Well he** that cuts it down to size doesn't it? The trump talks about absentee ballot fraud a lot.Bet he didn't know the only one caught at it would be a mail carrier who CHANGED V... moreWell he** that cuts it down to size doesn't it? The trump talks about absentee ballot fraud a lot.Bet he didn't know the only one caught at it would be a mail carrier who CHANGED VOTES THAT WERE FOR DEMS TO VOTES FOR REPUBLICANS!.Maybe the trump should shut the f--- up! Changing ballots is what his side does. Leave them alone to continue on in their quest to insure the trump will win.! Geez what does the trump need/want? A formal invitation? The writing is on the wall. READ BETWEEN THE LINES. Absentee ballots will be fraudulently changed to insure a trump win. Why would he shoot himself in the foot? Oh. Right. Because he is a lousy shot. less
Another low-turnout campaign rally fiaco is not his cuppa tea. So he is listening and adjusting allegedly. We shall see. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Do you upchuck o... moreAnother low-turnout campaign rally fiaco is not his cuppa tea. So he is listening and adjusting allegedly. We shall see. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Do you upchuck or does it stay down? Time will tell.
It matters not at all who accuses or whom the target is. In general logicallyIf you say someone has made a lotta mistakes ought you not be able to list them?General accusations wit... moreIt matters not at all who accuses or whom the target is. In general logicallyIf you say someone has made a lotta mistakes ought you not be able to list them?General accusations without specifics is very specious. Anyone can accuse anyone of making "a lotta mistakes a lotta mistakes a lotta mistakes". Doesn't make it so ya know. Doesn't make it so.
"I just followed orders""I just did what I was told to do and never questioned anything"So the orderer is 100% guiltyWhat percent guilt resides with those who carried out the orders?
Trump is apoplectic about the painting of Black Lives Matter in front of Trump Tower.
"President Trump told Sean Hannity during a phone interview on Fox News last night: "All... moreTrump is apoplectic about the painting of Black Lives Matter in front of Trump Tower.
"President Trump told Sean Hannity during a phone interview on Fox News last night: "All the merchants along Fifth Avenue are furious. ... New York is not the place that it was. Everyone's leaving — they're moving to Florida." (Axios AM)So, all those rich people are moving to the state that now has the highest number of Covid-10 cases. No wonder they call Florida God's Waiting Room.
"President Trump told Sean Hannity during a phone interview on Fox News last night: "All the merchants along Fifth Avenue are furious. ... New York is not the place that it wa... more"President Trump told Sean Hannity during a phone interview on Fox News last night: "All the merchants along Fifth Avenue are furious. ... New York is not the place that it was. Everyone's leaving — they're moving to Florida." (Axios AM)So, all those rich people are moving to the state that now has the highest number of Covid-10 cases. No wonder they call Florida God's Waiting Room.
Of course he would be of no use to putin if he were not "president" would he?Once the trump swears out he could have his private jet ready and waiting and flee to a country that do... moreOf course he would be of no use to putin if he were not "president" would he?Once the trump swears out he could have his private jet ready and waiting and flee to a country that does not have any extradition treaty with the USA. Live out his life elsewhere instead of in prison or facing multiple criminal trials both federal and state as well as civil and local and private and personal (all the dames he sexually abused...remember them?). He can run and he can hide. Why wouldn't he flee coward that he be?
The heart of darkness. The heart of evil. The core the center the wellspring.So what's the problem?We do not agree on what that evil core pus-filled zit is.Ever it shall be thus?
Was Hitler GOD'S instrument of salvation for the Germans who supported everything Hitler said and did?I would think they'd have to because otherwise how could they reconcile the pe... moreWas Hitler GOD'S instrument of salvation for the Germans who supported everything Hitler said and did?I would think they'd have to because otherwise how could they reconcile the person who ordered the extinction extermination of six million human beings if they didn't believe that GOD was on their side and was all for it?Fast forward. We KNOW the devout devoted support the current "leader" in america. They have told us so. They support defend justify rationalize everything this "leader" has done and said and tell us that GOD sent him to them to insure their salvation.I believe the "instrument" itself has said "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE"The more things change the more they stay the same. If you don't LEARN from history you are DOOMED to repeat it.Allegedly. Supposedly. Purportedly. less
Whistleblowers. Small slivers of light trying to break through the inky black of the endless nightSeveral SCOTUS decisions. Small slivers of light trying to break through the inky ... moreWhistleblowers. Small slivers of light trying to break through the inky black of the endless nightSeveral SCOTUS decisions. Small slivers of light trying to break through the inky black of the endless night.Some homo saps endless fight for truth justice what is fair honorable. Small slivers of light trying to break through the inky black of the endless night.All trying to do what is RIGHT no matter the cost to them of career or reputation.
Why would any MORAL and HONORABLE person not support TRUTH? Because they would not succeed profit gain ground correct?"What's in it for me?" That is the BASIS of homo sapiens inter... moreWhy would any MORAL and HONORABLE person not support TRUTH? Because they would not succeed profit gain ground correct?"What's in it for me?" That is the BASIS of homo sapiens interests pro/con these days and has been for a very long time.WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?" If what's in it for you is large enough grand enough splendid enough well then why look a gift horse in the mouth? Why make waves? Why upend the applecart? Why not go along to get along and profit for it?Who needs honor justice morality fair truth? "What's in it for me?" That question might have been asked since forever by some but these days that's all you hear or see. "What's in it for me?" What's in it for me? WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?Sigh. And the beat goes on. The cacophony is deafening. Wear earplugs 24/7 or go mad. less
Always complain and be a "victim". That hooks people in and shackles them faster than anything.Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me. Woe is me. They hate me. They... moreAlways complain and be a "victim". That hooks people in and shackles them faster than anything.Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me. Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me.Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me. Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me.Sigh. And the beat goes on. Never changing ever the same day after day after day after day after day....Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me. Woe is me. They hate me. They are trying to destroy me. Woe is me. Woe is me. Woe is me. me me me me me me me me me. Woe. less
Truth. Some will do ANYTHING to hide it. Others will do ANYTHING to reveal it.Why are the hiders so successful at hiding and the revealers so reviled at trying to reveal it? Why is... moreTruth. Some will do ANYTHING to hide it. Others will do ANYTHING to reveal it.Why are the hiders so successful at hiding and the revealers so reviled at trying to reveal it? Why isn't simply wanting to reveal the truth enough of a motive? Lies or truth. They are not the same thing.It is unnerving and annoying and quite disappointing. People! Bah humbug!
For the first time in a months, today I used my laptop to log onto AnswerMug instead of my smartphone. Bigger screen means different features are displayed, one of which bein... moreFor the first time in a months, today I used my laptop to log onto AnswerMug instead of my smartphone. Bigger screen means different features are displayed, one of which being the graphic that I've copied below. This may very well be the third of fourth time since January of 2020 that I have used the laptop. Since I never see or hardly ever see all of these features, I am neither cognizant of them nor do I assign them much importance. Today, I noticed this and it makes me wonder about opinions from any of you who care to chime in, whether or not you use them an if so, in which ways?