His "The Devil's Dictionary" is included among the 100 greatest pieces of literature. By whom I don't know.He said the followingWar is God's way of teaching Americans geograp... moreHis "The Devil's Dictionary" is included among the 100 greatest pieces of literature. By whom I don't know.He said the followingWar is God's way of teaching Americans geography.Love. A temporary insanity curable by marriage.Sweater. A garment worn by a child when the mother feels chillyNitty gritty witty. :)
Mine was Night Shift by Steven King.Night Shift is the first collection of short stories by Stephen King, first published in 1978. In 1980, Night Shift received the Balrog Award fo... moreMine was Night Shift by Steven King.Night Shift is the first collection of short stories by Stephen King, first published in 1978. In 1980, Night Shift received the Balrog Award for Best Collection, and in 1979 it was nominated as best collection for the Locus Award and the World Fantasy Award. Many of King's most famous short stories were included in this collection.
"This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day. Thou canst not be false to any man". From Hamlet. So all the liars out there are not being true... more"This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day. Thou canst not be false to any man". From Hamlet. So all the liars out there are not being true to themselves and therefore not true to anyone else either. I suppose it is one way of living a life. It is certainly a way some choose. What do they gain and what do they lose?
T'was written between 1776-1783 during the American Revolution. A series of 16 pamphlets. It also speaks of a "summer soldier" and "sunshine patriot". The more things change the mo... moreT'was written between 1776-1783 during the American Revolution. A series of 16 pamphlets. It also speaks of a "summer soldier" and "sunshine patriot". The more things change the more they stay the same. Yes. I guess.
Yesterday was National Book Lovers Day, so my mind has been on books. I love to read. Here is my book's first sentence: "The imposter borrowed the name of Neville Manchin, an actua... moreYesterday was National Book Lovers Day, so my mind has been on books. I love to read. Here is my book's first sentence: "The imposter borrowed the name of Neville Manchin, an actual professor of American literature at Portland State and soon-to-be doctoral student at Stanford." It is a book about a rare-book heist. Name: "Camino Island", by John Grisham. The first sentence is an important part of writing books.
Mostly people buy TELL ALLS about people they despise/dislike to get at all the dirt. A TELL ALL needn't be based on 100% truth. It can include make believe, alternative fact... moreMostly people buy TELL ALLS about people they despise/dislike to get at all the dirt. A TELL ALL needn't be based on 100% truth. It can include make believe, alternative facts, lies alongside truthy things. Was anyone ever jailed for writing a TELL ALL book? Or fined? Or damaged? Don't TELL ALL authors usually make tons of money and show up on TV interview shows? Betcha "what I know about Trump" writers are already at it and I betcha folks in the Trump administration, all the leakers especially, are already collecting notes and photos to use when the time is right. Being a celebrity can be He**. Being Trump? Biglier He **! He is a rather large target after all. :( less
It tracks Social Catastrophes from 3000 B.C. to AD 3000. The same symptoms that occur before the collapse of a society are listed below. We are in the throes of one. All hand... moreIt tracks Social Catastrophes from 3000 B.C. to AD 3000. The same symptoms that occur before the collapse of a society are listed below. We are in the throes of one. All hands on deck. We're going down! :(Symptoms Before Each Collapse of a societyIgnoranceSuperstitionReligious FundamentalismXenopobiaIntoleranceRejection of ScienceRight-wing populism is fueled by lies/alternative facts told via Facebook,Twitter and slanted Blogs. People read them, believe them and pass them on without checking them out. That is how many get their "news". They do not read newspapers or magazines or articles or books. They just go right to their internet fix and let others tell them what to think/believe as currently acceptable "truthiness" which is being manufactured and they embrace it and repeat it and forward it and and and and and. Prez lives on Twitter and often forwards things that align with his views that are pure bullsh** lies. He doesn't care. Neither do those who follow him and forward him to others ju... less
I inform all zealous Muslims of the world that the author of the book entitled The Satanic Verses — which has been compiled, printed and published in opposition to Islam, the... moreI inform all zealous Muslims of the world that the author of the book entitled The Satanic Verses — which has been compiled, printed and published in opposition to Islam, the Prophet, and the Qur'an — and all those involved in its publication who were aware of its content, are sentenced to death. I call on all zealous Muslims to execute them quickly, wherever they may be found, so that no one else will dare to insult the Muslim sanctities. God Willing, whoever is killed on this path is a martyr.- Ruhollah Khomeini Because of this several people were maimed and killed (those involved in translation and publication of The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. A fiction novel. less
Stream of Consciousness writing style"A narrative mode or method that attempts to depict the multitudinous thoughts/feelings which pass through the mind"Among authors w... moreStream of Consciousness writing style"A narrative mode or method that attempts to depict the multitudinous thoughts/feelings which pass through the mind"Among authors who employed the style were Marcel Proust, James Joyce , Virginia Woolf.