The Saugus High School shooter is of Japanese descent, his initials are NTB, and he has a Japanese middle name. My initials are NTB, I'm half-Japanese half-white, and my middle nam... moreThe Saugus High School shooter is of Japanese descent, his initials are NTB, and he has a Japanese middle name. My initials are NTB, I'm half-Japanese half-white, and my middle name is Japanese. I'm freaking out D:
My Dad’s mom was Italian, she used to sing this to me whenever I stayed at her house to go sleep, and I stayed there every weekend when I was young. I miss her... lots.... moreMy Dad’s mom was Italian, she used to sing this to me whenever I stayed at her house to go sleep, and I stayed there every weekend when I was young. I miss her... lots.
Every time it comes up the American big shot hot shots refuse to call the TURKISH genocide of the Armenians a GENOCIDE. Why? They don't what to piss off the lying bastards in Turke... moreEvery time it comes up the American big shot hot shots refuse to call the TURKISH genocide of the Armenians a GENOCIDE. Why? They don't what to piss off the lying bastards in Turkey who have refused to admit anything happened AT ALL. Other countries BY THE DROVES have said it was a GENOCIDE. They are not chickensh** bastards. Why are Americans such chickehsh** bastards? Beats me.
Youth in Action
... moreEnvironmentYoung Game Changers
Youth in Action
October 18, 2019
Candace Dipsey, Jaime Joyce, Shay Maunz, Brian S. McGrath, Karena Phan and Allison Singer
Leading climate activists gathered at the United Nations (U.N.) Youth Climate Summit, in New York City, on September 21. Of about one thousand attendees, 42 were under the age of 18. They were invited to the summit after being nominated by their school or organization. “It’s so amazing, the work that these young people are doing on the ground,” U.N. envoy on youth Jayathma Wickramanayake told TIME for Kids.
Here, the TFK team speaks to nine of the teen climate activists who attended the summit. Learn what motivates them, how they deal with setbacks, and what they are doing to make a difference in their communities and around the world.
Felíquan Charlemagne
Age: 17
Location: Florida, USA
Fel&ia... less
‘The youth have risen!’ Climate strikers storm the streets
CBC Kids News • Published March 22
... more‘The youth have risen!’ Climate strikers storm the streets
CBC Kids News • Published March 22
We join kid protestors in Toronto as 1.6 million students around the world tell grown-ups to clean up their mess
“As Greta Thunberg said, we have not come here to beg politicians for change,” yelled Sophia Mathur, 11, from a podium in front of Queen’s Park, the Ontario legislature.
“We have come here to show them that change... is... coming!”
Sophia Mathur, 11, speaking in front of Queen’s Park in Toronto during a global student climate strike on March 15. (Joshua Ostroff/CBC)
Hundreds of student protesters in the Toronto crowd on this chilly Friday, March 15, cheered in return.
Similar scenes played out across Canada and around the world.
An estimated 150,000 climate strikers demonstrated in Montreal on March 15. (Greenpeace/Twitter)
An estimated 1.6 million kids in more than 120 countries joined the latest, and largest, Fridays for Future climate stri... less
05/22/2019 05:45 am ET Updated May 22, 2019
Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab... morePOLITICS
05/22/2019 05:45 am ET Updated May 22, 2019
Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab
Trump promised never to golf. Instead, he’s spent more than twice as many days golfing as Obama at the same point, costing taxpayers over three times as much.
By S.V. Date
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.
U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a presi... less
The Southern Poverty Law Center says emails show Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist theories.
NOEL KING, HOST:... moreThe Southern Poverty Law Center says emails show Stephen Miller promoted white nationalist theories.
Several congressional Democrats are demanding that Stephen Miller resign. Miller, of course, is one of the president's top advisers on immigration. Here's what's going on. The Southern Poverty Law Center says it got a hold of hundreds of Miller's leaked emails. Miller had sent them to a former journalist at Breitbart, and in them, he talks about white nationalist ideas. The White House is calling this a smear campaign. And Miller, for the moment, isn't saying anything.
Jean Guerrero is a reporter at KPBS. She's been writing a book about Stephen Miller, and she has seen the emails. Good morning, Jean.
KING: So what are the specifics here? What's in these emails?
GUERRERO: Yeah. So these are emails that were sent to Breitbart editors in 2015 and 2016. And to me, the most revealing part is that Miller recommended a book called "Camp Of The Saints." It's a racis... less
He repeated to her what dementia don tweeted about her being in Somalia and "how did that go" implying wherever she went bad things happened. He said that. Schiff told her that. In... moreHe repeated to her what dementia don tweeted about her being in Somalia and "how did that go" implying wherever she went bad things happened. He said that. Schiff told her that. In real time.Divine sublime or not? He threw it at her and wanted her to respond which she did but I think I'd want not to be confronted with the dementia don bullsh** crap in front of a worldwide audience. Just me. Thee?
Dementia don done done dat ting! If Yovanovich had played ball with rudyg et al she would still be there. She refused. She was fired. One of the consequences of being a patriot. Didja know?
Of course it is obvious.The redwood trees are the TRUTHTELLERS UNDER OATH who are testifying to Congress in public hearings.The toothpicks? If you have to ask I really can't help y... moreOf course it is obvious.The redwood trees are the TRUTHTELLERS UNDER OATH who are testifying to Congress in public hearings.The toothpicks? If you have to ask I really can't help you. You're on your own.
The dementia don attack dogs..male and nuthin' else! All they can do is lie when there are at mike and INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT when they are not. A display of de... moreThe dementia don attack dogs..male and nuthin' else! All they can do is lie when there are at mike and INTERRUPT INTERRUPT INTERRUPT when they are not. A display of desperation unlike anything ever seen. Their bad manners coupled with DEFIANT HOSTILITY is very telling.Now Ambassador Yovanovich is talking. I wonder how many times the desperate inept impotent dementia don attack dog,s males and females will interrupt her? Drag out. Interrupt. Drag out. Interrupt. Insult. Distract. Repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat.Your dementia don dodos in action. Watch and learn. less
Rank*6. highly offensive disgusting7. grossly coarse vulgar indecentThe nunes RANKS. So too do the jordan and the don and the entire cabal et al. All are very rank.Lying insulting ... moreRank*6. highly offensive disgusting7. grossly coarse vulgar indecentThe nunes RANKS. So too do the jordan and the don and the entire cabal et al. All are very rank.Lying insulting denying rank..that s the nunes. Second day of testimony he is still gonna DEFEND the dementia don? Proving they got nuthin better to use and ain't that a shame though?
The one I signed is by a really smart California Congresswoman whom I very much admire. I get nervous signing anything since you never know how or where that signature will be used... moreThe one I signed is by a really smart California Congresswoman whom I very much admire. I get nervous signing anything since you never know how or where that signature will be used. I never sign any petitions by anyone at any time anywhere for any reason. Ever.Decades ago there was a huge local scandal. Purported Dems were set up outside markets with petitions for something which I did not sign but later on it was discovered they were REPUBLICANS and used those signatures for REPUBLICAN-BASED goals. In other words they lied and cheated and misused the signatures. Ever since then I don't trust anyone wanting me to sign a petition. I know REPUBLICANS have no problemo lying or cheating or betraying their "pals" to support someone they want to win NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES. So I suspect everyone and anyone of being that kind of Republican. A liar. Do you too? less
In your eyes HE CAN DO NO WRONG so everything and anything he do do is automatically OF NECESSITY the right thing to do!Good ta know. Y'all are so trusting and supportive. No wonde... moreIn your eyes HE CAN DO NO WRONG so everything and anything he do do is automatically OF NECESSITY the right thing to do!Good ta know. Y'all are so trusting and supportive. No wonder he "loves" y'all so much.
The former US Ambassador to Ukraine who will testify today UNDER OATH in a public hearing.How low would a gubment go to STRONG ARM a citizen to kiss the ass of a prez OR ELSE?Beggi... moreThe former US Ambassador to Ukraine who will testify today UNDER OATH in a public hearing.How low would a gubment go to STRONG ARM a citizen to kiss the ass of a prez OR ELSE?Begging ordering demanding insisting on a** kissing 24/7 by everyone all the time OR ELSE. A little lacking in self-esteem? Who does that? The dementian don do dat bad ting 24/7. Who ever did that before? I dunno. Is there anyone else that shockingly weak and self-hating?
"Day after day, day after dayWe stuck nor breath nor motionAs idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean"The world of dementia don. Is he the ALBATROSS or is he the one who destro... more"Day after day, day after dayWe stuck nor breath nor motionAs idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean"The world of dementia don. Is he the ALBATROSS or is he the one who destroyed it?"Water water everywhere and all the boards did shrinkWatter water everywhere nor any drop to drink"And so we stay in one place becalmed. For how long? We are fast dying of thirst and may not last the night.