If you are financially involved with anyone then of course it matters if the person is a skunk a liar a cheater a betrayer. Otherwise? Naw. So you feel ridikkalus if you find... moreIf you are financially involved with anyone then of course it matters if the person is a skunk a liar a cheater a betrayer. Otherwise? Naw. So you feel ridikkalus if you find out the person you thought you knew you don't. So what? Life is full of situations that can make you feel ridikkalus. You survive them and move on.So liar or not. Cheater or not. Betrayer or not. Skunk or not. Where is the exposure/danger?
I think you lie to Congress the first time and you are among the most stupid braindead homo saps alive. Do it again? Life in prison without any chance at parole. ENFORCED WITHOUT E... moreI think you lie to Congress the first time and you are among the most stupid braindead homo saps alive. Do it again? Life in prison without any chance at parole. ENFORCED WITHOUT EXCEPTION.Now the compulsive liars like the mouth will never tesitfy under oath because it would be a waste of time. Everyone knows that. Everyone sez so. The mouth will be imprisoned for everything else he done. Lying is the least of his corrupt criminal TREASONOUS activities. Being a traitor and the lapdog puppet of Putin is at the top. Selling out his country without thinking twice about it. I wish he were only a compulsive liar and not the evildoer he has turned out to be. That we could live with. But what he has done to the patriots and the country for the time he has had complete control? GOD help us all. GOD have pity on us. GOD deliver us from evil. Better yet deliver evil unto the devil and wash YOUR hands of the mouth forever. less
They see sameness in polar opposite and ignore sameness when it suits them not to acknowledge it. I don't get it. Do they do that organically because they really truly do thi... moreThey see sameness in polar opposite and ignore sameness when it suits them not to acknowledge it. I don't get it. Do they do that organically because they really truly do think disparate things are related? Or do they do that because they don't know what else to do/say and they are desperate for attention so they will grab at anything to stay in game. The game is baseball and they suit up for football. The game is football and they carry tennis rackets and tennis balls. The game is Chess and they play hangman or tiddly winks or jacks or marbles. Go figger! less
She said she thinks he probably wouldn't go to either one.I agree. His peeps are REDNECKS who love car races and rodeos and gun shows and hoedowns. Nothing highbrow or intellectual... moreShe said she thinks he probably wouldn't go to either one.I agree. His peeps are REDNECKS who love car races and rodeos and gun shows and hoedowns. Nothing highbrow or intellectual or sensitive. Not his cuppa tea. He would if his peeps were that kind but they aren't.What is YOUR cuppa tea?
I think it's DISGUSTING. However I find I am a member of a rapidly decreasing group.The NOT US have no problem being corrupt or cheating or lying or stealing or sabotaging to achie... moreI think it's DISGUSTING. However I find I am a member of a rapidly decreasing group.The NOT US have no problem being corrupt or cheating or lying or stealing or sabotaging to achieve their goals. None at all. In fact they take great delight and pride in the variety and intricacies of their evil deeds. They even BRAG about it..It's not that I am a goody twoshoes. It's just how I was raised. To be truthful. Not cheat. Not steal. Not do anything I would be ashamed if my parents knew about it.Here's what I conclude. Those folks who have no problem lying cheating stealing sabotaging and preening about it must have been raised by parents who taught them that. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.Fast forward to grownup and politics. Such talent and ability is the basis for the devoted who will do anything and everything to get their guy elected. All I ever do is vote for "my guy/my gal". Simpleton. That's me. less
Allegedly African Americans are not fans of the LGBTQ community. Which I think is queerly peculiarly bizarre. As a group African Americans have been treated tragically for many cen... moreAllegedly African Americans are not fans of the LGBTQ community. Which I think is queerly peculiarly bizarre. As a group African Americans have been treated tragically for many centuries on many continents simply for being whom they are. So they pass that forward? Seriously? They are the objects of hate for no reason except skin color. So they hate others for no reason except whom they love? How does that make any sense at all?First of all IF YOU MUST GET BACK AT you should be "getting back at" those who have done you harm not those who haven't. If "getting back at" is to be of any use. You smack down the person who smacked you down. Not a complete stranger. That is what crackpot wackadoodles do.Does it make them feel good just to strike out at anyone? Does it mitigate the pain and humiliation of being attacked just because of whom they are? So they attack others who are totally innocent and somehow it balances things out? Others who have done nothing to warrant it? I don't get it. Makes no sense. Maybe because ... less
She claims to be Trump's spiritual advisor. She preaches the prosperity gospel. Orthodox Christians and some evangelicals think she is a charlatan, a heretic and a false teacher.
I think the mouth would rumpelstiltskin it don't you? All the bazillions he has spent on faking dirt on Biden and on Hunter was For NAUGHT! A perfect end to another disaster for th... moreI think the mouth would rumpelstiltskin it don't you? All the bazillions he has spent on faking dirt on Biden and on Hunter was For NAUGHT! A perfect end to another disaster for the mouth. Sheesh. Whatta sap.
Next on his list is RODEOS, CAR RACES, COUNTY FAIRS, HOEDOWNS. Make ya think he is ONE OF YOU? Do you buy? He is worth $3 BILLION allegedly. How much are you worth?
Whom you are allowed to live with love sleep with marry? Would any one of you really take that seriously and bend over and cooperate? You are not that type of person are you? Dicta... moreWhom you are allowed to live with love sleep with marry? Would any one of you really take that seriously and bend over and cooperate? You are not that type of person are you? Dictating the lives of others who must comply with YOUR wishes? Of course you aren't.You are BETTER than that. Kinder than that. You realize that love is not dictable by outsiders like you. It is or it isn't. Period. End of story. Or should be.
Someone just like the mouth ONLY VERY SMART will come along and replace him and then we will be in a lot of trouble.Wonder what the mouth will tweet about Robert de Niro a very gif... moreSomeone just like the mouth ONLY VERY SMART will come along and replace him and then we will be in a lot of trouble.Wonder what the mouth will tweet about Robert de Niro a very gifted and distinguished actor. Mr. de Niro thinks the mouth is OBTUSE AND DUMB.THE MOUTH per Robert de Niro isFakeGenuine LoserTotal huckster hustlerOnly worth $3 billionHe's a foolCalled up tabloids as someone else to advertise himselfProstituted himselfCalled up Forbes and gave a fake estimate of his worth
What if I my family had been blocked from entering and turned back and turned out where would we have gone? I expect they believed in the words on the Statue of Liberty.I don't kno... moreWhat if I my family had been blocked from entering and turned back and turned out where would we have gone? I expect they believed in the words on the Statue of Liberty.I don't know what immigration was like so many decades ago. Did you have to get permission while you were fleeing genocide in your country and wait your turn to be approved? If so they would have been dead and it would have been moot.Anyway that's my story and so I think I am NATURALLY more sensitive to immigrants and what they go through FLEEING CERTAIN DEATH and I don't despise them or vilify them or insult them or denigrate them as so many "good Americans who want the ego wall" do every day and every night. The closer you are to being an immigrant the less dismissive you are of those who want to save their children's lives. Odd that isn't it? How very odd that parents want their children to survive. less
You can be sharp as a tack about lots of stuff but still be dense about something others see very clearly.Why does density rear its ugly head so often for some and so very rarely f... moreYou can be sharp as a tack about lots of stuff but still be dense about something others see very clearly.Why does density rear its ugly head so often for some and so very rarely for others?Anyone?
Because arrogant SOB's are never as great as they think they are. And modesty is a becoming trait in everyone. And being humble. And not being so full of yourself or your country.T... moreBecause arrogant SOB's are never as great as they think they are. And modesty is a becoming trait in everyone. And being humble. And not being so full of yourself or your country.The UGLY AmericanThe ARROGANT AmericanThe ISOLATIONIST AmericanThe HOLIER-THAN-THOU AmericanThe I'm better than anyone anywhere AmericanYour cuppa tea? You can have 'em.
Trump would CHEAT and have his IQ blown sky high anyway. .....Nevermind.
WHITE HOUSE... moreTrump would CHEAT and have his IQ blown sky high anyway. .....Nevermind.
Trump fixates on IQ as a measure of self-worth
People who know Trump suspect his IQ obsession stems in part from a desire to project an image of success, despite scattered business failings and allegations of incompetence.
It was January 2004 and Donald Trump was on the “Today Show” to promote a new reality TV series called “The Apprentice.”
Almost immediately after the interview began, Trump started bragging about the unparalleled intellect of the contestants who would compete for a job at one of his companies.
“These are 16 brilliant people. I mean, they have close to 200 IQs, all of them,” he told host Matt Lauer. “And some may be beautiful and some may not be beautiful. But everybody has an incredible brain.”
It wasn’t the first time Trump fixated on IQ as a measure of a person’s worth — or, as is frequently the case, worthlessness. An... less
Now the GOP attack dogs are demanding that Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower both testify under oath vis a vis IMPEACHING THE MOUTH.First of all outing the Whistleblower is the wr... moreNow the GOP attack dogs are demanding that Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower both testify under oath vis a vis IMPEACHING THE MOUTH.First of all outing the Whistleblower is the wrong thing to do. His/her identity SHOULD BE PROTECTED.Second of all Hunter Biden has ZERO to do with anything vis a vis impeaching the mouthYou see what I mean? Desperation brings forth the depth of their stupid dumb. Better they stifle it and remain quiet and out of sight and under the radar and below decks or in the closet with the door shut. If they have a brain left with which to figger that out which is getting more and more doubtful. It will not end well for them in the else-wise otherwise. That will be more OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS. Another nail in the coffin of the mouth via his peeps. Each time they try it another count of impeachment will be added. You'd think they'd get the message wouldn'tcha? No hope for that. less
Now the GOP attack dogs are demanding that Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower both testify under oath.First of all outing the Whistleblower is the wrong thing to do. His/her identi... moreNow the GOP attack dogs are demanding that Hunter Biden and the Whistleblower both testify under oath.First of all outing the Whistleblower is the wrong thing to do. His/her identity SHOULD BE PROTECTED.Second of all Hunter Biden has ZERO to do with anything vis a vis impeaching the mouthYou see what I mean Desperation brings forth the dept of the stupid dumb. Better they stifle it and remain quet and out of sight. If they have a brain left with which to figger that out. It will not end well for them in the elsewise otherwise. That will be more OBSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS. Another nail in the coffin of the mouth via his peeps. less
This love note includes everyone. Because I would like information from the Mugger "public" regarding what kind of music you would like to listen to while getting a massage a... moreThis love note includes everyone. Because I would like information from the Mugger "public" regarding what kind of music you would like to listen to while getting a massage at a spa.I understand this may be the least of your concerns. Getting worked on is all most people care about until they lay down. For instance, I love Tori Amos, but I don't think 80 percent of my clients do. They would get uncomfortable listening to her because she is strange to them and LET'S FACE IT FOLKS, TORI IS JUST STRANGE.My biggest concern is finding music I can adapt to spa restrictions (no rap or loud vocals, just not relaxing) and love the sound myself. I am more than willing to play something I don't like if the client does, I am all about the service, but they will get their best massage if I can only find some music I love and can do a great massage to. The music carries the time for me and I give the best massages if the music clicks just right in my head. The massage just organically... less