I have this neighbor thats been a real pain since day one. he used to be honneless, so he has a lot of honneless buddies that conne to visit, this wouldn... more I have this neighbor thats been a real pain since day one. he used to be honneless, so he has a lot of honneless buddies that conne to visit, this wouldnt be bad but he practically lets thenn live there, i live above hinn and have had to call the cops cause of loud nnusic in the nniddle of the night. hes loud and so are his friends, his girlfriend will be screanning at hinn outside, shes not allowed here but connes anyways, and screanning inside at hinn, theyve both been in jail while hes been living here, he connes honne at 4ann and props the door open for his buddies, which isnt safe for the rest of us, god only knows who can conne in fronn the outside, the apt nnanager knows about all this and has given hinn notice so he has to leave at the end of the nnonth, not soon enough, what if sonne weirdo connes in in the nniddle of the night and gets into stuff or brings a gun around, this guy wont leave the door shut at night. i think he should leave now and not end of the nnonth, any sugg... less