So far FAUX has DECIMATED the population and sought to diminish reduce cripple eliminate what the country used to be so FAUX can reform it reconfigure it transform it into a countr... moreSo far FAUX has DECIMATED the population and sought to diminish reduce cripple eliminate what the country used to be so FAUX can reform it reconfigure it transform it into a country with his brand on it.
It is an undisputed HONOR to be on the der speigleman(HEIL HIM) extremely lengthy ENEMIES LIST! A great tribute to them and whom they are and what they represent.As has been stated... moreIt is an undisputed HONOR to be on the der speigleman(HEIL HIM) extremely lengthy ENEMIES LIST! A great tribute to them and whom they are and what they represent.As has been stated elsewheres and elsewises der speigleman(HEIL HIM) is orders of manure WORSE than tricky dicky nix on nixon. Geometrically worse. A googolplex worse. Which means the honor of being on it is concomitantly much greater.Good on all of you/us!
He knows every red city and red state lie down roll over beg and play dead for him. No need to "send in the troops" to control anything. They are already mushead docile spinless wu... moreHe knows every red city and red state lie down roll over beg and play dead for him. No need to "send in the troops" to control anything. They are already mushead docile spinless wussy wimps. Good to know right? Do the mushead wussy wimps educate their children on how to follow them in their footsteps. They are not BORN wussy wimps. They have be the taught art of wussy wimping.How many wussy wimps and wussy wimp spawn are there in amurrica? Whatchure guess?
It seems phony to meI don't have the timeThe base likes me regardlessWanna know the truth? HE CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY OFF IT SO HE HAS ZERO INTEREST IN IT
Hachiko waited for his deceased master over 9 years. There is a statue there at Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Japan. Hachi died in 1935. His master Professor Hidesabuo Ueno died of a b... moreHachiko waited for his deceased master over 9 years. There is a statue there at Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Japan. Hachi died in 1935. His master Professor Hidesabuo Ueno died of a brain hemorrhage May 21, 1925. Hachiko was an Akita breed dog. Hachi and the Professor walked together from home to the train station each day and Hachi waited for him to return and they'd walk back home together. Hachi is a local legend known worldwide.Greyfriars Bobby guarded the grave of his master John Gray for 14 years. John died of Tuberculosis February 15, 1858 in Scotland and Greyfriars bobby died January 14, 1872. He is buried 70 feet away from his master. Bobby was a Skye Terrier. There is a statue of him too. A local legend. Known worldwide.There are probably many other examples of the endless love loyalty devotion of animals to their masters/mistresses. We just don't know about them.Endless pure love.And homo saps pride themselves on being the "highest" most bestest more greatest more mostest of living animals. I think not. less
Why are millions of people such fans of mental SH**? Usually it comes from partisan politics but it is not limited to that.There is medical SH** like the crap Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil p... moreWhy are millions of people such fans of mental SH**? Usually it comes from partisan politics but it is not limited to that.There is medical SH** like the crap Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil promulgate...QUACKS!How many other types of SH** can you name? There is bull of course...perhaps the most common form.There is snake oil salesman SH**There is racist SH**There is homophobic SH**There is confederate SH**There is fascist SH**There is despot dictator SH**There is bully SH**There is power SH**There is ignorance SH**There is corrupt SH**No end to SH**SA human invention? less
How can anyone in the military support defend respect admire a five time fake bonespur draft dodger?Similarly.How can anyone in a LAW AND ORDER profession support defend respect ad... moreHow can anyone in the military support defend respect admire a five time fake bonespur draft dodger?Similarly.How can anyone in a LAW AND ORDER profession support defend respect admire a lawless chaos maker?It is illlogical of course. Makes no sense. Yet there you are. They do exist. Do they realize how queerly peculiar they are?
"One of the main features of imperial oppression is control over language. Language becomes the medium through which a hierarchical structure of power is perpetuated, and the mediu... more"One of the main features of imperial oppression is control over language. Language becomes the medium through which a hierarchical structure of power is perpetuated, and the medium through which conceptions of ‘truth’, ‘order’, and ‘reality’ become established."
(Ashcroft et al. 1989: 7)
Said our testing is the best in the world.Said our testing is more than any other country ever.Sez our testing is OVERRATED?Does that nullify the other crap he upchucked?
A plethora of idiots in our bugment gubment. We overfloweth with them.WHAT DO THEY THINK IS GOING ON IN CONSULATES OF HOSTILE FOREIGN NATIONS In amurrica? Tiddlywinks? Scrabble? Th... moreA plethora of idiots in our bugment gubment. We overfloweth with them.WHAT DO THEY THINK IS GOING ON IN CONSULATES OF HOSTILE FOREIGN NATIONS In amurrica? Tiddlywinks? Scrabble? They didn't KNOW that?They were SHOCKED?Imbeciles make up the majority of der speigleman(HEIL HIM) bugment. They don't know they don't learn they don't listen they don't care. They just show up and get a paycheck. Everywhere.The "best" people replacing those yanked from the swamp? Well that is the "best" that will tolerate working for der speigleman(HEIL HIM). Most people have more pride than to lower themselves to beneath a snake's belly. Different strokes! less
In the mid-70's say or can some keep making it and live until their 80's or 90's?They have records of hot dog eating....last contest 75 consumed by one person.It's all about how mu... moreIn the mid-70's say or can some keep making it and live until their 80's or 90's?They have records of hot dog eating....last contest 75 consumed by one person.It's all about how much the gut stretches. Do the hot dog eating pigs ever upchuck with the downed Or does it all eventually come out in the end?How are they related? I don't know that they are. Stuffings are made of many things. HOt DOGS or homo sap manure or mystery meat? Mystery meatn is all of the animal including glands and stomach and veins and fat and cartilege. Some sausages are made up of that. The awul offal. less
Hitler was the spawn of such a "coupling". Ever despot dictator who enjoys being cruel and harming others are also all the spawns of insane corrupt. Sadly they couple with those wh... moreHitler was the spawn of such a "coupling". Ever despot dictator who enjoys being cruel and harming others are also all the spawns of insane corrupt. Sadly they couple with those who would have them...also insane and corrupt. So the spawn of such in a way doubled down and are insane insane corrupt corrupt. They find their way into places of power. And they couple and spawn and so on and so on. The circle of life!
Also by then the Post Office will be under martial law. No way out.Desperate last hurrah. If der speigleman(HEIL HIM) doesn't CHEAT AND THREATEN AND INTIMIDATE AND DISMANTLE he wil... moreAlso by then the Post Office will be under martial law. No way out.Desperate last hurrah. If der speigleman(HEIL HIM) doesn't CHEAT AND THREATEN AND INTIMIDATE AND DISMANTLE he will lose very bigly and his fragile teeny tiny ego won't be able to handle that.So every day he will be dispatching his mystery meat weaponized thugs to every city to do the prep work necessary so they will be all on board and up and running on election day. Good idea. Gives a few months to unglitch glitches.Meanwhile the putin and the others are flooding the internet with lies and lies and more lies and even more lies. It worked in 2016 so why fix what ain't broke?America. Land of the free and home of the brave. Once upon a time. less
It also brings up der speigleman(HEIL HIM) playing dressup soldier since he never had the experience of actually being in the military wearing a uniform and SERVING HIS COUNTRY.A n... moreIt also brings up der speigleman(HEIL HIM) playing dressup soldier since he never had the experience of actually being in the military wearing a uniform and SERVING HIS COUNTRY.A nifty putdown smackdown of a pretender. Getting his just desserts and getting fatter and fatter.
Well ya see der speigleman(HEIL HIM) is now so desperate he is setting fires so he can be a hero when he puts them out.That is all this is. A HAIL MARY. He has nothing going for hi... moreWell ya see der speigleman(HEIL HIM) is now so desperate he is setting fires so he can be a hero when he puts them out.That is all this is. A HAIL MARY. He has nothing going for him but his LAW AND ORDER peetch. The son of a peach is a lawless man and creates chaos so representing himself as pro law and order is absurd ridiculous and a lie.Nevertheless that is a peetch from the son of a peach his peeps buy hook line and sinker.Who knew der speigleman(HEIL HIM) is a johnny appleseed whose milieu is starting fires not planting seeds?. less
Well he** the der speigleman (HEIL HIM) is on fire. Dispatching mystery meat armed thugs to everywhere and anywhere and he has only just begun. Coming to a city near you or if you ... moreWell he** the der speigleman (HEIL HIM) is on fire. Dispatching mystery meat armed thugs to everywhere and anywhere and he has only just begun. Coming to a city near you or if you are very lucky YOUR CITY?How will you thank him for his great concern over your welfare?
The test was to identify dementia or alzheimer's NOT INTELLIGENCE.The fact that der speigleman(HEIL HIM) thinks it proves he is a brilliant man shows how little he understands what... moreThe test was to identify dementia or alzheimer's NOT INTELLIGENCE.The fact that der speigleman(HEIL HIM) thinks it proves he is a brilliant man shows how little he understands what is going on around him.
Are insurance companies more evil venal vile than pols?Imagine purposely dragging out lawsuits for decades banking on people dying? A dead person will settle for less right?Legaliz... moreAre insurance companies more evil venal vile than pols?Imagine purposely dragging out lawsuits for decades banking on people dying? A dead person will settle for less right?Legalized CRIMES. Demanding payments and refusing to give payouts due. All insurance companies have craven crappers who handle those matters. SPECIALISTS! Craven crappers get paid bigly amounts to CHEAT people out of the monies they are due. CRAVEN CRAPPERS are all alike. Know any?
If there were no conspirator colluding enablers/facilitators there would be no need for WHISTLEBLOWERS.Nifty scheme/racket ain't it?The homo sap version of BUSY BOX. Lots of dials ... moreIf there were no conspirator colluding enablers/facilitators there would be no need for WHISTLEBLOWERS.Nifty scheme/racket ain't it?The homo sap version of BUSY BOX. Lots of dials to twist and turn and buttons to push and handles to jerk all to make us feel as if our existence matters. Baby infant toddler busy box all grown up wearing big boy pants.It is absurd. It is ridiculous. The hallmark of the homo sap.We think we're such hot stuff. Imagine that?
He spoke to peaceful protesters about the presence of der speigleman's THUGS.A heinous crime these. Worthy of far more than teargassing. Worthy life in prison in some dark hole in ... moreHe spoke to peaceful protesters about the presence of der speigleman's THUGS.A heinous crime these. Worthy of far more than teargassing. Worthy life in prison in some dark hole in solitary confinement living on bread and water until death in some Russian Gulan. The putin and der speigleman have this reciproticity deal. The putin hacks our everythings and der speigleman banishes American citizens who don't kiss his fat a** to a Russian gulag. Seems fair don't it though?