once. The trump is crucified daily.All his liaisons and doings and sayings are inspired by GOD including everything. No exceptions. He is in the prayers of those who pray every day. His very existence is in the service of his true believers and GOD. Every waking moment all his thinks about is what he can do to make their lives better and how he can better show that he is truly A MAN OF GOD. I know y'all fervently believe that. If you don't who will?He is a martyr who will be a saint one day. Is it only Catholics who saint people or do other religions saint people too? Anyway to his peeps he is a SAINT for putting up with all this bad treatment.Did I get that right y'all? If not what did I get wrong? less
Tough guysMade menHitmenA donA pinkie finger ring to kissAn audience to be granted and a favor to be askedVery formal protocol to all of itAs it was in the beginning so it is in th... moreTough guysMade menHitmenA donA pinkie finger ring to kissAn audience to be granted and a favor to be askedVery formal protocol to all of itAs it was in the beginning so it is in the now and so it will be in the later forever afterThey allegedly treat their families well though they all cheat on their wives and sleep with gorgeous hoors when they can. They even sometimes marry them.They go to church for photo ops. Sometimes they have the priest in their pocket
Allow me to posit a possibility.THERE IS A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY TO BE MADE in the profession of traitorship/traitorhood. Treason is the most popular dish there is on the the social ... moreAllow me to posit a possibility.THERE IS A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY TO BE MADE in the profession of traitorship/traitorhood. Treason is the most popular dish there is on the the social menu. From .low to high. From peon peasant water carrier to head of a country. Treason is in. Traitorship/traitorship has been made an honorable vocation. It's the money honey. It's the powertrip. It's the revenge/retaliation/attacking your enemies and making them pay for not kissing your a**. It's all of that and more..
Any guilty party would do the same thing. Silence the potential whistleblowers. Shut him the f--- up or suffer the consequences.It should be ILLEGAL to do that. It certainly is IMM... moreAny guilty party would do the same thing. Silence the potential whistleblowers. Shut him the f--- up or suffer the consequences.It should be ILLEGAL to do that. It certainly is IMMORAL UNPRECEDENTED DEMENTED.See what the thousand footed turtle will do next. Watch. Wait. Learn.
WalmartTarget99Cent or Dollar StoreFeed and grain store (also sells manure)Tractor trailer storeA Tiffany's or Harry Winston or Van Cleeve & Arpels (sp?) would not. They only deal ... moreWalmartTarget99Cent or Dollar StoreFeed and grain store (also sells manure)Tractor trailer storeA Tiffany's or Harry Winston or Van Cleeve & Arpels (sp?) would not. They only deal in top-quality rare gems.
Doubtful.Back in the day the Republicans were the anti-slaveries though Abolitionists accused them of being "too soft".So the once and glorious anti-slavery party of Abraham Lilnco... moreDoubtful.Back in the day the Republicans were the anti-slaveries though Abolitionists accused them of being "too soft".So the once and glorious anti-slavery party of Abraham Lilncoln is now the smorgasbord potluck mystery meat party of the trump.Ascendant thriving flourishing or decaying? Is that a DEATH RATTLE I hear?
Why did the so-called "Republican trump party" plan such a bill then put the KIBOSH on it? No new images until after 2026? Not even the trump hisself?What's the explantion for this... moreWhy did the so-called "Republican trump party" plan such a bill then put the KIBOSH on it? No new images until after 2026? Not even the trump hisself?What's the explantion for this very queer peculiar odd bizarre inexplicable turn of events?
By August as things as going now the resurgence pandemic will be at full force with more cases and more deaths everyday. Coimmitting to anything now when we don't know the sc... moreBy August as things as going now the resurgence pandemic will be at full force with more cases and more deaths everyday. Coimmitting to anything now when we don't know the scope of what lies ahead Is very chancy risky gambly.
Simple example.A doctor who weighs 400 lbs tells you that for your health you must lose 100 lbs. You weigh only 300 lbs.Does he not see the very dark humor in that? The obvious con... moreSimple example.A doctor who weighs 400 lbs tells you that for your health you must lose 100 lbs. You weigh only 300 lbs.Does he not see the very dark humor in that? The obvious contradiction? The ridiculous braindead dumbheadedness?So you are either very polite and say "yes doctor I know" or you say "LOOK WHO'S TALKING FAT BOY!"?I'm just saying the glass house dwellers throw stones 24/7 totally unaware they are vulnerable and provide the weapons for others to attack them. Dumb? I dunno what you call it scientifically but they keep setting themselves up all the time and you wait and wonder why they don't realize it? Do you know why? less
Is he not the most heroic of heroes to the CONFEDERATES?Anyone who is enraged/outraged at the taking down of CONFEDERATE HERO STATUES wonder why too?It is very odd and very weird a... moreIs he not the most heroic of heroes to the CONFEDERATES?Anyone who is enraged/outraged at the taking down of CONFEDERATE HERO STATUES wonder why too?It is very odd and very weird and very bizarre and very peculiar and very queer. What isn't?
If you don't knowA Coalition of Anti-Slavery CONSCIENCE WHIGS held a meeting in a Ripon, Wisconsin schoolhouse on March 20, 1854."REPUBLICAN" was the name suggested for the new pol... moreIf you don't knowA Coalition of Anti-Slavery CONSCIENCE WHIGS held a meeting in a Ripon, Wisconsin schoolhouse on March 20, 1854."REPUBLICAN" was the name suggested for the new political party.What happened to the Republican party that it is now the pro-slavery pro-Confederate pro anti-union pro wrhite pro racist pro FASCIST?Is there a someone to blame for the terrible injustice done? Anyone?