This morning I noticed that one of my AM friends account disappeared . My guess is she left because her comments about someone's grammar Nitpicking were d... moreThis morning I noticed that one of my AM friends account disappeared . My guess is she left because her comments about someone's grammar Nitpicking were deleted. Some of my comments were deleted too ( the ones that are sung to the tune of the Mighty Mouse theme song) and I was told it was because it went against the sites posting with respect rule. The person I am talking about has replied to a hundred or so of my posts and all but one of them was to Nitpick at the grammar mistakes - that might not be against the sites rules but it certainly isn't sociable. Anyway I hope that person comes back. Cheers! less
All asylum seekers and immigrants held in border concentration camps or tent cities or kennels and cages are of course SUBHUMAN. Therefore they are treated as so much t... more All asylum seekers and immigrants held in border concentration camps or tent cities or kennels and cages are of course SUBHUMAN. Therefore they are treated as so much trash. Detritus. Droppings. Those in charge are free and clear. How convenient for them.
No soap no showers no clean clothes no toothbrushes no changing diapers so babies stay in their feces-filled buttwear? These are not humans so there can be no crime against humanit... moreNo soap no showers no clean clothes no toothbrushes no changing diapers so babies stay in their feces-filled buttwear? These are not humans so there can be no crime against humanity. That's the playbook isn't it?
The sh** hits the fan and all he** breaks loose. Why is that one-way street okay with them for the trump but reciprocity requires attempted annihilation? They don't bel... moreThe sh** hits the fan and all he** breaks loose. Why is that one-way street okay with them for the trump but reciprocity requires attempted annihilation? They don't believe in tit for tat or this for that? What is wrong with them?
"Better to have vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one"You'll never guess at whom this was directed. The implied vermin is......?If ya read the crazymanpantsonfirecrackp... more"Better to have vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one"You'll never guess at whom this was directed. The implied vermin is......?If ya read the crazymanpantsonfirecrackpotwackadoodle idiot tweet about Elijah Cummings and Baltimore well the tweeter is the particular vermin. But I know you knew that. Y'all are so doggone dagnabbit unbelievably SMART! I don't know how the he** y'all do it!
Can the trump cabal et al attack anyone anytime for any reason or no reason and it once again get away with it?<Is there anyone the trump cabal et al could target and destroy th... moreCan the trump cabal et al attack anyone anytime for any reason or no reason and it once again get away with it?<Is there anyone the trump cabal et al could target and destroy that would cause anyone of his current a adoring supporters to say anything about it? Go for broke! Skies the limit. Attack nuns? Destroy children? Mow down priests? Is anyone safe or if not then aren't we all at risk for being a target?How many folks did the trump cabal et al used to LOVE which he turned on and mowed down? Does that give you any pause for thought or ARE YOU SPECIAL? Are you so special the trump cabal et al would never turn on you and take you out? Keep thinking that. When it happens to YOU don't say I didn't warn you. less
His latest target is Elijah Cummings. He is so excited when he gets fresh meat. Like he is on super steroids. Makes him be da big man wit da big great hate. Anything to pump him up... moreHis latest target is Elijah Cummings. He is so excited when he gets fresh meat. Like he is on super steroids. Makes him be da big man wit da big great hate. Anything to pump him up right? Makes him feel BIG and MANLY and VIRILE and oh so strong! Whatever it takes.
The trump cabal et al was identified as a cancer that is metastasizing rapidly LONG AGO. Some want it CUT OUT NOW. Others don't care and are willing to live with it. Still others w... moreThe trump cabal et al was identified as a cancer that is metastasizing rapidly LONG AGO. Some want it CUT OUT NOW. Others don't care and are willing to live with it. Still others who are oddly queer and peculiar even LIKE having it and try to protect defend it. How reasonable is it to nurture a cancer so that it will survive until you die? What's up with THAT?Why is that?
Do you wait for a consensus before you open your yaptrap to make sure you won't be in the minority?What the he** good is that? I dunno. It's getting so weird out there. Nancy Pelos... moreDo you wait for a consensus before you open your yaptrap to make sure you won't be in the minority?What the he** good is that? I dunno. It's getting so weird out there. Nancy Pelosi insisting on having the Senate educated enough to entertain a bill about Article of Impeachment. With Moscow Mitch in charge that will never happen. So she sits on her hands and demands others obey her view? Sheesh. What a wuss.
Why else would they lie, trash their reputations, insult attack deny 24/7?Once you've given up everything of value for winning there is nothing left to care about or work for or fi... moreWhy else would they lie, trash their reputations, insult attack deny 24/7?Once you've given up everything of value for winning there is nothing left to care about or work for or find meaningful.So when winners have abandoned everything of value to win aren't they really losers?
Now ya got billybarr the FAKE AG who is worthless and Moscow Mitch who admits that legislation to insure fair elections would benefit Democrats. That's just the tip of the ic... more Now ya got billybarr the FAKE AG who is worthless and Moscow Mitch who admits that legislation to insure fair elections would benefit Democrats. That's just the tip of the iceberg. All the creepy peeps who LIED UNDER OATH and were caught are toast. Everyone who supports the trump cabal et al can only ever work for like-minded peeps. No one else wants any part of them. They are not trustworthy. Proven liars.So here are the questions. Why did reputations fall so low that people are trampling on them joyfully gleefully? How did they reach such a low estate? Did they die when lies replaced truth and the trump cabal et al promulgated them as being a good thing? It is a very curious state of affairs. One that is being played out right now and will be for some unknown amount of time. Is it the money? It certainly isn't the honor of being part of the trump cabal et al. What exactly happened to cause these peeps to trash their reputations with such ease? less
The stacked deck rigged 2016 election was all for getting the trump elected.Moscow Mitch refuses to allow any legislation that will protect and insure the sanctity of our elecitons... moreThe stacked deck rigged 2016 election was all for getting the trump elected.Moscow Mitch refuses to allow any legislation that will protect and insure the sanctity of our elecitons because as he has said it will benefit the Dems and the trumpican toady sycophants will die before they allow anything that would do that.A FAIR ELECTION benefits Dems? So obviously the converse is true. An unfair election doesn't benefit the Dems. By all means Moscow Mitch make sure they never get a chance at having that. Life as we know will end!Truth in politics! Didja ever think it would happen? Moscow Mitch is so stupid dumb he does not realize his "reasoning" for his blockage shows what a lousy evil traitorous creep he is. less