Extremely Well-documented loaded with details and times and places and names and conversations.It is mesmerizingly and enormously information-laden and SPECIFIC.I don't want it to ... moreExtremely Well-documented loaded with details and times and places and names and conversations.It is mesmerizingly and enormously information-laden and SPECIFIC.I don't want it to end. It's better than anything I've ever heard any politician ever say on TV when testifying about anything to anyone for any reason. I cannot imagine how the attack dogs plans to tear it to shreds. Or will they put their trails between their legs and not try and wait for another witness to show up who isn't so brilliant or detailed or assured or informative?. less
Or one that abandons ridicules ignores all of that and is controlled entirely by a single man and his erratic tumbleweed whims? Above the law because he is the law?Serious question... moreOr one that abandons ridicules ignores all of that and is controlled entirely by a single man and his erratic tumbleweed whims? Above the law because he is the law?Serious question. Never thought I'd ever in my entire life have to ask it of fellow Americans. But here we are today and the question is valid. Whether you will answer it honestly or not is not my problem. I had to ask. You do whatever you need to do. I'm good with my conscience. I expect you are good with yours too. No matter what you have to do to it to make it so. less
Because he knows that conspiracy theories no matter how untrue go a long way with the GOP and sought to promulgate that and convince folks that it was in Fact Ukraine and worse tha... moreBecause he knows that conspiracy theories no matter how untrue go a long way with the GOP and sought to promulgate that and convince folks that it was in Fact Ukraine and worse that Joe Biden and his son Hunter were mixed up in some kind of scandal. The rudyg spent a bazillion dollars and many months to prove his conspiracy theory was true. He tried to debunk the debunk. He might still be wherever he is in the prison process.
Impeachment Inquiry into Donald J. Trump 45th president of the United States.Schff begins with the Russian Meddling in the Russian interference in our elections to establish a base... moreImpeachment Inquiry into Donald J. Trump 45th president of the United States.Schff begins with the Russian Meddling in the Russian interference in our elections to establish a base from which everything else will flow? I don't know. We will find that out.What kind of conduct do the American people expect from their president?
The dementia don TRUTHFUL resumecompared to everyone he has ever fired insulted attacked vilified demeaned denigrated.Let's see who has had the most distinguished honorable admirab... moreThe dementia don TRUTHFUL resumecompared to everyone he has ever fired insulted attacked vilified demeaned denigrated.Let's see who has had the most distinguished honorable admirable PATRIOTIC career to date.
You do not think with your heart and your emotion. If that is how you "decide" on you will lose every time.Emotion is no match for logic and common sense and reason if the goal is ... moreYou do not think with your heart and your emotion. If that is how you "decide" on you will lose every time.Emotion is no match for logic and common sense and reason if the goal is to achieve something that makes sense is fair is legal. If the goal is just to win no matter what then by all means go with your passion and forget reason. If emotion is all you ever use to fuel you you are a fool.Reason versus passion. Logic versus emotion. Brain versus reaction viscerally. May the best presenter win.
Because there is too much evidence of his guilt including by his own mouth on multiple occasions as well as by others in his employ in extreme multiplicity.So attacking the validit... moreBecause there is too much evidence of his guilt including by his own mouth on multiple occasions as well as by others in his employ in extreme multiplicity.So attacking the validity of his guilt is a waste of time. What's left to do? Attack credibility attack motive attack records attack likes attack dislikes attack clothing attack autos attack attack attack attack attack. Anything and everything including the kitchen sink but stay the he** away from his GUILT.Will they be effective attack dogs and shred the questioners to pieces? Vicious vile out for blood willing to do/say whatever it takes to protect the dementia don from ever being held accountable responsible for his actions and words? We will see if VICIOUS is valorous/victorious and wins and truth is the victim. less
Isn't it the DUTY of the president to protect and defend and preserve the Constitutions against all attacks foreign and domestic? How can he when HE is the one doing the attacking ... moreIsn't it the DUTY of the president to protect and defend and preserve the Constitutions against all attacks foreign and domestic? How can he when HE is the one doing the attacking domestically? The dementia don is a piece of work made up of after-market parts some of which are badly damaged and dysfunctional. A perfect prez for his base who gets off on chips and discolorations and rejects and seconds but not up to snuff for the rest of us.
What ARE the core values of dementia don's peeps? What ARE the core values of the spinless GOP Senators? What ARE the core values of the House minority GOP who attack right and sup... moreWhat ARE the core values of dementia don's peeps? What ARE the core values of the spinless GOP Senators? What ARE the core values of the House minority GOP who attack right and support wrong? Where did they go and when and why and can be ever get them back again?George Conway is the one who bemoans the loss and lack of CORE values. Do you too?
SO WHEN HE GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO BLAME UKRAINE FOR MEDDLING IN THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND ABSOLVE RUSSIA COMPLETELY DOES IT GIVE YOU PAUSE?He begs for meddling. THAT same ... moreSO WHEN HE GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO BLAME UKRAINE FOR MEDDLING IN THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND ABSOLVE RUSSIA COMPLETELY DOES IT GIVE YOU PAUSE?He begs for meddling. THAT same AFTERNOON that he BEGGED RUSSIA TO GET INVOLVED WIKILEAKS begins leaking information helpful to him regarding Hillary's emails. Thereafter he says repeatedly I LOVE WIKILEAKS.Fast forward to now and he is busting his corpulent a** to vindicate Russia and blame Ukraine.Is he forgetful mixed up or just demented and forgot how he begged for Russia's help? All of the above no doubt.Isn't he awesome though? I know y'all are impressed as he** with his extremely stable geniousness and profound wisdom. Of course you are. less
and his LYING DAUGHTER is right up there with him. She trains. She never created anything. She is a feckless bad word for a vagina. Same word S... moreand his LYING DAUGHTER is right up there with him. She trains. She never created anything. She is a feckless bad word for a vagina. Same word Samatha B accused her of. LIAR.
Vlad Putin's of course which dementia don agreed to roll over for and obediently work on trying to prove via the hapless witless tvlawyer rudyg. Vlad is ecstatic. The dementia don ... moreVlad Putin's of course which dementia don agreed to roll over for and obediently work on trying to prove via the hapless witless tvlawyer rudyg. Vlad is ecstatic. The dementia don LIVES to please Vlad. Anything to remove any taint of meddling from Putin. Anything. No lie is too big to tell. No lives are too many to sacrifice (that's what withholding aid to Ukraine did..delay means death you see). Do anything say anything to vindicate and absolve the putin from the meddling EVEN THOUGH dementia don begged Russia to meddle. Weird? less
It was his very own tvlawyer rudyg who was totally controlling and running a department of state SHADOW government parallel to the legal one. Apparently mike pompousa** deferred to... moreIt was his very own tvlawyer rudyg who was totally controlling and running a department of state SHADOW government parallel to the legal one. Apparently mike pompousa** deferred to rudyg about Ukraine and stepped aside to let him do his deep state dark state shadow games at the command and order of dementia don. Who else would have that authority? So the dementia don was partially honest. Does it count if you are a half-a**ed truthtellter or must you be full on full-a**ed?
I'm just telling you what I heard. If a dementia don weaponized nutjob decides to kill George to shut him up and take him out well that will be dealt with if it happens. I hope not... moreI'm just telling you what I heard. If a dementia don weaponized nutjob decides to kill George to shut him up and take him out well that will be dealt with if it happens. I hope not because GEORGE CONWAY is a light in the darkness of the soul of the GOP. We shall see shalln't we? We shall see. I betcha dementia don will be apoplectic and livid if it happens tweeting his stubby fingers to the bone to try to keep up with and refute whatever GEORGE CONWAY sez. I can hardly wait. Can you hardly too?
Democrats are the ones who ENGINEERED dementia don's involvement in HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEAMEANORS and set him up with the Russians and the Saudi Arabians so he could get caught wit... moreDemocrats are the ones who ENGINEERED dementia don's involvement in HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEAMEANORS and set him up with the Russians and the Saudi Arabians so he could get caught with his figurative pants down around his ankles"?Doesn't that stretch CREDULITY BIGLY?The Dems wouldda needed to get inside the dementia don circle and work from within to set up the crimes committed by Mike Cohen et al who are either IN JAIL NOW or facing jail. Hundreds or thousands of prodon dumbs would have had to cooperate with the Dems for them to pull off such a monumental and momentous trap. The Dems could never have done it on their own all alone. They had collaborators and cooperators and setter uppers and colluders close to dementia don who helped them every step of the way.This is what they believe then? It was the Dem plan all along to impeach dementia don before he did one thing as prez? I didn't know that they had such awesome power. Did you? less
Hate crimes against people are at an all-time high. Hate crimes against property still exist but it's the tartgeting more and more of people that is so worrisome. Will you be next?... moreHate crimes against people are at an all-time high. Hate crimes against property still exist but it's the tartgeting more and more of people that is so worrisome. Will you be next? Surely there is something very hatable about you to someone somewhere who has an ax to grind. Will it be leveled at YOUR head or a neighbor's?Do you carry a loaded weapon and let folks know you are carrying? Ever shoot someone dead who tried to hurt you? What does killing someone feel like? I know if it is self-defense it ain't called murder right? Even so kill or murder the target dies. Small comfort to anyone which it is. less
Expect lots more headlines like this. Whatever goes to the Supremes will end this way. The 5 are owned body and soul and reputation by dementia don. He speaks they roll over. I hop... moreExpect lots more headlines like this. Whatever goes to the Supremes will end this way. The 5 are owned body and soul and reputation by dementia don. He speaks they roll over. I hope I'm wrong. I hope Justice Roberts becomes the go-to core of logical sensible fair and does the right thing. He has done so before but that was before dementia don held such awesome power. Dare he go against the maniacal man whose vindiciive vicious vitriolic venal revenge/retaliation vendettas are legendary? We shall see. Willen't we? less
Sure. They vowed to put dementia don above the country the Constitutions their reputations and their famlies lives. The don demands loyalty from everyone. Not half-a**ed loyalty. T... moreSure. They vowed to put dementia don above the country the Constitutions their reputations and their famlies lives. The don demands loyalty from everyone. Not half-a**ed loyalty. The full sure thing. That's it folks. That's all there is. I would be very surprised if any of those terrified Senate toady sycophants would brave up and coward down and vote to impeach.
He said after the House has completed hearing all the testimony vis a vis the dementia don IMPEACHMENT hearings and the Senate gets it next to debate advise consent or dissent that... moreHe said after the House has completed hearing all the testimony vis a vis the dementia don IMPEACHMENT hearings and the Senate gets it next to debate advise consent or dissent that his Senate colleagues will treat it very seriously and do the right thing.He said if in fact all the evidence shows the dementia don did done done high crimes and misdemeanors and the Senators REFUSE to impeach him then we will know it is okay for any president futurely to commit high crimes and misdemeanors and no one will ever try to stop him. Or words to that effect.Well of course the Senator toady sycophants think whatever crimes dementia don commits are not crimes at all because he gets to do whatever the he** he wants to do because the fake AG liddlebillybarr waives all legalities so that dementia don will never be guilty of anything ever at all forever after. DUH! Do you SERIOUSLY believe any Senators on the dementia don team will vote to impeach? None of them have a spine. None of them are brave enough to do the right thing. T... less
What happens to the hearings? Do they go away forever as the dead are mourned and buried. Or is it celebration time when all the dementia don adoring worshippers high five get drun... moreWhat happens to the hearings? Do they go away forever as the dead are mourned and buried. Or is it celebration time when all the dementia don adoring worshippers high five get drunk and make that day a dementia don holiday? Never gonna happen? Really. We'll see. Desperate times call for desperate actions and the dementia don cabal et al are desperate.
Do you get off on laughing at him all the time because he is so dam* funny or are you the kind who goes to all horror movies because you love to be scared to death?
That crazy wackadoodle dementia don. Who else is so crazy as to call others crazy? He knows all about crazy inside and out. He was when foretold his descent into the muck on the go... moreThat crazy wackadoodle dementia don. Who else is so crazy as to call others crazy? He knows all about crazy inside and out. He was when foretold his descent into the muck on the going down escalator. He was when he campaigned and debated and rallied. A crazy wackadoodle certified loon. He is beloved because he is so wacky.
He upended everything everywhere without exception. He changed what we value support believe to its exact and evil opposite. Millions of folks reversed their flow for him and turne... moreHe upended everything everywhere without exception. He changed what we value support believe to its exact and evil opposite. Millions of folks reversed their flow for him and turned on a dime from wanting to soar like eagles to living in slime and loving every dirty inch of it.So he changed their flow with such ease. How do we know we can't change it back to what it was? They are not in control obviously or they would not have rolled over so easily. Maybe we can roll them over back to the way they used to be? Worth a try? less
How long does dementia don have to rule the roost and crow and strut about and bray and squeal?The DEM MAJORITY in the House will do the right thing. The minority is worthless. But... moreHow long does dementia don have to rule the roost and crow and strut about and bray and squeal?The DEM MAJORITY in the House will do the right thing. The minority is worthless. But that's not the bad news.The bad news is when anything of importance goes to the Senate for advice and consent/confirmation moscow mitch that son of an itch will simply refuse to take it up or if he does he will shut it down.A dog&peony show for show. Or will someone/something somewhere somehow save us? I dunno. Stick around. Miracles do happen. Even in this day and age and place and time. We need one. How's about it? Any miracle workers out there got a miracle he/she will provide? less
No matter how many layers of lipstick you put on pig it is still a pig. The ONLY thing you can possibly do is have drastic immediate plastic surgery and change pig to Sara Palin or... moreNo matter how many layers of lipstick you put on pig it is still a pig. The ONLY thing you can possibly do is have drastic immediate plastic surgery and change pig to Sara Palin or Mina Chang(the fake resume fake Time magazine dementia don employee all over the news for her blatant lies) or Melania Trump or any one of the dementia don's sexmates. They won't need much lipstick.Now who are the ones designated to lipstickate the pig? The attack dogs like liddle jimmy jordan and mighty markie meadows and lovely lindsay graham and all the other butt suckers who will lie and die for dementia don and be proud to do so.Gonna be great fun watching and listening. Trying to unpigify a pig is a gargantuan gig. Never been attempted before on such a grand scale. Depigify unpigify nullify reinvent reconfigure. Lotsa work ahead! Get ready get set GO! less
They don't need nobody. They don't want nobody. They are Americans by gawd and that is enough and all they ever want to be. Other countries can go suck an egg for all they care. On... moreThey don't need nobody. They don't want nobody. They are Americans by gawd and that is enough and all they ever want to be. Other countries can go suck an egg for all they care. One thing. Ya gotta bow down to them OR ELSE. Ya gotta acknowledge they are the best of the best and no one is bester than them. Their fragile egos demand it just like dementia don's done do. Birds of a feather.
Theirs starts with N and ends with C which is why whatever they communicate that makes sense to all of them is gibberish to all of us. Now are they born that way or made that way? ... moreTheirs starts with N and ends with C which is why whatever they communicate that makes sense to all of them is gibberish to all of us. Now are they born that way or made that way? Does it make a difference if it is involuntary or by choice?Is involuntary GIBBERISH forgivable while on purpose gibberish is deplorable? Gibberish is gibberish no matter its nature. Right?
Could it be that this MASS HYPNOSIS national nightmare that began January 2017 is also fake phony unreal and awakening from it is just around the corner? How grateful will you be w... moreCould it be that this MASS HYPNOSIS national nightmare that began January 2017 is also fake phony unreal and awakening from it is just around the corner? How grateful will you be when we finally are released its grips? How will you celebrate?
Fake incapacitation as he 5-time fake bonespurred his draft dodging? Get a doc to say he is in a coma and cannot be tried as he might never awaken from it? Would that stop the impe... moreFake incapacitation as he 5-time fake bonespurred his draft dodging? Get a doc to say he is in a coma and cannot be tried as he might never awaken from it? Would that stop the impeachment hearings? What would?
This is DEMENTIA DON DESPERATION DAY where all his attack dogs will come out to hack and slay.Will he blow up the airwaves and black out every TV station radio station and internet... moreThis is DEMENTIA DON DESPERATION DAY where all his attack dogs will come out to hack and slay.Will he blow up the airwaves and black out every TV station radio station and internet? There is nothing he won't do.