For the past couple of months our cat has been suffering from the " I got the I can't go outside and kill anything" blues. So yesterday I made her a sausage mouse. It was made from... moreFor the past couple of months our cat has been suffering from the " I got the I can't go outside and kill anything" blues. So yesterday I made her a sausage mouse. It was made from a piece of sausage with 4 pieces of short popsicle sticks for legs. Before I gave it to her I teased her with it - while saying - squeak - squeak squeak. When I gave it to her she toyed with it for awhile then flipped it over and went for the soft underbelly. Now I'm thinking of making her a bologna bird from a couple of slices of bologna and a piece of a hotdog. But when I tease her with it I won't say - squeak squeak squeak - I will say - tweet tweet tweet. Cheers! less