We KNOW one of the signs of DEMENTIA is repeating words phrases sentences over and over and over and over and over and over. That is a hallmark of Dementia Don. You know what those... moreWe KNOW one of the signs of DEMENTIA is repeating words phrases sentences over and over and over and over and over and over. That is a hallmark of Dementia Don. You know what those words are as well as I do.He is demented. That is quite clear. He cannot be what he isn't. All he can be is what he is. He has no control over anything. Not what he sees or what he does or whom he harms or what he "thinks". Demented people are not like thee and me. So forthwith and forsooth he shall be foreverly Dementia Don. Ronald Reagan had a lot more class. Dementia Don is not his equal by any measure. Still Dementia Don cannot help himself or control himself at all. He does not learn from his mistakes nor take any guidance or information or help from anyone. Too bad he has the power to destroy us all. He does not know what he is doing. Sound familiar? "Forgive them FATHER for they know not what they do". We can extend forgiveness until he blows us up. Which will be at any time he screws up so bigly there will be no going back fro... less
You think he lied again about what he recalled or did he decide he had better TELL THE TRUTH because all the other testimonies agreed but his and he was facing contempt of congress... moreYou think he lied again about what he recalled or did he decide he had better TELL THE TRUTH because all the other testimonies agreed but his and he was facing contempt of congress for lying under oath.What would you do if that were you? Hold on to your original FALSE TESTIMONY that was refuted by others or "suddenly recall with extreme clarity" what really happened because you decided you had better TELL THE TRUTH OR ELSE? I don't get why anyone would not believe a restatement of a testimony to Congress UNDER OATH. What on earth would be the point of lying to congress UNDER OATH TWICE? less
LOT of work has to be done, but just for example, i did A LOT within a few days of work only .We can create our profile, post questions, upload a profile pic , etcTheres so less of... moreLOT of work has to be done, but just for example, i did A LOT within a few days of work only .We can create our profile, post questions, upload a profile pic , etcTheres so less of them website online and if one day it can work maybe it will attract people !( this isnt to steal answermug population tho lol )
Well the mouth invited an opponent of Jeff's to sit with him at some sporting event somewhere where the crowd went wild with applause becuz the mouth was there. Clue number o... moreWell the mouth invited an opponent of Jeff's to sit with him at some sporting event somewhere where the crowd went wild with applause becuz the mouth was there. Clue number one.Meanwhile have any of ya heart a Jeff campaign ad? He is sucking up so bigly to mouth. He wants get back in the mouth's good graces. Just what mouth is waiting for. This time he stomp on Jeff and throw what's left of him in the gutter. Poor Jeff. Once the mouth hates you he will never stop till he destroys you. His biggest fury? He can't touch President Obama. He will die trying. He has never been so jealous of anyone in his entire life and he is jealous of everyone he met his entire life. That's how inept and personless he is. He got no game no spunk no self-assured junk in the trunk...so to speak. less
He'd be way better off golfing at Mar A Lago with his belly hanging over his shirt and stopping for photo ops.Why isn't he there and not where he is? No one said to him that it wou... moreHe'd be way better off golfing at Mar A Lago with his belly hanging over his shirt and stopping for photo ops.Why isn't he there and not where he is? No one said to him that it would very inappropriate for DRAFT DOGER times 5 to show up and have the nerve to speechify to our vets. NO ONE? NO ONE AT ALL? What gall.
They are the bridge builders. The ones who tried to find consensus. Those days are over under the reign of the mouth and none of them want to roll over for him at all any longer. T... moreThey are the bridge builders. The ones who tried to find consensus. Those days are over under the reign of the mouth and none of them want to roll over for him at all any longer. The only ones left are the toady sycophants who bark and attack on cue. Boringly. Scripted. Robotic. Automatic. Incessant. They are desperate to keep the mouth around so they will get a paycheck. Without him but be attack dogs? See what happened to Devin Nunes? They are all jokes punchlines one-trick ponies. So they will stick and stay and pray and lie and deny and attack and insult. less
Any speech he gives will be all about him and how much he has done for you and how little President Obama did for anyone. Etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera.Any of you ac... moreAny speech he gives will be all about him and how much he has done for you and how little President Obama did for anyone. Etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera.Any of you actually respect the mouth? Why? For what?
All the noise blather palaver bullsh** crap is doing nothing but shining a light on how guilty he is how much he has to hide and how TERRIFIED he is.Don't believe a word said other... moreAll the noise blather palaver bullsh** crap is doing nothing but shining a light on how guilty he is how much he has to hide and how TERRIFIED he is.Don't believe a word said otherwise elsewise sidewise countersidewise. IT IS LOGICAL to want the truth to come out is it not if you are INNOCENT of all charges?. It is equally logical to be desperate to HIDE the truth if the truth won't set you free but will imprison you for life is it not?Thus therefore to whit all the crackpot wackadoodle peeps are fighting so hard to deny that the truth be allowed to come out by attacking lying about and undermining anyone who dares to Testify UNDER OATH.There is no other possible scenario that any LOGICAL NORMAL HONEST person will support. Hear the noise? Listen to the chaos? More bullsh** via the terrified who have no clue what they will do if the mouth is booted from office and bounced and drop-kicked to face charges for high crimes and misdemeanors. So they embarrass themselves and demean themselves and denigrate themse... less
No. I did not misspeak. I meant you can throw rocks, for example, and it will work like a bullet if you throw it hard enough and use enough of your hatred and resentmen... moreNo. I did not misspeak. I meant you can throw rocks, for example, and it will work like a bullet if you throw it hard enough and use enough of your hatred and resentment erased in one moment in front of your eyes. I understand. That is how AMERICA felt when Trump stole the last election. But we have had it and we are taking back our COUNTRY. And it is FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. Not the ONE PERCENT. Not the RACISTS nor the EVANGELICAL ZEALOTS. FOR ALL OF US. You deluded as well as WE AWARE people. We love the browns, gays and different and alike as well. We need all of us. We need to learn compassion and compromise and not fear that your brother is stealing what is yours as a right and not theirs at all. Slavery is dead. And allowing THIS PIG to reign is indentured and voluntary slavery. PLEASE LET GO AND LET GOD. less
No one says that Gordie's buying the Ambassadorship by donating to a campaign is illegal? How can this be legal? The guy bought a government-placed position? WHAT????
Should he contribute again to the next re-election campaign and see what that will buy him?Is he really that stupid that he will repeat performance himself?
Nikki Haley is ratting out Rex Tillerson and John Kelly. She sez they tried to get her to undermine the prez. Whatta great gal! I wonder if she told the president that at the time ... moreNikki Haley is ratting out Rex Tillerson and John Kelly. She sez they tried to get her to undermine the prez. Whatta great gal! I wonder if she told the president that at the time and why she didn't make that PUBLIC instead of waiting to write a book and let us know what a splendid mouth supporter she was is will be wants to be foreverly? Who is gonna buy that rot she wrote? The bottom line.. she is the heroine. See now you don't have to read the dam* thing and you saved big bucks ta boot. You're welcome. Sheesh! :( less
There are no honorable REPUBLICANS left who still call themselves Republicans today. They fled what is now a trash heap which is what the mouth has done to their once-honorable GOP... moreThere are no honorable REPUBLICANS left who still call themselves Republicans today. They fled what is now a trash heap which is what the mouth has done to their once-honorable GOP. What's left are the dregs that have nowhere to go so they stay and rant and rave and tantrum and hissyfit and lie and attack and deny for the mouth.A portrait in black. A wreath for the dead.
I don't gotta tell ya who is the poison here m'dear. YOU KNOW>But I just wonder if you eat poison can you thrive on it as you pollute your body with substances that would kill n... moreI don't gotta tell ya who is the poison here m'dear. YOU KNOW>But I just wonder if you eat poison can you thrive on it as you pollute your body with substances that would kill normal people that strengthen the abnormals? Can anyone develop a tolerance for poison and not only survive but will take to the skies and soar and fly and THRIVE? Oh my! :(
The mouth might bounce pounce and replay him with whom? A dame would be a swell touch. She is smarter than the mouth of course. She showed that as the US rep to the UN. But she wil... moreThe mouth might bounce pounce and replay him with whom? A dame would be a swell touch. She is smarter than the mouth of course. She showed that as the US rep to the UN. But she will temper it an dumb down to the mouth won't feel overshadowed by her. Does he dare do it? Tune in next year.
Y'all have HEALTHY 401K's STOCK PORTFOLIOS making money hand over fist excellent jobs making more money then you ever imagined you would and you are getting richer every day in eve... moreY'all have HEALTHY 401K's STOCK PORTFOLIOS making money hand over fist excellent jobs making more money then you ever imagined you would and you are getting richer every day in every way thanks to the mouth! All coal jobs are back all steel jobs are back all backs are back just like the mouth PROMISED. AND all the judges being confirmed are your cuppa tea. Extreme right-wing Conservative white nationalists on bench after bench to insure that all decisions will be made the WHITE NATIONALIST way without any deviation or agitation or palpitation or consideration or humiliation or consternation or incantation or duplication or animation. Depend on it. Moscow mitch is working his a** off to a nubbin to provide you with that. That's all he does. Confirm WHITE NATIONALIST judges. Full-time job.So who could ask for anything more beyond MORE OF THE SAME?Ya gotchure wishes. Beyond your wildest dreams. What comes next? Beats the he** outta me. I never imagined what y'all have now so what's the point of imagining futurely? ... less
Always OFFENSIVELY on the defense. ALWAYS smearing besmirching insulting attacking anyone who does not adore the mouth. Otherwise you never see them. They only come to do battle. N... moreAlways OFFENSIVELY on the defense. ALWAYS smearing besmirching insulting attacking anyone who does not adore the mouth. Otherwise you never see them. They only come to do battle. Never to party or spread good cheer or joy. Anyone but me wonder WHY THAT IS?
What else is the company gonna say? "He/she is right we are scumbags and liars and thieves and cheaters and hoors"? Of course not. Like all perps who get outed they attack the vict... moreWhat else is the company gonna say? "He/she is right we are scumbags and liars and thieves and cheaters and hoors"? Of course not. Like all perps who get outed they attack the victim to smear and malign and denigrate because that's all they got in the weapon cabinet. Truth is killing them so they divert insult lie.Which is the lead up to this.Former Republican Congressman from Florida David Jolly did a very in-depth riff on the Republican Party.Every time he is announced as party of a panel he insists he is presented as FORMER Republican now Independent.Too much meat to repeat it verbatim but among the things he says they are spinelss rotten to the core without virtur or any level of human integrity. Republicans lack courate and morality and and and and and.What is his CARROT? What can he possibly hope to gain from all of this?Oh I don't know. Maybe he is so disappointed in what the Republican Party USED to represent...used to be...a party that he was proud to be a member of....has disappeared. He does not recog... less
That's where are folks. In this day and age that's where we still are in some sections of the country peopled by savages with undeveloped brains. Evolution is not 100% Some never e... moreThat's where are folks. In this day and age that's where we still are in some sections of the country peopled by savages with undeveloped brains. Evolution is not 100% Some never evole develop grow become better. They are stuck with what they are all their lives. How many of them are there like that? One would be too but we KNOW there are multiplicities of millions of them...billions worldwide quite possibly.So much for homo saps. A species that held much hope for becoming something special is devolving back into the mud and the slime from it originated. less
In one reality the motormouth is the SPAWN OF THE DEVILIn the other reality he is their knight in shining armor sent by GOD to deliver them from Democrats Liberals Progressives
I'm not so sure about an EXULTATION of larks but a BUSINESS of ferrets FITS!Lotsa business folks are skunks. They emit a stench of greed and shoddy business practices because they ... moreI'm not so sure about an EXULTATION of larks but a BUSINESS of ferrets FITS!Lotsa business folks are skunks. They emit a stench of greed and shoddy business practices because they WORSHIP the bottom line. Very skunklike.ALL business people? Or course not. Just the ones you hear a lot about..the movers and shakers and powerful.Every one of them too? Of course not. There are always exceptions.But all in all I do think a BUSINESS of ferrets fits. I wonder which brain and when coined that?
Among them areA CLOWDER/GLARING of cats (WHAT?)A BUSINESS OF ferrets---well he** lotsa business folks are very ferrety.A CHARM of foxes---since when?A BLOAT of hippopotami---fittin... moreAmong them areA CLOWDER/GLARING of cats (WHAT?)A BUSINESS OF ferrets---well he** lotsa business folks are very ferrety.A CHARM of foxes---since when?A BLOAT of hippopotami---fittingA GAGGLE of geeseA CACKLE of hyenasA CONSPIRACY of lemursA PARLIAMENT of owlsAN EXULTATION of larksA DOLE of dovesAN OBSTINACY of buffalo
Are the carcasses of every one and every thing that ever existed still available to find on archaeological digs? Hard to believe. So from whence cometh all this knowledge of what w... moreAre the carcasses of every one and every thing that ever existed still available to find on archaeological digs? Hard to believe. So from whence cometh all this knowledge of what was before we were?
If you could drag your kid(s) into your family business wouldja? The mouth dragged Ivanka in but kept the rest of them out. Fair/unfair? Even if you didn't really "love' your other... moreIf you could drag your kid(s) into your family business wouldja? The mouth dragged Ivanka in but kept the rest of them out. Fair/unfair? Even if you didn't really "love' your other kids wouldn't you attempt to hide it and not rub everyone's face in your obvious favoritism? Seems very cruel to me. Doth it seem so to thee?
You can control what you say but not what you think or feel.Does how you act/react/speak reflect what you really think/feel? Or never ever will because you don't want other people ... moreYou can control what you say but not what you think or feel.Does how you act/react/speak reflect what you really think/feel? Or never ever will because you don't want other people using anything you say/do against you and the less they know about you the smaller a target you are?