I think everyone should pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes. But to go beyond that? I dunno. I can't justify it in my mind or head or brain. Actually I haven't tried because it doesn't s... moreI think everyone should pay their FAIR SHARE of taxes. But to go beyond that? I dunno. I can't justify it in my mind or head or brain. Actually I haven't tried because it doesn't seem right to me.Close all tax loopholes for everyone. Don't allow rich folks with brilliant tax accountants to free them of their fair share. There are lots of ways to do that legally. Make it illegal to loophole anyone. They still will be obscenely wealthy.However putting an extra tax on top of that? I dunno. So you're gonna punish the wealthy for being wealthy?Why punish anyone?. MAKE EVERYONE PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.Can you live with that? I can live with that. Who could ask for anything more than that? Anyone? Whatcha think? less
He testified once under oath. After other testimonies came out he testified again because he "recalled" things he hadn't remembered. What will he say after the testimony of Taylor ... moreHe testified once under oath. After other testimonies came out he testified again because he "recalled" things he hadn't remembered. What will he say after the testimony of Taylor and Kent who put him right in the middle of everything? With he once again lie under oath or will he finally testify truthfully? A nuclear bomb goes off and dementia don blows up?
What about what you expose your brain to which you do every day? Is that processed colored preserved mystery "meat" for the brain that drives the inane insane?
If dementia don is watching and listening and thinks these automaton programmed windup toys are gonna save him he is going to be dashed and crushed and smashed. Is there no knowled... moreIf dementia don is watching and listening and thinks these automaton programmed windup toys are gonna save him he is going to be dashed and crushed and smashed. Is there no knowledgeable intelligent calm sincere lawyer or spokesmouth who can speak on his behalf? Only these pathetic windup toys who mimic each other with irrelevant BALDERDASH? Sheeh.
The dementia don tried to EXTORT and BRIBE a foreign gubment to create fake dirt on a political rival in return for which crucially needed aid would be released.He failed. What is ... moreThe dementia don tried to EXTORT and BRIBE a foreign gubment to create fake dirt on a political rival in return for which crucially needed aid would be released.He failed. What is he guilty of and what beside being impeached and removed from office should his punishment be? Jail forever after in a dungeon eating bread and drinking water cut off from everyone forever after? Justice?
Putin RussiaDuterte PhilippinesErdogan TurkeyKim North KoreaAssad SyriaCrown Prince Saudi ArabiaNetanyahu Israel (the net is a desperate wannabe hanging on by a thread I think. now... morePutin RussiaDuterte PhilippinesErdogan TurkeyKim North KoreaAssad SyriaCrown Prince Saudi ArabiaNetanyahu Israel (the net is a desperate wannabe hanging on by a thread I think. now or nevah?)Whatever others there are out there who are extreme racist fascists..oh How's about good old Boris Johnson of the U.K.?All the murdering leaders in Africa should be invited but well since dementia don prefers all white (the Saudi Prince isn't all white but he is obscenely rich which makes up for it) color scheme will be WHITE WHITE WHITEThe food will be served on 24K gold plates for sure and there will be imported everything the best of everything for the best people dementia don knows. The dementia don will spend a bazillion dollars to show off and impress them. Your tax dollars at work. All for y'all. Everything dementia don duz hasta be the most best most expensivist. After all it ain't his money it's yours. What the he** whatcha gonna do? Deny him? Seriously? When didja ever deny him anything? Exactly.' less
Intelligence is not a requirement. In fact intelligence is a definite irritant detriment contaminant. They all are uniformly dull of brain, insane and "tough guy"pretenders. Person... moreIntelligence is not a requirement. In fact intelligence is a definite irritant detriment contaminant. They all are uniformly dull of brain, insane and "tough guy"pretenders. Personally cowardly they are as well. All alike. Interchangeable. Chicken.
Your dementia don in action. Proud yar right? Prouder still if he had gotten away with it. Don't worry. Bulldog dingdong never gives up. He will keep bribing extorting until he die... moreYour dementia don in action. Proud yar right? Prouder still if he had gotten away with it. Don't worry. Bulldog dingdong never gives up. He will keep bribing extorting until he dies or loses his voice. Then he will tweet it.
Witless hapless nitwit halfwit dimwit self-righteous lapdog puppet of a lapdog puppet (dementia don the lapdog puppet of Putin of course..DUH!) brought out DEBUNKED conspiracy theo... moreWitless hapless nitwit halfwit dimwit self-righteous lapdog puppet of a lapdog puppet (dementia don the lapdog puppet of Putin of course..DUH!) brought out DEBUNKED conspiracy theories generated by the tin foil crowd. He was hysterically funny. More of that to come? Seriously? Let there be a chorus of jimmyjordan devinnunes little markiemeadows et al forthwith to whit. A TRIO mio. We need a good laugh and they are the best providers thereof except for dementia don. Keep up the good work attack dogs. What else ya got to do? What could it hurt? Right? Laughter is the best medicine and thanks to dementia don there is a sickness upon the land. Laugh at him ridicule him annihilate him with your attention and revulsion. Give him back what he gives out to those he hates which is everyone who doesn't kiss his a** 24/7. Let's see how long he lasts. less
A sure sign of GUILTA sure sign of inability to deal head on with the issue.A sure sign of bobblehead emptyhead dumbhead blockheadHave they no decency? Have they no shame? Have the... moreA sure sign of GUILTA sure sign of inability to deal head on with the issue.A sure sign of bobblehead emptyhead dumbhead blockheadHave they no decency? Have they no shame? Have they no relationship with REALITY?How came they to be they in that particular most peculiar way?Open your mouth to show how ignorant/fearful you areKeep your mouth closed and let them guess whether it is intelligence or fear that silences you
Or setting up a foundation named after your slain child to fight gun violence? Or carrying on the work of a beloved friend who passed on?Do you see you in such a position?
Allegedly dementia don doesm't do drugs or booze but he doesn't need to.He is drunk as a skunk 24/7 on the drugs of POWER SELF-LOVE GREED HATE DESTRUCTIONHe gets off on all of that... moreAllegedly dementia don doesm't do drugs or booze but he doesn't need to.He is drunk as a skunk 24/7 on the drugs of POWER SELF-LOVE GREED HATE DESTRUCTIONHe gets off on all of that so being as how he is ALWAYS DRUNK he must have roped in all those who are crackhead/drunks. Who else is there for them to cleave unto? They see themselves in him. Right?
Russia is no longer in check in anything. The dementia don signalled to Putin that whatever he wants to get have take invade his will will be done. Starting with Ukraine which deme... moreRussia is no longer in check in anything. The dementia don signalled to Putin that whatever he wants to get have take invade his will will be done. Starting with Ukraine which dementia don KNOWS Putin wants back in the fold so the demented one has exerted all pressure and every effort to hand Ukraine to Putin ON A SILVER PLATTER.You go boy. Keep it up. You are where you are and there wherever your there is to service your puppetmaster being the obedient lapdog that you are. The dementia don serves himself first and also he serves any despot dictator who will suck up to him kiss his a** and lie to him about how smart he is. He lives off fake. The fakier you are with him the more ding dong dementia don is gonna like ya. Whatta guy! My oh my! SIGH.I await the day they have no use for dementia don and toss him in the trash and move on and never look back. You? less
Saying that aid was not denied is a g-d lie. It was delayed and delayed and delayed and still would not have been released had this entire UKRAINE being extorted and bribed to make... moreSaying that aid was not denied is a g-d lie. It was delayed and delayed and delayed and still would not have been released had this entire UKRAINE being extorted and bribed to make up dirt on the Bidens had not been exposed.Did people die in Urkaine during the months of delay? I don't know but it wasn't helpful.The lives of human beings mean nothing to the dementia don which he proves repeatedly. He has no core. Moral or otherwise. Will he ever develop one? What do YOU think?
Grasping at straws. Anything to refute the truth. It ain't working fellas. You just make yourselves more and more ridikkalus. Your stupid dumb is showing loud and clear. Best if yo... moreGrasping at straws. Anything to refute the truth. It ain't working fellas. You just make yourselves more and more ridikkalus. Your stupid dumb is showing loud and clear. Best if you shut up and let the chips fall where they may. YOU CANNOT SILENCE THE TRUTH! YOU WILL NEVER MAKES PREFERABLE TO TRUTH. YOU WILL DIE TRYING. So whatcha gonna do? Keep doing what ain't working? Stupid dumb and insane?
Will it die of a broken heart? All the movers and shakers who live there because dementia don lived there will leave and follow him to Mar a Lago? Inquiring minds wanna know.
The kid MURDERS his parents and then asks mercy from the court because he is an orphan!Please save us from such STUPID DUMB defense. It is OFFENSIVE to think anyone but those of th... moreThe kid MURDERS his parents and then asks mercy from the court because he is an orphan!Please save us from such STUPID DUMB defense. It is OFFENSIVE to think anyone but those of the same ilk as the dementia don would buy such crap and dumbhead "reasons". Seriously. Who buys this stuff and eats and swallows it and digests it?
They came to America because they believed in the words on the Statue of Liberty. They fled the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE at the hands of the Turks. Certain death awaited them in fact my g... moreThey came to America because they believed in the words on the Statue of Liberty. They fled the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE at the hands of the Turks. Certain death awaited them in fact my great grandfather and greatgrandmother and Aunt Anne (who was two years old) DIED on a death march. They planned to get out but never made it. So they stayed and they died. This happens everywhere all the time and will keep happening everywhere all the time. Evil will never die. Only the people who are victims of it. My grandparents and parents became naturalized citizens and were VERY PROUD of being Americans. The current America is not my America and it would not be theirs. They would be APPALLED at how twisted and ugly it is now.So their not being here to witness it is a blessing. Sad that. less
They came to America because they believed in the word on the Statue of Liberty. They became naturazlied and were VERY PROUD of being Americans. The current America is not my Ameri... moreThey came to America because they believed in the word on the Statue of Liberty. They became naturazlied and were VERY PROUD of being Americans. The current America is not my America and it would not be theirs.So their not being here to witness it is a blessing. Sad that.
Automatic robotic scripted roboresponses to anything and everything anytime and all the time that in any way shows dementia don in anything but the most holy innocent light. Every ... moreAutomatic robotic scripted roboresponses to anything and everything anytime and all the time that in any way shows dementia don in anything but the most holy innocent light. Every roborespondent says the same things in the same way at the same time in the same voice at the same level for the same reason. There is no independent thought or individuality or creativity or originality. None. Zero. Zip. Nada.Unless the plug is pulled or the electricity goes off the roboresponders will never stop. A fact of life. Until dementia don is ousted and silenced. Well ya know what? I think we are stuck with them until THEY die. They will make a saint and a martyr out of dementia don. They will create little altars with candles burning 24/7. Watch. They will hallow him and sanctify him and worship him and pass it down from generation to generation. He will be revered forever. His adoring worshippers and their children and their children's children will have photos of him on their walls and make spaces in their homes to kneel a... less
Who is worst and meaner and crueler and hatefuler and selfisher than dementia don? Who has done more damage to others than dementia don since Hitler?The dementia don supports dicta... moreWho is worst and meaner and crueler and hatefuler and selfisher than dementia don? Who has done more damage to others than dementia don since Hitler?The dementia don supports dictators despots authoritarian racists. The dementia don has not only turned his back on our allies but vilifies them every chance he gets. The dementia don has singlehandedly made Putin and Russia FORMIDABLE again. The dementia don has no use for anyone who doesn't kiss his a** and tell him how wonderful he is no matter whom he hurts or what he says. He is a demanding lapdog puppet and nothing more. Who can beat him at being the worst homo sap ever invented in any script? You can't make this stuff up folks. he wins.He is a DISGRACEFUL Despicable Degenerate. less
For his scams and his cons and his lies and self-serving self-aggrandizing selfish actions or his words that inflame the haters out there? You have so much to honor him for don'tch... moreFor his scams and his cons and his lies and self-serving self-aggrandizing selfish actions or his words that inflame the haters out there? You have so much to honor him for don'tcha? You betchure bippy.
One by one either dementia don or one of adoring worshippers or all of them all dismiss out of hand anyone anywhere for any reason who doesn't roll over and kiss the dementia don a... moreOne by one either dementia don or one of adoring worshippers or all of them all dismiss out of hand anyone anywhere for any reason who doesn't roll over and kiss the dementia don a**. Period. End of story. No exceptions. You see/hear that same old line repeatedly. The dementia don AND his pompousa** so-called secretary of state PULLED WILLIAM TAYLOR OUT OF RETIREMENT to replace the Ambassador to Ukraine who was unfairly maligned and removed because she stood in the way of the scandal scam that dementia don and his tv lawyer rudyg wanted to pull. .AND NOW that William Taylor has done such a STERLING job testifying UNDER OATH to congress guess what dementia don and his adoring worshippers and his toady sycophants all say in unison? HE WAS ALWAYS A NEVERTRUMPER.If true why in the he** did the half-a** jacka** dimwit dementia don AGREE to select him to replace anyone?See that's HOW they roll folks. They love the he** outta ya when they think you are a pushover and the minute you show any spine or DIGNITY of HONESTY ... less
Ever so purposely dementia don is ridding government of everyone who faithfully and honorably serving the country and protecting the Constitution.Cross him by being truth honorable... moreEver so purposely dementia don is ridding government of everyone who faithfully and honorably serving the country and protecting the Constitution.Cross him by being truth honorable and refusing to roll over and you're toast. Sigh.
No more trying to plan who will fly Northor who will drive South.No more days long marathon sessions in Google Hangouts.No more all night calls on the phoneand endless hours of scr... moreNo more trying to plan who will fly Northor who will drive South.No more days long marathon sessions in Google Hangouts.No more all night calls on the phoneand endless hours of screen sharing.No more wishing that our cheeky playfulnessat answerMug and Similar Worldswas in a warm cozy bedroom instead of a virtual forum. No more packages sent in the mail.No more waiting for the hopes and dreamsand prayers and wishes to come true.No more nights alonewhich means no more lonely nights.Just a future filled with possibilitiesand two friends turned loverswhose hearts and hands are now within reach.For this I am truly thankful.God bless this Holiday. less
My sister does that. I just put the phone on speaker and go about my business, interjecting an occasional "Uh huh" or "That's interesting.", not having a clue what she is talking about.