I haven't seemed to see evidence of anything concrete, only a load of twitter ravings and some attacks on the press... so maybe I missed something? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/... moreI haven't seemed to see evidence of anything concrete, only a load of twitter ravings and some attacks on the press... so maybe I missed something? https://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/world/trump-celebrates-hundred-days-in-white-house-by-attacking-media-z5v68kzjb
In trying to understand what it's all about I stumbled across this link which I am happy to share - please feel free to comment..http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39133677
I watched Trump read a poem at a rally he was at on saturday and although I didn't think he was very good I did notice that he seemed to enjoy it. So I'm hoping he will step down a... moreI watched Trump read a poem at a rally he was at on saturday and although I didn't think he was very good I did notice that he seemed to enjoy it. So I'm hoping he will step down and try a new career as a poet. Cheers!