It will fly over all federal buildings.There will be a LAW ordering that all American citizens have his flag face flying outside their front door. Or they will be bigly fined and p... moreIt will fly over all federal buildings.There will be a LAW ordering that all American citizens have his flag face flying outside their front door. Or they will be bigly fined and put in prison until they agree to see things his way?Some can hardly wait for that lucky day. Everywhere you look there will be BIG BROTHER aka trump looking at you grimacing as only he can grimace.Just the beginning of the new world order he plans.
There was no crucifixion or resurrection? It was all a hoax? Jesus did not die on a cross?It was all for show? Judas did not betray Jesus? Some storyteller invented it?
The cops who surrounded the guy in the car were RIGHT THERE. He wasn't running. How many shots did they shoot? I heard a bundle. Are they such lousy shots that when they are within... moreThe cops who surrounded the guy in the car were RIGHT THERE. He wasn't running. How many shots did they shoot? I heard a bundle. Are they such lousy shots that when they are within a foot or two they still gotta shoot till all the bullets are gone? Bullet industry must love these guys.
My auto insurance just raised the price 50% overnight. It goes into effect in August. I'm used to companies performing regular reviews and doing slight increases, but this is insan... moreMy auto insurance just raised the price 50% overnight. It goes into effect in August. I'm used to companies performing regular reviews and doing slight increases, but this is insane, especially at a time when everything is closed and nobody is driving. I can't fathom how they're justifying a hike like this. Accident risk has to be way down and nothing has changed on my end. I'm wondering if my company is just being greedy and/or they're out a ton of money because people aren't paying their bills and need to make up for it by raising rates for everyone else. Have you guys noticed this?!? less
Yet like they don't get anuff or have enough so of course the gubment gives them welfare handouts only it calls them something else. Welfare for the obscenely wealthy. Ain't it a s... moreYet like they don't get anuff or have enough so of course the gubment gives them welfare handouts only it calls them something else. Welfare for the obscenely wealthy. Ain't it a shame? That's what you get folks for making whoopee with the trump.
Suicidal are they then? Will it maskless gloveless antisocialdistancing by demand of the trump?Wonder how many suicida GOP delegates there are. We'll find out.
Anyone know what the story is this time? How they felt threatened and had to shoot to kill to protect themselves?Maybe they were justified. I know zero about it and didn't Google i... moreAnyone know what the story is this time? How they felt threatened and had to shoot to kill to protect themselves?Maybe they were justified. I know zero about it and didn't Google it yet. I'd like to hear the story elsewise otherwise sidewise first.
Which government ever born anywhere at any time did the most for its citizens and treat others well?Which countries did not invade? Which rulers were kind and intellgent and fair?M... moreWhich government ever born anywhere at any time did the most for its citizens and treat others well?Which countries did not invade? Which rulers were kind and intellgent and fair?Maybe the question is very naive and there never was such a place. Well then which came closest?
The bigger the numbers the worse the grade. The worse the performance. Small is better than large. Guess who looms LARGEST?The lower the numbers the better the leadership was. Perf... moreThe bigger the numbers the worse the grade. The worse the performance. Small is better than large. Guess who looms LARGEST?The lower the numbers the better the leadership was. Performance in this case measures life and death.
Hospitals are predictably once again running out of ICU beds and also trained doctors and nurses. Some wait for days to be admitted. Some have to be transferred to far away places.... moreHospitals are predictably once again running out of ICU beds and also trained doctors and nurses. Some wait for days to be admitted. Some have to be transferred to far away places. Just stay home and go to your final resting place in familiar surroundings. Cut to the chase. It's gonna get way worse you know.
Honoring other human beings. Honoring principles ideals.Praise the flag and demean the person who takes a knee.Why "take a knee"?A quiet silent simple protest against racism of cou... moreHonoring other human beings. Honoring principles ideals.Praise the flag and demean the person who takes a knee.Why "take a knee"?A quiet silent simple protest against racism of course. You see racists care bigly about guns and bibles and flags and very littlely about all the "others" of whom they disapprove. Not their ilk or color or persuasion.Nice isn't it? Those birds of a color ilk together in perfect consonance and harmony. Give them a symbol to fight about and for and they're there. Give them an honorable principle or a human being to fight about and for? Surely you jest. less
Currently it is the children ripped away from their parents still living in kennels and cages and crying for their mom and dad some of whom will never see them again due to the inh... moreCurrently it is the children ripped away from their parents still living in kennels and cages and crying for their mom and dad some of whom will never see them again due to the inhumanity cruelty and incompetence of the current doers.A humanitarian crisis on American soil? What would YOU call it?
WHOSE DEPRAVED DEMENTED MIND ORDERED IT? WHOSE DEPRAVED DEMENTED MIND SUPPORTED IT CELEBRATED IT ENJOYED IT?How many children are still being held captive in kennels and cages? How... moreWHOSE DEPRAVED DEMENTED MIND ORDERED IT? WHOSE DEPRAVED DEMENTED MIND SUPPORTED IT CELEBRATED IT ENJOYED IT?How many children are still being held captive in kennels and cages? How many of them will never again be reunited with their parents because the depraved demented separators never kept track of where the parents were sent? How many of them give a sh** or rat's a** about any of it? How many can't sleep at night thinking about those children crying for their parents? How many of the separators have nightmares about it are haunted by it and can think of nothing else but their part in it? I know. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Some joke..depraved dementedDEPRAVED DEMENTEDdepraved dementedDEPRAVED DEMENTED less
The statues monuments ideas mindsets views of long ago that are no longer relevant ought not be dragged forward with us.They weigh us down. The baggage is much too heavy. It slows ... moreThe statues monuments ideas mindsets views of long ago that are no longer relevant ought not be dragged forward with us.They weigh us down. The baggage is much too heavy. It slows us down and occupies us with what used to be that no longer is when what we should be focused on is moving forward looking ahead not back.Common sense. The lighter your load the easier your travels. Why the problem then?
Some are grateful for and appreciative of what they have and focus on that. Some are always whining complaing about what is lacking and pay no attention to what they have.Nature or... moreSome are grateful for and appreciative of what they have and focus on that. Some are always whining complaing about what is lacking and pay no attention to what they have.Nature or nurture? The DNA that occurs at conception or the way the nurturing is formed and implemented?Whinya** victim?Grateful human being?It is actually a choice people make. Choosing martyrdom victimhood plays well in Peoria I guess if what you want is pity because you are so pathetic.Some seem to gravitate toward that building long lists of enemies. Seems a rather negative way to kill time. less
This explains those who always lead with attack insult lie deny. That is what they are very good at and also the best at so doing anything else or less is nonsense.You keep doing w... moreThis explains those who always lead with attack insult lie deny. That is what they are very good at and also the best at so doing anything else or less is nonsense.You keep doing what you are successful at doing. There is an audience for anything no matter now bizarre revolting disgusting. Keep at it long enough and hard enough and deep enough and wide enough and high enough and you will find your audience. Then the sky's the limit!
Once you've outraged/outrageoused them and have their attention put your hooks in. How? Make them feel special. Important. Intelligent. Worthwhile. Patriotic. Substantial. Importan... moreOnce you've outraged/outrageoused them and have their attention put your hooks in. How? Make them feel special. Important. Intelligent. Worthwhile. Patriotic. Substantial. Important. However you do it keep at it keep doing it and they will follow you anywhere.Why doesn't everyone do that? Simple. Hooking people isn't everyone's cuppa tea.
Of course not. There are ways to mitigate some effects some of the time for those who care to do so.Why do so many folks not care to mitigate? Well you will have to ask them for th... moreOf course not. There are ways to mitigate some effects some of the time for those who care to do so.Why do so many folks not care to mitigate? Well you will have to ask them for the "why". I have no idea what it could be that would make any sense to me.
3 million cases in america and counting and 131,000 deaths so far and counting. Allegedly incresed by 300,000 new cases in one week.We have been told we must learn to live with it.... more3 million cases in america and counting and 131,000 deaths so far and counting. Allegedly incresed by 300,000 new cases in one week.We have been told we must learn to live with it. I wonder how best to make it so? What is involved "getting used to" and are you very good at it or do you suck at it?
Mining for blue asbestos began there in the 1930's. The deadly danger of asbestos was as yet unknown. People were dying and the town is now declared "A CONTAMINATED SITE". What you... moreMining for blue asbestos began there in the 1930's. The deadly danger of asbestos was as yet unknown. People were dying and the town is now declared "A CONTAMINATED SITE". What you don't know is a lot. True of all of us. How much of what we do not know will kill us? We don't that too.
Used to be back in the day the only swooners were teenage girls (bobbysoxers) who swooned for those who crooned a tune. Hordes of them in throngs and mobs.Frank SinatraThe BeatlesE... moreUsed to be back in the day the only swooners were teenage girls (bobbysoxers) who swooned for those who crooned a tune. Hordes of them in throngs and mobs.Frank SinatraThe BeatlesElvis PresleyNow the main swooners are men. For whom do they swoon? No one who croons a tune. They swoon for an old white politician. They swoon for trump. Now you may disagree with that but what would YOU call it when he rallies and his crowds of cheerers and true believers have more girly men than females in attendance?What is it trump's got that turns men on? less
Is GOD an intricate tapestry?A rainbow?A coat of many colors?Why is it believed by so many that GOD is white? That GOD's features are that of an old white man?It is not only absurd... moreIs GOD an intricate tapestry?A rainbow?A coat of many colors?Why is it believed by so many that GOD is white? That GOD's features are that of an old white man?It is not only absurd but presumptuously arrogant that any one particular "look" represents GOD. Don'tcha think?Just wonderin' where some folks get off thinking what they think since if you think about it what they think is nonsensical fuzzy out of focus and not remotely tenable.