Isn't that the basis of everything we hold so dear?In politics they all cheat to winIn business cheating is part of the process so they can be on topIn schools folks steal tests an... moreIsn't that the basis of everything we hold so dear?In politics they all cheat to winIn business cheating is part of the process so they can be on topIn schools folks steal tests and change grades in computers and pay people to take tests for them to WINIf you don't cheat to win people mock you. If you don't lie and cheat and steal you are considered to be weak and therefore useless.I betcha there are more people who cheat and lie to win than there are people who won't don't refuse to.Winning is everything. Winning is the only thing. It doesn't matter how you get to the finish line as long as you get there first. less
Those "friends" of swine like Jeff Epstein or Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby or donaldjohntrump? They are endorsing what these swine are doing by knowing and still embracing protec... moreThose "friends" of swine like Jeff Epstein or Harvey Weinstein or Bill Cosby or donaldjohntrump? They are endorsing what these swine are doing by knowing and still embracing protecting defending. Are they not guilty too?Once upon a time people had values and integrity and standards and a moral core. Now? Sheesh what a crock! They mock intelligence they mock courage they mock truth they mock honor. What happened to them and when and why?
There is no time to focus on his latest gawdawful because he turns them out at increasingly rapid speed. So we move on from one gawdawful to the next at lightening speed and can't ... moreThere is no time to focus on his latest gawdawful because he turns them out at increasingly rapid speed. So we move on from one gawdawful to the next at lightening speed and can't possibly give each gawdawful the time and attention it deserves. On the other hand his accelerating could work in our favor. Once he hits WHIRLING DERVISH speed he just might screw himself into the ground and stop whirling?
Just enjoyed reading a most hilarious thread. Banter if you will. Nice. Are you a fan of banter? Sometimes during the dark times a bit of banter couldn't hurt. Are an observer fan ... moreJust enjoyed reading a most hilarious thread. Banter if you will. Nice. Are you a fan of banter? Sometimes during the dark times a bit of banter couldn't hurt. Are an observer fan or a participant fan?
Remember how VICIOUS and full of VITRIOL and VINDICTIVE VILE the donaldjohntrump attacks on Senator McCain were when he was alive and were/are now that he is dead?So what kind of "... moreRemember how VICIOUS and full of VITRIOL and VINDICTIVE VILE the donaldjohntrump attacks on Senator McCain were when he was alive and were/are now that he is dead?So what kind of "friend" is Lindsay Graham who now is the official bootpolisher and watercarrier for the SOB "acting" prez? They play golf together and dine together and hang out together and sleep together for all I know.Could you kiss the a** and suck up to a vile evil vicious man/woman who trashed your friend and attacked him even after he died? What kind of friend are you anyway? The Graham is a piece of trash. Period. Don'tcha think? less
It sounds like a New Age hype, but this concept is known for ages, and since it is still in the open, we should be curious. Does anyone have experiences with it? Edited after ... moreIt sounds like a New Age hype, but this concept is known for ages, and since it is still in the open, we should be curious. Does anyone have experiences with it? Edited after E 99's answer:For all those who do not want to google what I mean, I copied a text, which will explain it and save you time....: Along with colors, light also consists of chemical and emotional elements since it emits heat, electricity and magnetism. Thus, light, along with its component colors, can be used for healing the mind, body and spirit. This is the basic principle behind Chromotherapy or color therapy. Different colors have different effects on the mind and body. less
We are no longer allowed to refer to them as from today as a GingerBread Men....They now have to be called "GingerBread Persons" obviously after one of theses Ginger Biscuits compl... moreWe are no longer allowed to refer to them as from today as a GingerBread Men....They now have to be called "GingerBread Persons" obviously after one of theses Ginger Biscuits complained that it's feeling was hurt.....It beggars belief that these retarded people in office have no other work todo......They must get bored of their crusts....over paid parasites springs to mind I think....Are their any stupid people in your goverments too ?
They DEMAND is when it isn't and then they get it and DEMAND to get isn't when it is!The sad thing? The base thinks all their demands are cogent intelligent logical fair. Which is ... moreThey DEMAND is when it isn't and then they get it and DEMAND to get isn't when it is!The sad thing? The base thinks all their demands are cogent intelligent logical fair. Which is why the motormouth base is no prize brain-wise elsewise or otherwise.
Do you live in a state that does that to Independents? You know what. I don't even know if California does that. I'm gonna check but I think that is very UNAMERICAN. To put strictu... moreDo you live in a state that does that to Independents? You know what. I don't even know if California does that. I'm gonna check but I think that is very UNAMERICAN. To put strictures on primaries to prevent anyone who is a registered voter from registering. What think you and why?
You will be added to the list of those who are in CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS which will be just another item in the ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT!You do know that right? Congress can't lose. E... moreYou will be added to the list of those who are in CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS which will be just another item in the ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT!You do know that right? Congress can't lose. Either way you show and testify UNDER OATH or you don't show and prove the incessant meddling of the mouth who lives in the big house. A perfect plan.What could be sweeter than that?Also the refusers get to be targeted for future investigation. They red flag themselves. Not smart but then smart is not what the mouth attracts. He gets one by accident and fires him/her ASAP. No smart dare he be seen supporting.Not good for the image. Ya know. The billionaire who passes as a common man who sweats paying bills and putting his kids through college and worries about lack of health care? Dat man/woman? The guy/gal who works three jobs just to put food on the table, a roof over his/her family's head and clothes on their backs? That guy that gal. The mouth can so relate to them. Salt of the earth. Hard worker. Church goer. Bible reader. Their ID... less
Senator "IT MUST SUCK TO BE THAT DUMB" Kennedy said that about Nancy Pelosi. At the top of his lungs in public in front of an audience that clapped and cheered like he**! Why? Beca... moreSenator "IT MUST SUCK TO BE THAT DUMB" Kennedy said that about Nancy Pelosi. At the top of his lungs in public in front of an audience that clapped and cheered like he**! Why? Because he was standing right next to motormouth so he degraded himself proudly and loudly as his kissed a** and sucked up to the mouth. YUCK!Later he reiterated that he did not mean to be disrespectful. With a straight face. The guy usta to have a little class. Now he is just another big fat jacka** joining the host of others who done done what he done done. Humiliated themselves on the altar of the mouth. Go figger. less
For most of us these days under the motormouth chokehold wil never be the "good old days". It will always be the time of terror and tribulation and disgusting revelations. No fond ... moreFor most of us these days under the motormouth chokehold wil never be the "good old days". It will always be the time of terror and tribulation and disgusting revelations. No fond remembrances of things past. Don't savor today. There is nothing worth remembering either. Survival. Period.
former president was in favor of TEARING DOWN WALLS THAT SEPARATED PEOPLE.The current motormouth "acting" prez lusts after his ego wall to separate people.The Light and the D... more former president was in favor of TEARING DOWN WALLS THAT SEPARATED PEOPLE.The current motormouth "acting" prez lusts after his ego wall to separate people.The Light and the DarkThe Good and the EvilThe Kind and the CruelThe Statesman and the ClownAlmost 30 years ago we had a president like that.Today we have his opposite.We've come a long way baby back to the past retrograde reactionary.
Actually a warthog would be better than what is in the big house err white house right now.Anything is better than what is there but that may not matter. The fix is in. Whatever ca... moreActually a warthog would be better than what is in the big house err white house right now.Anything is better than what is there but that may not matter. The fix is in. Whatever can be rigged is already rigged. So a warthog or Gregory Peck or Gary Cooper or Jimmy Stewart wouldn't matter.
I'm not good at begging. Please vote for me because if you don't the "other" will win and then the world will end and all he** will break loose and it will be all YOUR fault. Crap ... moreI'm not good at begging. Please vote for me because if you don't the "other" will win and then the world will end and all he** will break loose and it will be all YOUR fault. Crap like that is what pols tell ya. Lots of time they say OR ELSE. Sheesh.Seriously threatening people is not what I do best. I could never be in sales. Never ever. If I were I'd wait for folks to come to me and tell me they want to buy what I have to sell. Period. I'd either starve or make a bundle because of my oddball approach.
His fake and phony charitable organization. Another fraud case.Everything motormouth touches dies. The title of a book almost verbatim. Everything he touches is based on lies and f... moreHis fake and phony charitable organization. Another fraud case.Everything motormouth touches dies. The title of a book almost verbatim. Everything he touches is based on lies and fraud and deceit and duplicity. Everything. Othewise he has no interest in it.He said he never settles. He ALWAYS EVENTUALLY settles. Rolls over. Pays out.
MAGA eaters despise food with color or texture. They like pasty mashed so they can gum to death before they swallow. It's called comfort food but actually it is entirely all MAGA f... moreMAGA eaters despise food with color or texture. They like pasty mashed so they can gum to death before they swallow. It's called comfort food but actually it is entirely all MAGA food/. So you can kinda tell by looking at them what kinds of food they eat. Is there any nutrtion at all in any of it? Sure. Trace elements here and there. Different strokes. The kids raised on MAGA food usually are obese and ill and have life-long medical problems. It's the price you pay to be a MAGA supporter foodwise.
Or were in the dark state minority who always cheered for the BAD GUYS?So many flipped and intend to stay flipped apparently. Can they be flipped by outside forces or will any flip... moreOr were in the dark state minority who always cheered for the BAD GUYS?So many flipped and intend to stay flipped apparently. Can they be flipped by outside forces or will any flipping have to be self-controlled self-directed self-initiated self-propagated? What are the odds of that?
So his kids and Melania are chopped liver then? They must love to hear him say that.Of course he is a bottomless pit ofdelusions of grandeurneedy seedy greedy neverending begging t... moreSo his kids and Melania are chopped liver then? They must love to hear him say that.Of course he is a bottomless pit ofdelusions of grandeurneedy seedy greedy neverending begging to be lovedneedyseedygreedyneverending lust after money the more the bettererneedyseedygreedyneverending lust after Putin's love and devotionHe is just one big empty hole that keeps growing larger and larger each day. Filling it is impossible. it grows geometrically daily and well you can only fill it arithmetically daily so you are always gonna be way behind. less
Actually I much prefer the smirk/sneer of Alec Baldwin who does a flawless much improved version of motormouth. Way lots loads better.In this case the original cast recording (mout... moreActually I much prefer the smirk/sneer of Alec Baldwin who does a flawless much improved version of motormouth. Way lots loads better.In this case the original cast recording (mouth) pales in comparison to the redo(Alec). Way lots loads. Why drink lighter fluid (mouth) when you have imported champagne(Alec of course)? Unless you are suicidal.
That is the special formula of the chief of staff the mick of mulvaney.Sure we do quid pro quo. GET OVER ITSimple. One 3-letter word. One FOUR-letter word. One 2-letter word. Doesn... moreThat is the special formula of the chief of staff the mick of mulvaney.Sure we do quid pro quo. GET OVER ITSimple. One 3-letter word. One FOUR-letter word. One 2-letter word. Doesn't strain the brain of those who don't have one which is clearly true of the mouth and his cabal et al.GET OVER IT GET OVER IT GET OVER IT. Now go with GOD kiss mouth's ring and ask for his forgiveness and move on. Nothing to see here. GET OVER IT.
The mouth wiped his feet on Sessions day after day after day and now Sessions wants to do whatever the mouth tells him to do? Any one out there that weak and frightened and despera... moreThe mouth wiped his feet on Sessions day after day after day and now Sessions wants to do whatever the mouth tells him to do? Any one out there that weak and frightened and desperate for approval? That has got to be the worst case of sucking up ever seen. Think anyone is a better suckup to the mouth?
The presidency has not corrupted the mouth. He was totally corrupt long before that. A good thing because he already knew what to do and didn't have to figger out how to screw the ... moreThe presidency has not corrupted the mouth. He was totally corrupt long before that. A good thing because he already knew what to do and didn't have to figger out how to screw the most folks at the least cost. He'd been doing it for decades and decades and decades and got away with it. How swell.
I don't care how much the obscenely wealthy cronies of the mouth contribute to his campaign. Unless they can surpass $53 billion they lose. Mike said he was spend WHATEVER IT TAKES... moreI don't care how much the obscenely wealthy cronies of the mouth contribute to his campaign. Unless they can surpass $53 billion they lose. Mike said he was spend WHATEVER IT TAKES. Bet the mouth is furious enratged outraged going berserker thinking about it. Oh right. He doesn't think. He just reacts.