Y'all gonna stoke the vote again right? Pull out all the stops and make sure your boy "wins" again?There are millions of you out there. Billions worldwide filled with pride at how ... moreY'all gonna stoke the vote again right? Pull out all the stops and make sure your boy "wins" again?There are millions of you out there. Billions worldwide filled with pride at how great the hate to allow a RACIST to state what he is and expect to win! Whatta guy! No lie!
Their experiences seeking asylum in America and being greeted by border patrol SOB's who locked them up in kennels and cages, made fun of them, deprived them of basic necessities. ... moreTheir experiences seeking asylum in America and being greeted by border patrol SOB's who locked them up in kennels and cages, made fun of them, deprived them of basic necessities. I wonder if God will think kindly of those who ORDERED that treatment, those who EXECUTED that treatment plus all of those who SUPPORTED it? Suffer the little children. Well we the American people did our part to cause them to suffer. Aren't y'all proud of yourselves? Be sure you will be suitably rewarded for your actions, lack of action, aa well as your words and thoughts. Nothing escapes Him. His eye is on the sparrow remember? less
I think the point is that the end never justifies the means if the means does harm to anyone. Whatever is gained by that is worthless . It may be a temporal short-term "gain" but i... moreI think the point is that the end never justifies the means if the means does harm to anyone. Whatever is gained by that is worthless . It may be a temporal short-term "gain" but in the end? Do the greedy and cruel swap stories about their methods of achieving success? Do they vie for bragging rights? What do they talk about? Truth, justice, kindness, fair play? Or are such things anathema to them and they concentrate on how they got what they got and how to get more of it no matter what it takes?I expect if you don't have the capacity to think about such abstract concepts you can't be faulted for your limitations. Right? They don't CHOOSE to be they just ARE.It's a struggle to figger that one out. People are responsible for their words/deeds. They are accountable. But if it is all they are capable of doing and they have no choice can they be blamed/faulted for being what they are? As I said it's a struggle for me to figger it out. You too? What's your conclusion? less
Why doesn't GOOD win every battle?For you brainier folks who can figure out such things. I can't. It beats me. I cannot imagine any reason that makes sense to me.
Perhaps dungeons for those who aren't. No one alive has any knowledge of it so we just sit and wait and opine.I think many very wicked people believe what they do is God's will and... morePerhaps dungeons for those who aren't. No one alive has any knowledge of it so we just sit and wait and opine.I think many very wicked people believe what they do is God's will and He will welcome them to their etermal spot in Heaven for eternity. I believe there are millions of them...billions perhaps worldwide.I wonder if God has checklist of what He will and will not tolerate in His Heavenly Space?Maybe it will be posted outside the Pearly Gates so that those who do not qualify can just turn around and go back to another place.The top first disqualifier? HARMING OTHERS BY WORDS AND DEED PURPOSEFULLY. How many will be able to say they never did?Sometimes you harm inadvertently due to ignorance or stupidity but it was not your intent. I think God would know and allow such homo saps as those to live forever with Him in Heaven but give them a different section to live in apart from those WHO NEVER HARMED OTHERS BY WORD OR DEED. less
He plans to raise $1 BILLION for his 2020 campaign. He will do it and probably exceed it. He is the golden goose whose eggs go to the richest. They do not want him gone so they wil... moreHe plans to raise $1 BILLION for his 2020 campaign. He will do it and probably exceed it. He is the golden goose whose eggs go to the richest. They do not want him gone so they will absolutely give the bucks it will take to buy what results are needed to get the job done.Billionaires always get what they want. OR ELSE.
There are a bazillion patriotic-sounding organizations. Americans for Job Security. AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY. It is a network of non-profit groups whose Agenda is to rig elec... moreThere are a bazillion patriotic-sounding organizations. Americans for Job Security. AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY. It is a network of non-profit groups whose Agenda is to rig elections, stack the deck and make sure they pack the courts and judicial benches with Conservatives and Libertarians.The single most awfullest thing The Supremes ever done did to do us in was to allow the Citizen's United to become law. That's where they said money is like free speech and you ought to be able to spend as much of it as it you want to get what you want. That's how PAC's were formed and how billions of dollars are spent without limit to get your guy elected. All it takes is money honey and folks who don't give a sh** about fair play and you're off and running. Usually the guy who spends the most MONEY wins the election. DUH! And unlimited spending means all the dark money billionaires are really running the country. Money talks. Money controls. Money insures. Money is all. And this is what so many people love most about poli... less
Does believing in God assure your place in what comes after the End of Times?Are you pure of heart and kind and honest and love mankind or are you hateful and cruel and merciless a... moreDoes believing in God assure your place in what comes after the End of Times?Are you pure of heart and kind and honest and love mankind or are you hateful and cruel and merciless and lie and cheat and steal to "win"?Why should God save the likes of you? What have you done to deserve being "saved'?
These citizens aren't just anybody. They are your experienced educated DEDICATED PATRIOTIC INTELLIGENCE AGENTS whose job it is to protect the country. You ignore that and go ... moreThese citizens aren't just anybody. They are your experienced educated DEDICATED PATRIOTIC INTELLIGENCE AGENTS whose job it is to protect the country. You ignore that and go with the sexy barechested guy on a horseback foreigner. Because well you have the hots for him? What else could it be?
The minute he loses in 2020 he will be indicted for crimes. He KNOWS that. Do you really think he is brave enough to face that? He wouldn't last a day in prison. He'd be someone sw... moreThe minute he loses in 2020 he will be indicted for crimes. He KNOWS that. Do you really think he is brave enough to face that? He wouldn't last a day in prison. He'd be someone sweetheart immediately. Of course it may be his cuppa tea. I dunno. I think he'll get the he** outta Dodge before doomsday. What do YOU think?
VERMINNoxious objectionable or disgusting animals especially those of small size that appear commonly and are difficult to control as lice, bedbugs, flies, cockroaches mice and rat... moreVERMINNoxious objectionable or disgusting animals especially those of small size that appear commonly and are difficult to control as lice, bedbugs, flies, cockroaches mice and rats.An OBJECTONABLE or OBNOXIOUS person.
I put "heart" in quotes because he doesn't have one but I didn't know what else to write. His head set on one? Yeah. His head wants only obsequious toady sycophants. That works.
How fast could they adjust to being what they used to hate? What would those who could not adjust do? Commit suicide? How fast can a brain accept being exactly what it despis... moreHow fast could they adjust to being what they used to hate? What would those who could not adjust do? Commit suicide? How fast can a brain accept being exactly what it despised the day before? Would they go crazy with grief? I wonder wonder wonder who wrote the book of love?
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Lie down with dogs and you are gonna get fleas. What strange bedfellows. When you make your own bed you gotta lie in it. Birds o... moreWhat's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Lie down with dogs and you are gonna get fleas. What strange bedfellows. When you make your own bed you gotta lie in it. Birds of a feather sound alike. You are known by the company you keep. When in Rome do as the Romans do. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. If it looks like a duck walks like duck sounds like a duck it IS A DUCK. That I can tell you. Everyone says so.