When dozens of other people have testified UNDER OATH and the testimonies all say the same thing the recanter who told a lie opposite of the truth recants the lie and supports what... moreWhen dozens of other people have testified UNDER OATH and the testimonies all say the same thing the recanter who told a lie opposite of the truth recants the lie and supports what every other UNDER OATH testifier said.Now any LOGICAL person will know that when a LIE is admitted and refuted and replaced with the TRUTH it is apt to reflect ALL THE TESTIMONIES OF THE TRUTHTELLERS. DUH. Do you really need a picture?It is a significant indication of the lack of intelligence of those who insist once a liar always a liar. They are NOT equipped to think at all only to parrot instructions and mantra and schtick and ideological propaganda none of which require any brain at all. Only a mouth equipped with sound or a broken record stuck in the same groove that repeats repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats. less
Every day he stuff his face with chocolates till he will burst and he does this day after day after day after day after day.Doesn't matter if the chocolates belong to others he wan... moreEvery day he stuff his face with chocolates till he will burst and he does this day after day after day after day after day.Doesn't matter if the chocolates belong to others he wants he takes them he eats them.Now eventually the 12 year air traffic controller will be the cause of deathsThe motormouth chocolate-obsessed adolescent has already caused deaths...not from chocolate. From his obsessions with feeding his face first last and always. Stuffing it till it is crammed full. Every day. What will kill him? The sugar overload? less
For me I had two years of French in high school and another two years in Junior College. So I had a passing knowledge of French. Sometimes I break out in a phrase or two because I ... moreFor me I had two years of French in high school and another two years in Junior College. So I had a passing knowledge of French. Sometimes I break out in a phrase or two because I like it. I also know some Spanish from what I learned in grammar school. Not enough to really converse at any length with anyone but enough sometimes to understand what's being said even if I can't reply in like kind.Should those interested in Science learn GERMAN? Are you interested in any languages and if so are you fluent in more than one? less
WE have zillions of Spanish-speaking AMERICAN citizens.What would it hurt to learn how to speak French?Any of you travel worldwide a lot? You EXPECT everyone everywhere to speak En... moreWE have zillions of Spanish-speaking AMERICAN citizens.What would it hurt to learn how to speak French?Any of you travel worldwide a lot? You EXPECT everyone everywhere to speak English n'est-ce pas? Pourquoi?
Because he did wrong.However all they CAN do is say sure he did wrong but you shouldn't impeach him for that.That line of defense is causing the mouth to become UNHINGED even more ... moreBecause he did wrong.However all they CAN do is say sure he did wrong but you shouldn't impeach him for that.That line of defense is causing the mouth to become UNHINGED even more than before. He insists he did nothing wrong.They say he did but don't impeach him for it.He demands they ignoreHe insists they ignoreHe implores begs crawls cries they ignoreHe should shut up. It ain't gonna get any better than that. No one is going to nullify the FACTS the TRUTHThey will try to nullify smear "murder" the witnesses. When you don't have the facts on your side and folks ignore your mealymouth half-a**ed halfwit defense all that's left is to stage an enormous OFFENSIVE and slaughter anyone who gets in the way. That is the way of GOP you see. Slaughter the bas**rds. Ready aim fire. less
They cannot refute the SUBSTANCE. So they will attack the witnesses. Hack and slay and use poison darts to silence them. Their purported attacks on PROCESS are now DEAD since the U... moreThey cannot refute the SUBSTANCE. So they will attack the witnesses. Hack and slay and use poison darts to silence them. Their purported attacks on PROCESS are now DEAD since the UNDER OATH testimony will now be PUBLIC.Watch out. See how they run. See them frothing at the mouth with the madness they embrace full on full throttle full of themselves and bile. It will not be pretty. Those with nervous stomachs ought not watch. They will be out for blood.
Edwards Air Force Base, California. It has been in development since 2015 but they are releasing the info and I think parts of it may be available to view. I guess to drum up excit... moreEdwards Air Force Base, California. It has been in development since 2015 but they are releasing the info and I think parts of it may be available to view. I guess to drum up excitement. If you had the time would you like to be at Edwards in the California desert to witness the first test flight sometime in 2020?
He's got his stubby fingers in his chubby hands in the pies of all meddlers hackers worldwide. They are already weaponized and ready to roll. Take him away and we still can't be CE... moreHe's got his stubby fingers in his chubby hands in the pies of all meddlers hackers worldwide. They are already weaponized and ready to roll. Take him away and we still can't be CERTAIN but we can be CERTAINER than we will be otherwise elsewise everywhichwaywise.So how we kick his a** ASAP? What would be something he does/doos to invalidate his president STAT IMMEDIATELY. Murder Biden?
Will the entire world be on fire at some point? We started over after the GREAT FLOOD. For which an ARK was built. An ARK won't help in a fire. What will?
What appears to be VERY COMPLEX on the surface but the more you learn about it the simpler it really is? Anything? What you see isn't what you get either way? All it takes is time ... moreWhat appears to be VERY COMPLEX on the surface but the more you learn about it the simpler it really is? Anything? What you see isn't what you get either way? All it takes is time and attention which many people refuse to invest. Thus is ignorance perpetuated.
They think all they need to speak is American (whatever the he** that is) and the rest of the world can go pound mud as far as they are concerned.I think it's a good thing to care ... moreThey think all they need to speak is American (whatever the he** that is) and the rest of the world can go pound mud as far as they are concerned.I think it's a good thing to care about and learn other languages. Be interested in other cultures. Not your average everyday typical American. In fact they make jacka**e of themselves by complaining to management if staff talk to one another in a different language. Seriously stupid dumb. Well they wanna remain that way I guess and so they fussbudget and hissy fit their way to making sure ONLY AMERICAN is spoken in their presence. Sheesh. You've heard of UGLY American right? Side by side with IGNORANT American. And gawd darn proud of it! They wear their ignorance with such pride and flaunt it around. less
The toady sycophants in the GOP (all of them) have designated sacrificial "lambs" to throw under the bus to save the corpulant a** of motormouth. You can guess which right?Mick of ... moreThe toady sycophants in the GOP (all of them) have designated sacrificial "lambs" to throw under the bus to save the corpulant a** of motormouth. You can guess which right?Mick of MulvaneyRudy of GiulianiMike of Pompousa**LiddlebillybarrNow liddlebillybarr is at odds with motormouth currently outwardly. Why? Well ya see motormouth equated him with the rudy of g and told the Ukraine president to contact either one with dirt on the Bidens. The liddlebillybarr has an ego and resents being lumped together with the tvlawyer rudy ofg. A schlock 3-rd rate reprobate if there ever were one. Ya see liddlebillybarr used to be someone.It may only be 3 of the 4 above who are sacrificed. It could be more. Ya never know how desperate the toady sycophant GOP cowards are but you can rest assured WE WILL FIND OUT AND VERY SOON! less
BLESSED ARE THE POORIt is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of HeavenYet many of the obscenely wealthy are churchgoers a... moreBLESSED ARE THE POORIt is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of HeavenYet many of the obscenely wealthy are churchgoers and see themselves as super righteous and that GOD loves them more than any others or he wouldn't have made them so rich.You know they do. And they are oblivious to what they are and whom they are because they are all exceedingly obtuse when it comes to self-appraisal. They don't know how.GOD has told them that HE doesn't favor them but they think otherwise. Why? less
We are surrounded by the soulless who are doing very well thank you very much! They are obscenely wealthy and wield enormous power and are joyfully jubilant about their lives. The ... moreWe are surrounded by the soulless who are doing very well thank you very much! They are obscenely wealthy and wield enormous power and are joyfully jubilant about their lives. The soulless don't need anything but money and power to celebrate. Their souls were abandoned aeons ago and you know what? The soulless have never been so happy as they are today. Just listen to them and look at them preening and strutting and superiorly condescendingly flaunting their wealth and power 24/7!They flock together in bands and groups and gangs and go through the motions of believing in a GOD. They do indeed. The GOD of power and wealth manifested perfectly by the donaldjohntrump of whom they are inordinately proud and whose well-being the value above all things. He has made them possible. For that they are forever indebted to him.The soulless never plan to die you see so there will never be a day of reckoning for them. They will live on foreverly as will their spawn and their spawn and their spawn. less
What they are willing to do to survive. Who they are willing to harm/damage/destroy to survive. How much they are willing to cheat and lie to survive.Isn't what separates us the on... moreWhat they are willing to do to survive. Who they are willing to harm/damage/destroy to survive. How much they are willing to cheat and lie to survive.Isn't what separates us the only thing that matters? Beyond survival anything goes everyone is expendable there are no rules and take what you want? Really?
Why not just things you want to do? Isn't "want to do before you die" IMPLIED? How can you do anything after you're dead? Oh wait. Mebbe you can in the spirit world?
At the end as the scene fades to black I wonder how many homo saps will have sacrificed their souls for the donaldjohntrump? I wonder if any of them will regret it and realize they... moreAt the end as the scene fades to black I wonder how many homo saps will have sacrificed their souls for the donaldjohntrump? I wonder if any of them will regret it and realize they screwed up their entire lives for a crackpot wackadoodle traitor? Or will they always worship him as being the second coming of Jesus and never doubt he was their savior and that all those who "crucified" him were the spawn of the devil?What kind of Heaven awaits them? What kind of afterlife will be theirs because of what they've done and said? Or is their punishment being dead with nothing available to them thereafter because they deceived their way through life and backed the wrong person? I dunno. We might find out and then again we might not. Life is uncertain. Even more uncertain is what comes after if such exists. We can speculate of course. less
Isn't that the basis of everything we hold so dear?In politics they all cheat to winIn business cheating is part of the process so they can be on topIn schools folks steal tests an... moreIsn't that the basis of everything we hold so dear?In politics they all cheat to winIn business cheating is part of the process so they can be on topIn schools folks steal tests and change grades in computers and pay people to take tests for them to WINIf you don't cheat to win people mock you. If you don't lie and cheat and steal you are considered to be weak and therefore useless.I betcha there are more people who cheat and lie to win than there are people who won't don't refuse to.Winning is everything. Winning is the only thing. It doesn't matter how you get to the finish line as long as you get there first. less
Those "friends" of swine like Jeff Epstein or Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby or donaldjohntrump? They are endorsing what these swine are doing by knowing and still embracing protec... moreThose "friends" of swine like Jeff Epstein or Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby or donaldjohntrump? They are endorsing what these swine are doing by knowing and still embracing protecting defending. Are they not guilty too?Once upon a time people had values and integrity and standards and a moral core. Now? Sheesh what a crock! They mock intelligence they mock courage they mock truth they mock honor. What happened to them and when and why?
There is no time to focus on his latest gawdawful because he turns them out at increasingly rapid speed. So we move on from one gawdawful to the next at lightening speed and can't ... moreThere is no time to focus on his latest gawdawful because he turns them out at increasingly rapid speed. So we move on from one gawdawful to the next at lightening speed and can't possibly give each gawdawful the time and attention it deserves. On the other hand his accelerating could work in our favor. Once he hits WHIRLING DERVISH speed he just might screw himself into the ground and stop whirling?
Just enjoyed reading a most hilarious thread. Banter if you will. Nice. Are you a fan of banter? Sometimes during the dark times a bit of banter couldn't hurt. Are an observer fan ... moreJust enjoyed reading a most hilarious thread. Banter if you will. Nice. Are you a fan of banter? Sometimes during the dark times a bit of banter couldn't hurt. Are an observer fan or a participant fan?
Remember how VICIOUS and full of VITRIOL and VINDICTIVE VILE the donaldjohntrump attacks on Senator McCain were when he was alive and were/are now that he is dead?So what kind of "... moreRemember how VICIOUS and full of VITRIOL and VINDICTIVE VILE the donaldjohntrump attacks on Senator McCain were when he was alive and were/are now that he is dead?So what kind of "friend" is Lindsay Graham who now is the official bootpolisher and watercarrier for the SOB "acting" prez? They play golf together and dine together and hang out together and sleep together for all I know.Could you kiss the a** and suck up to a vile evil vicious man/woman who trashed your friend and attacked him even after he died? What kind of friend are you anyway? The Graham is a piece of trash. Period. Don'tcha think? less