It cost him almost $2000 to give that as his "answer" and Alex choked up a bit. I thought it showed a lot of class compassion and humanity.Just a share of something touching and sw... moreIt cost him almost $2000 to give that as his "answer" and Alex choked up a bit. I thought it showed a lot of class compassion and humanity.Just a share of something touching and sweet for a change. So little of it these days.
What happened to you? Were you always this way or did terrible awful calamity change you from the person you used to be once upon a time to this? Condolences.
After Taylor TESTIFIED UNDER OATH about the Ukraine scandal demented don said he was always a NEVER TRUMPER!WHAT? Why in the he** did the demented one and the pompousa** pick him i... moreAfter Taylor TESTIFIED UNDER OATH about the Ukraine scandal demented don said he was always a NEVER TRUMPER!WHAT? Why in the he** did the demented one and the pompousa** pick him in the first place and lure him out of retirement? Are they really that braindead to think we buy that crap? GOD help us. The dumb leading the stupid dumb. That is not the way America is supposed to be yet here we are. SHEESH.
The demented don cabal et al of course. Pandering shamefully. Alas Nikki you had potential You couldda been someone instead of just a bum which is what you are.She wants to be deme... moreThe demented don cabal et al of course. Pandering shamefully. Alas Nikki you had potential You couldda been someone instead of just a bum which is what you are.She wants to be demented don's veep in 2020. She wants to be prez in 2024. So she will do anything and say anything and be anything anyone wants her to because WHATEVER IT TAKES is what she is doing.
He is a dem dese dose bonehead. Thinks he is so tuff. Do what I demand that you do or else you will regret it.A cruel parent sez that to his kidsA cruel mobster sez that to store o... moreHe is a dem dese dose bonehead. Thinks he is so tuff. Do what I demand that you do or else you will regret it.A cruel parent sez that to his kidsA cruel mobster sez that to store owners and if they don't roll the stores burn downA cruel dictator sez that to everyone without exception
Mebbe a stitch in time saves 107 or 1000 or 25 or 76. I know you aren't supposed to take it literally.The point is that taking time to do something right is smarter than to slapdas... moreMebbe a stitch in time saves 107 or 1000 or 25 or 76. I know you aren't supposed to take it literally.The point is that taking time to do something right is smarter than to slapdash through it and will take less time in the long run when you take more time at the beginning.So do you do things thoughtfully and carefully so that you only have do them once and not have to redo?Or are you just a slapdash person and sometimes it works just fine and sometimes it doesn't and so what right? You gamble and win or lose. More exciting that way.. less
HE DELETED HIS TWEET and replaced it withGOOD TRY!The demented don shows his stupid dumb in front of us and thinks we are stupid dumb like him. We aren't fooled but all his adoring... moreHE DELETED HIS TWEET and replaced it withGOOD TRY!The demented don shows his stupid dumb in front of us and thinks we are stupid dumb like him. We aren't fooled but all his adoring peeps are and they will say he never tweeted such a thing and he will say he never tweeted such a thing and once again they will all be wrong but they thrive on it.ALLEGEDLY.Now I am told that when you DELETE things they still exist in an elsewhere and can be brought back.I dunno. Never tried it.
They all need to party hearty and get drunk as skunks and stay that way. What they've been through in facing REALITY is just the tip. What comes next will tsunami them. I'm tellin'... moreThey all need to party hearty and get drunk as skunks and stay that way. What they've been through in facing REALITY is just the tip. What comes next will tsunami them. I'm tellin' ya the only thing to do is take a long nap on a short pier if ya my drift. I'm just sayin' ya think it's ugly now? Hah!
We could learn all the new things that are discovered as we live our lives? By mind meld or absorption through our skin? A means by which we would all be brought up to date up to s... moreWe could learn all the new things that are discovered as we live our lives? By mind meld or absorption through our skin? A means by which we would all be brought up to date up to speed up to snuff so that ignorance would not exist. Stupid and dumb would exist of course but we would be EDUCATED stupid dumbs automatically. Wouldn't that be loverly?
Ya got demented don, tvlawyer rudyg, mike pompousa** the secty of state (the state of RUSSIA) and fakeAG liddlebillybarr who sees to it that demented don always gets his way no mat... moreYa got demented don, tvlawyer rudyg, mike pompousa** the secty of state (the state of RUSSIA) and fakeAG liddlebillybarr who sees to it that demented don always gets his way no matter what.Just look at them. My gosh a dumber fatter older slower dull group of thugs have never gathered together as birds of a feather anywhere at any time for any reasonable reason. Fashioning themselves smarter than everyone. Keystone Kops. Three Stooges plus one. Laugh-In.
Career NON-PARTISAN patriotic long-term experienced high-level government employees are all on the same page about the degree of danger we face because of the dementia the don has ... moreCareer NON-PARTISAN patriotic long-term experienced high-level government employees are all on the same page about the degree of danger we face because of the dementia the don has shown. That millions of so-called Americans who think they are patriotic as he** support him and adore him and will follow him off a cliff used to be shocking and now all it is is what it is. All good things come to those who wait. Watch this space.
Or do you knock your brains out and bust your butt and go all in trying in every way to get through to them to save them?I fear it is a lost cause. Once they are enthralled entranc... moreOr do you knock your brains out and bust your butt and go all in trying in every way to get through to them to save them?I fear it is a lost cause. Once they are enthralled entranced hooked on the dark side you can never bring them back. They are already beyond your reach. It is too late for them and though you loved them you have to move on. Once in the clutches of everything that is evil and having their beings dissolved into it there is nothing left there to reclaim. Sad but well no one promised you a rose garden. Roses have thorns. Gardens have weeds and bugs and insects. You can't turn someone back to good who CHOOSES evil. And if you refuse to give up trying condolences. less
Every night same words same response same thrill for Dementia Don in front massive numbers of robots programmed to respond especiall for Dementia Don. So GOD is merciful and despit... moreEvery night same words same response same thrill for Dementia Don in front massive numbers of robots programmed to respond especiall for Dementia Don. So GOD is merciful and despite all the evil that don done done GOD will forgive. Will you?
The Demented Don needs them bigly and where the he** are they? The scairdy cat don NEEDS protectors to take the flak for him. Where are they when he needs them? Where are they and ... moreThe Demented Don needs them bigly and where the he** are they? The scairdy cat don NEEDS protectors to take the flak for him. Where are they when he needs them? Where are they and what are they doing and how much is it costing we the people? Any one give a rat's a* about any of that? Sheesh. You must be awful rich to not have any concerns about budget and cost. Real rich. Bigly. Sheesh.
Hang onto the lie with all your might and go to prison to protect a prez who doesn't give a rat's a** about you or tell the truth? Seriously. Unless you are a raving masochistic ma... moreHang onto the lie with all your might and go to prison to protect a prez who doesn't give a rat's a** about you or tell the truth? Seriously. Unless you are a raving masochistic maniac with a DEATH WISH you tell the truth. WHY WOULDN"T YOU?
When you "change your mind" as we all do it pertains usually toLiking a food and then notLiking a person and then notLiking a politician then notLiking an ideolody then notLiking l... moreWhen you "change your mind" as we all do it pertains usually toLiking a food and then notLiking a person and then notLiking a politician then notLiking an ideolody then notLiking licorice then notNone of the above anthing whatsoever about telling the truth when you lied priorly.You tastes change. You tastebuds change. You likes/dislikes change. YOU CHANGE. Truth and lies have nothingg at all to do with it. Seriously silly to think otherwise.But to lie and be caught and then tell the truth? How is that REMOTELY COMPARABLE to "changing your mind"? It isn't. less