Now that she's changed her name to JJJane, she's a completely different person, so I'm free and clear! Isn't it grand that we can finally put all this nonsense behind us and ... moreNow that she's changed her name to JJJane, she's a completely different person, so I'm free and clear! Isn't it grand that we can finally put all this nonsense behind us and be together?
Here in canada, its not the same... People can hardly own pistols. THe easiest gun a citizen can own are a hunting shotgun/rifle. But its gotta be for hunting purposes only.
I know, I know, odd place to ask for this sort of information, but there's a lot of people on here and I figure someone's got to have some knowledge or know what resources to point... moreI know, I know, odd place to ask for this sort of information, but there's a lot of people on here and I figure someone's got to have some knowledge or know what resources to point to.I'm currently employed at a restaurant that has a bar, but despite the claims that it's a "family establishment" it's mostly filled with drunk 30-40 year old men at any given time. A co worker and I frequently receive entirely inappropriate comments from customers. Some are frequent flyers at the restaurant (specifically the bar) and it's a thing that occurs every time they show up. We have both complained numerous times to the owner about it, yet she claims she can't do anything unless they physically do something to us. Are there laws or anything that state a business owner has to take action against sexual harassment, or are they allowed to just shrug it off? Not that I'm planning on suing or anything... I feel like this woman is just naive and might be more responsive if there are statutes stating that she can (and should) inde... less