The Rat sez he thought Russia was actually helping Hillary Clinton!Yep he did. No wonder the trump cabal et al LOVE him.So another dumbhead idiot head of something we sorely lack i... moreThe Rat sez he thought Russia was actually helping Hillary Clinton!Yep he did. No wonder the trump cabal et al LOVE him.So another dumbhead idiot head of something we sorely lack in gubment! INTELLIGENCE.It would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.I can just see it now. All our intelligence agency employees will be tracking Democrats. They are the real threat correct? Forget hostile foreign powers They are our pals and would never harm us. It's dem Dems you gotta watch out for. SIGH.I know y'all totally agree with that don'tcha? No worries about Iran or China or Russia or North Korea or anyone. It's dem Dems dem Dems dem darn Dems dem Dems dem Dems dem darn Dems dem Dems dem Dems dem darn Dems now hear the words of the Lord! less
The trump cabal et al are very conversant with all that is SH**HOLE. They live there 24/7 so they know better than anyone what SH**HOLE is. They are enveloped by it and immersed in... moreThe trump cabal et al are very conversant with all that is SH**HOLE. They live there 24/7 so they know better than anyone what SH**HOLE is. They are enveloped by it and immersed in it and reek of it. Lucky us.
Are you kidding me? Allow Democrats to vote? No way Jose. The trump cabal et al are currently making sure that by gerrymandering and other ways they will always have the majority a... moreAre you kidding me? Allow Democrats to vote? No way Jose. The trump cabal et al are currently making sure that by gerrymandering and other ways they will always have the majority at every level and only Republicans will win an election. So trump wins what he wants. Since all Republicans who want to stay alive and survive will have to be toady sycophants they will all roll over on his command or jump through hoops and look the other way and support the trump no matter what. His goal is to achieve total obedience from everyone. You wouldn't want to get in his way now would you? less
With his stacked-deck Supremes and his fakeAGbillybarr he will get away with anything he wants and he wants to get with lots of stuff. Soon at a theater hear you. We'll see what ha... moreWith his stacked-deck Supremes and his fakeAGbillybarr he will get away with anything he wants and he wants to get with lots of stuff. Soon at a theater hear you. We'll see what happens. in a certain period of time. That I can tell you. Everyone says so! :)
Is that WHY HE allowed a trump to take charge? If GOD were alive wouldn't the world be different than it is today? No FASCIST RACIST EVILDOERS would exist but they do exist and are... moreIs that WHY HE allowed a trump to take charge? If GOD were alive wouldn't the world be different than it is today? No FASCIST RACIST EVILDOERS would exist but they do exist and are proliferating are multiplying and getting stronger every day. How is that possible in a world where GOD exists? Anyone?All the evil the trump perpetrates promulgates perpetuates is legend and legion and his cruelty is increasing as is his daring and doing. How can GOD still exist and let this man continue on? What is going on? less
The more hate the trump prtomulgates the more blood he draws the more faith decreases that deliverance from evil will be possible.He is the devil incarnate. The devil could not hav... moreThe more hate the trump prtomulgates the more blood he draws the more faith decreases that deliverance from evil will be possible.He is the devil incarnate. The devil could not have ordered a better "second banana" than that little devil who rigged and election to be installed as prez.The shocking thing is that he has millions upon millions of devil worshippers who cleave unto him, love him, worship him, defend him, protect him and always will. The devil works in mysterious way just as does GOD.If the trump/EVIL wins GOD and GOOD loses . What then? less
A white naionalist fascist racist who attacks insults lies about people of color who are far superior to him in every way.His JEALOUSY of them is astonishingly consistent.&nb... more A white naionalist fascist racist who attacks insults lies about people of color who are far superior to him in every way.His JEALOUSY of them is astonishingly consistent. He "birthered" President Barack Obama. He and his KKK rcist daddy fred got caught refusing to rent/sell to people of color. He hated on the 5 young black men who were found innocent of raping a white woman and took a out a full-page ad advocating their dedaths. He still to this day insists they were guilty.His vile racist language is consistently pedestrian childish and low IQ. He panders to the worst of the worst because he represents them.If he weren't so low IQ he's proudly release his grades. If he weren't such a lying CROOK he'd release his tax returns. The fact is he is so bad in every area by any measure he is horrified at the thought of being completely exposed. His peeps will love him anyway. He is the devil incarnate for sure and they still go to church and pray for him to God. Can you imagine praying to God to prot... less
That's why I don't see the need of a middleman to talk to God on my behalf. The clergy is necessary. For marriages and christenings and comforting during times of sorrow. But confe... moreThat's why I don't see the need of a middleman to talk to God on my behalf. The clergy is necessary. For marriages and christenings and comforting during times of sorrow. But confession? Seriously? Not my cuppa tea.
Inferior folks always try to pull superior folks down to their level. Always. When fear and envy is the driver there is nothing such inferior folks are incapable of doing. Nothing.... moreInferior folks always try to pull superior folks down to their level. Always. When fear and envy is the driver there is nothing such inferior folks are incapable of doing. Nothing.They are vermin. They are the subhuman ones. Are they multiplying so fast they will take over the world. Why are so many of them ALREADY in places of power? Putin, Kim, the trump cabal et al, the Saudi Crown Prince, Duterte, Erdogan and all the FASCIST RACISTS monsters that seem to be in charge?It is the worst disease we've encountered so far. Are we doomed? less
Or just the United States of America version? The sappier ones become Zombies first but it must be contagious because how does it flow and go from one to the other? A communicable ... moreOr just the United States of America version? The sappier ones become Zombies first but it must be contagious because how does it flow and go from one to the other? A communicable DISEASE. A country FAMOUS for the Walking Dead. All Zombies. Lovely future ahead for those who survive the now. Happy United States of America. Led by the CHIEF ZOMBIE and the cabal et al it will be in a theater near you very soon. That I can tell you. Everyone says so! :)
He defends all WACKERS. He is pro WHACKING to silence those who disagree, In any way possible by any means possible. He ADMIRES WACKERS WHO WHACK a lot. That's why he is such a dev... moreHe defends all WACKERS. He is pro WHACKING to silence those who disagree, In any way possible by any means possible. He ADMIRES WACKERS WHO WHACK a lot. That's why he is such a devotee acolyte of the Putin the Kim the Saudi Crown Prince and all other tough guy BUTCHERS worldwide. He congratulates the thugs all the time.He is jubilating right now I bet about what happened in Gilroy and will give a very big speech about the first amendment and the right to arm bears. He will be all serious like and emphasize how guns and TRUE AMERICANS belong together forever and those who wants to put them asunder are scoundrels and unpatriotic and unAmerican. Whatta guy. Always defending the perp. That I can tell you. EVERYONE SAYS SO! less
It should be illegal to let crazy wackadoodles own them or thugs or terrorists. But the NRA sez anyone who wnats a gun has a Constitutional RIGHT to have a gun. The more the merrie... moreIt should be illegal to let crazy wackadoodles own them or thugs or terrorists. But the NRA sez anyone who wnats a gun has a Constitutional RIGHT to have a gun. The more the merriers.I mean just think of what our country would be without all these nutjobs with guns who like to show others who's boss? We would not have the distinction of being the most gun-crazy country in the world. Wouldja really wanna give up that distinction?We would be in the news every day for another gun-related slaughter/massacre. Who could stand THAT? less
Three dead, 15 injured. Location was the annual GARLIC FESTIVAL in GILROY, California.What was the bit**? The SOB murderer didn't like garlic? I dunno but chalk one up for consiste... moreThree dead, 15 injured. Location was the annual GARLIC FESTIVAL in GILROY, California.What was the bit**? The SOB murderer didn't like garlic? I dunno but chalk one up for consistency. The United States of America is the gun capitl of the world. Gilroy is the garlic capital of the world. The two were destined to meet sooner or later.Y'all do not have to rush out and buy more guns. The trump cabal et al ain't gonna take yer guns away. They will attack anyone at any time for any reason who tries to legislate your right to have guns. Anyone can have one. No background checks. Any blithering idiot or thug or criminal or wackadoodle is ENTITLED to have a gun because the Constitution says so and by GAWD we follow it to the letter. Sleep well my pretties. Your guns are safe. less
The two-syllable word is a lightweight and the five-syllable word is the heavyweight?So if say something is GREAT is it greater when you refer to it as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
Doesn't love develop over time as you get to know someone? First glance love seems impossible to me but did it ever happen to thee? How long did it last?