Senator "IT MUST SUCK TO BE THAT DUMB" Kennedy said that about Nancy Pelosi. At the top of his lungs in public in front of an audience that clapped and cheered like he**! Why? Beca... moreSenator "IT MUST SUCK TO BE THAT DUMB" Kennedy said that about Nancy Pelosi. At the top of his lungs in public in front of an audience that clapped and cheered like he**! Why? Because he was standing right next to motormouth so he degraded himself proudly and loudly as his kissed a** and sucked up to the mouth. YUCK!Later he reiterated that he did not mean to be disrespectful. With a straight face. The guy usta to have a little class. Now he is just another big fat jacka** joining the host of others who done done what he done done. Humiliated themselves on the altar of the mouth. Go figger. less
For most of us these days under the motormouth chokehold wil never be the "good old days". It will always be the time of terror and tribulation and disgusting revelations. No fond ... moreFor most of us these days under the motormouth chokehold wil never be the "good old days". It will always be the time of terror and tribulation and disgusting revelations. No fond remembrances of things past. Don't savor today. There is nothing worth remembering either. Survival. Period.
former president was in favor of TEARING DOWN WALLS THAT SEPARATED PEOPLE.The current motormouth "acting" prez lusts after his ego wall to separate people.The Light and the D... more former president was in favor of TEARING DOWN WALLS THAT SEPARATED PEOPLE.The current motormouth "acting" prez lusts after his ego wall to separate people.The Light and the DarkThe Good and the EvilThe Kind and the CruelThe Statesman and the ClownAlmost 30 years ago we had a president like that.Today we have his opposite.We've come a long way baby back to the past retrograde reactionary.
Actually a warthog would be better than what is in the big house err white house right now.Anything is better than what is there but that may not matter. The fix is in. Whatever ca... moreActually a warthog would be better than what is in the big house err white house right now.Anything is better than what is there but that may not matter. The fix is in. Whatever can be rigged is already rigged. So a warthog or Gregory Peck or Gary Cooper or Jimmy Stewart wouldn't matter.
I'm not good at begging. Please vote for me because if you don't the "other" will win and then the world will end and all he** will break loose and it will be all YOUR fault. Crap ... moreI'm not good at begging. Please vote for me because if you don't the "other" will win and then the world will end and all he** will break loose and it will be all YOUR fault. Crap like that is what pols tell ya. Lots of time they say OR ELSE. Sheesh.Seriously threatening people is not what I do best. I could never be in sales. Never ever. If I were I'd wait for folks to come to me and tell me they want to buy what I have to sell. Period. I'd either starve or make a bundle because of my oddball approach.
His fake and phony charitable organization. Another fraud case.Everything motormouth touches dies. The title of a book almost verbatim. Everything he touches is based on lies and f... moreHis fake and phony charitable organization. Another fraud case.Everything motormouth touches dies. The title of a book almost verbatim. Everything he touches is based on lies and fraud and deceit and duplicity. Everything. Othewise he has no interest in it.He said he never settles. He ALWAYS EVENTUALLY settles. Rolls over. Pays out.
MAGA eaters despise food with color or texture. They like pasty mashed so they can gum to death before they swallow. It's called comfort food but actually it is entirely all MAGA f... moreMAGA eaters despise food with color or texture. They like pasty mashed so they can gum to death before they swallow. It's called comfort food but actually it is entirely all MAGA food/. So you can kinda tell by looking at them what kinds of food they eat. Is there any nutrtion at all in any of it? Sure. Trace elements here and there. Different strokes. The kids raised on MAGA food usually are obese and ill and have life-long medical problems. It's the price you pay to be a MAGA supporter foodwise.
Or were in the dark state minority who always cheered for the BAD GUYS?So many flipped and intend to stay flipped apparently. Can they be flipped by outside forces or will any flip... moreOr were in the dark state minority who always cheered for the BAD GUYS?So many flipped and intend to stay flipped apparently. Can they be flipped by outside forces or will any flipping have to be self-controlled self-directed self-initiated self-propagated? What are the odds of that?
So his kids and Melania are chopped liver then? They must love to hear him say that.Of course he is a bottomless pit ofdelusions of grandeurneedy seedy greedy neverending begging t... moreSo his kids and Melania are chopped liver then? They must love to hear him say that.Of course he is a bottomless pit ofdelusions of grandeurneedy seedy greedy neverending begging to be lovedneedyseedygreedyneverending lust after money the more the bettererneedyseedygreedyneverending lust after Putin's love and devotionHe is just one big empty hole that keeps growing larger and larger each day. Filling it is impossible. it grows geometrically daily and well you can only fill it arithmetically daily so you are always gonna be way behind. less
Actually I much prefer the smirk/sneer of Alec Baldwin who does a flawless much improved version of motormouth. Way lots loads better.In this case the original cast recording (mout... moreActually I much prefer the smirk/sneer of Alec Baldwin who does a flawless much improved version of motormouth. Way lots loads better.In this case the original cast recording (mouth) pales in comparison to the redo(Alec). Way lots loads. Why drink lighter fluid (mouth) when you have imported champagne(Alec of course)? Unless you are suicidal.
That is the special formula of the chief of staff the mick of mulvaney.Sure we do quid pro quo. GET OVER ITSimple. One 3-letter word. One FOUR-letter word. One 2-letter word. Doesn... moreThat is the special formula of the chief of staff the mick of mulvaney.Sure we do quid pro quo. GET OVER ITSimple. One 3-letter word. One FOUR-letter word. One 2-letter word. Doesn't strain the brain of those who don't have one which is clearly true of the mouth and his cabal et al.GET OVER IT GET OVER IT GET OVER IT. Now go with GOD kiss mouth's ring and ask for his forgiveness and move on. Nothing to see here. GET OVER IT.
The mouth wiped his feet on Sessions day after day after day and now Sessions wants to do whatever the mouth tells him to do? Any one out there that weak and frightened and despera... moreThe mouth wiped his feet on Sessions day after day after day and now Sessions wants to do whatever the mouth tells him to do? Any one out there that weak and frightened and desperate for approval? That has got to be the worst case of sucking up ever seen. Think anyone is a better suckup to the mouth?
The presidency has not corrupted the mouth. He was totally corrupt long before that. A good thing because he already knew what to do and didn't have to figger out how to screw the ... moreThe presidency has not corrupted the mouth. He was totally corrupt long before that. A good thing because he already knew what to do and didn't have to figger out how to screw the most folks at the least cost. He'd been doing it for decades and decades and decades and got away with it. How swell.
I don't care how much the obscenely wealthy cronies of the mouth contribute to his campaign. Unless they can surpass $53 billion they lose. Mike said he was spend WHATEVER IT TAKES... moreI don't care how much the obscenely wealthy cronies of the mouth contribute to his campaign. Unless they can surpass $53 billion they lose. Mike said he was spend WHATEVER IT TAKES. Bet the mouth is furious enratged outraged going berserker thinking about it. Oh right. He doesn't think. He just reacts.
HE IS THAT DUMB AND IT MUST SUCK! A southern gentleman above all who kisses the motormouth A** with no shame proving he is insane inane profane arcane. A great posterbaby for the m... moreHE IS THAT DUMB AND IT MUST SUCK! A southern gentleman above all who kisses the motormouth A** with no shame proving he is insane inane profane arcane. A great posterbaby for the mouth.Wonder what the next motormouth fat old white man a**kisser will say about THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, Nancy Pelosi, WHO IS IN LINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY! How close d'ya think the dumba** fata** jacka** Kennedy will ever get to that? Exactly! He is as close to that as he will ever get as he shamelessly disgustingly kisses the butt of the mouth! Sheesh. Two old white fat men spouting off as if what they have to say is relevant? This is the BEST the GOP got folks. It ain't getting any better than that. less
Sure looks good as a solid defense. What else is there but that? Too stupid dumb and inept and impotent to actually do anything harmful. Fly that up the flagpole and see who salute... moreSure looks good as a solid defense. What else is there but that? Too stupid dumb and inept and impotent to actually do anything harmful. Fly that up the flagpole and see who salutes. They actually think it's working? Really? So I'm wondering what happens to all the perps in jail doing time for their crimes all for the benefit of the mouth then? That is taking a dog & pony show charade a bit far don'tcha think?
Matt's character inadvertently triggered it and franticlaly tried to stop and did just in the nick of time.Motormouth is inadvertent 24/7. He never knows what is going to come out ... moreMatt's character inadvertently triggered it and franticlaly tried to stop and did just in the nick of time.Motormouth is inadvertent 24/7. He never knows what is going to come out of his mouth. So what happens if the mouth goes too far and someone takes him up on his wild threats of grandness and greatness and invincibility? What if someone CALLS HIS BLUFF? What then?I know. All paths lead to Horning's Mills. Or perhaps y'all have already built your nuclear fallout shelters just in case the wackadoodle crackpot triggers WW3? Y'all are rich enough right? less
He is an 83-year-old Canadian who has spent years burying 42 buses.It is called ARK TWO, is 10,000 square feet and is the world's largest nuclear fallout shelter. It is located in ... moreHe is an 83-year-old Canadian who has spent years burying 42 buses.It is called ARK TWO, is 10,000 square feet and is the world's largest nuclear fallout shelter. It is located in the town of Horning's Mills, north or Toronto.So I wonder how many millions will show up on his doorstep if motormouth keeps playing war games?
The mouth ordered the fake AG to hold a news conference and say that the mouth did nothing wrong vis a vis Ukraine and quid pro quo.To date the fake AG has ignored the mouth.Now ha... moreThe mouth ordered the fake AG to hold a news conference and say that the mouth did nothing wrong vis a vis Ukraine and quid pro quo.To date the fake AG has ignored the mouth.Now has the mouth even noticed? He does not forgive those who disobey him. Will the fake AG be facing dismissal or attacks? Where will the mouth find another more perfect roycohn than he has now?Tune in to find out how this goes. Place yer bets.
The Kanye kisses motormouth butt 24/7 and LOVES the guy just like y'all do so you could say his reign of 8 years would be patterend after the mouth's. What better tribute of love a... moreThe Kanye kisses motormouth butt 24/7 and LOVES the guy just like y'all do so you could say his reign of 8 years would be patterend after the mouth's. What better tribute of love and devotion can there be than following in the steps of the mouth?
It happened at a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. Why would something that can kill you be available for sale?Is Chlorox bleach that? I dunno. You go to work one day and don't come h... moreIt happened at a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. Why would something that can kill you be available for sale?Is Chlorox bleach that? I dunno. You go to work one day and don't come home because you were cleaning a restaurant?
Why the motormouth humiliated Jeff 24/7 was because Jeff recused himself as he was legally expected to do from something in which he was involved. The right thing to do. And the mo... moreWhy the motormouth humiliated Jeff 24/7 was because Jeff recused himself as he was legally expected to do from something in which he was involved. The right thing to do. And the mouth was infuriated that Jeff dared to do the right thing! No one does the right thing on the mouth's watch and lives to tell about it. NO ONE!Anyway is this Jeff's way to kiss a** and try to make amends by rolling over for the mouth and doing his bidding? It's a gamble. Would you take it if you were Jeff?
Last night some excerpts were read aloud on TV that are horrifying.This person is still there. Identity unknown. It is a warning of the danger that is heading for us. The mouth is ... moreLast night some excerpts were read aloud on TV that are horrifying.This person is still there. Identity unknown. It is a warning of the danger that is heading for us. The mouth is described as CRUEL INEPT DANGEROUS to the nation. Apparently there are others like him/her who are still there trying their best to avoid the disaster mouth creates minutely. One day they won't be able to stop him.A variety of examples of his wackaddoodle behavior is listed. His inability to grasp simple concepts. His inability to read. He likes to see things on Power Point whatever the he** that is. He likes picture books not books with you know lots of words. He gets distracted very easily. He has no interest in learning about anything. He has to be tricked into paying any attention and veers off into the woods all the time with his helpers/aides pulling him back repeatedly He is described as an uncle running around pantsless wrecking everything in his path and the folks around him running full speed after him trying to minimize the ... less
The judge in the Roger Stone trial ORDERED the jury to not watch THE GODFATHER. I am not joking.So the Stone of Roger is part of a mafia organization? Is that the why? The don of w... moreThe judge in the Roger Stone trial ORDERED the jury to not watch THE GODFATHER. I am not joking.So the Stone of Roger is part of a mafia organization? Is that the why? The don of which is guess hoo?
That everything he did was to benefit his client so the quid pro quo was all about once again you guessed it protecting mouth's a**! Getting dirt on the opponent he fears most.I du... moreThat everything he did was to benefit his client so the quid pro quo was all about once again you guessed it protecting mouth's a**! Getting dirt on the opponent he fears most.I dunno folks. These motormouth toady sycophants are all uniformly stupid. Wonder why he can't attract smart folks? Any idea why?