If the plaintiff is a WHITE NATIONALIST RACIST and the defendent is an African American can the lawyer legally exclude all African Americans from the jury? How is that legal?
She never once did. She always pulled it away at the last moment so when Charlie went to kick it he fell flat on his A**. Nevertheless he kept believing her every time she conned h... moreShe never once did. She always pulled it away at the last moment so when Charlie went to kick it he fell flat on his A**. Nevertheless he kept believing her every time she conned him and let her set him up again and again againFast forward to North Korea and their version of Nancy. Their beloved leader Kim.Who got everything he wanted from the traitor savior and gave nothing in return and now when the hapless traitor savior comes begging he gets smacked down. The US reality show charlie brown is the only one who doesn't know that Nancy will always pull that football away and Kim will never give him anything of value and will just keep using him and using him and using him. Objects of derision never get the joke.. less
Allegedly the traitor savior tweets to Kim "see you soon". In response the North Korean ministry replies'"we have no interest in holding a fruitless summit with the US".Once again ... moreAllegedly the traitor savior tweets to Kim "see you soon". In response the North Korean ministry replies'"we have no interest in holding a fruitless summit with the US".Once again Kim makes a fool of the traitor savior. How many times does this have to occur before the traitor savior understands that he is an object of ridicule by them and because of that to the rest of the world because he keeps falling for it.?
That is also why he goes ballistic when anyone sez Putin and Russia MEDDLED in the 2016 specifically to install him as president. He blows up because that suggestion undermines his... moreThat is also why he goes ballistic when anyone sez Putin and Russia MEDDLED in the 2016 specifically to install him as president. He blows up because that suggestion undermines his presidency. We know. It does. He is illegimate. Denying it changes nothing.
There is a PLETHORA of possibilities being as how the traitor savior involved so many people in so many criminal corrupt illegal schemes but Nancy Pelosi had to settle on one. The ... moreThere is a PLETHORA of possibilities being as how the traitor savior involved so many people in so many criminal corrupt illegal schemes but Nancy Pelosi had to settle on one. The Ukraine Scandal dropped in her lap and the best part so far?While Ambassador Yovanovich was testifying UNDER OATH the traitor savior was tweeting insults and lies about her. IN REAL TIME. Talk about stupid dumb but it worked out real swell real well because now the focus is on something anyone can understand.Ya know like the mob boss who tells the fruitstand owner to pay PROTECTION money or else his fruit stand gets blown up? Well exactly like that the traitor savior told a foreign country leader he had to dig up fake dirt on a political opponent for Congressionally approved funds to be released.Da dese dem dose traitor savior ain't too smart. He thinks he is but you see doing stupid and thinking he is a profoundly wise extremely stable genius does not compute.DOING IS BELIEVING. less
The traitor savior is YELLING at mikepompousa** for not controlling his people better. For not stopping them from testifying truthfully under OATH.Yet the toady sycophant is still ... moreThe traitor savior is YELLING at mikepompousa** for not controlling his people better. For not stopping them from testifying truthfully under OATH.Yet the toady sycophant is still kissing the ts a** bigly. How does this end? The traitor savior loves to have his a** kissed but he despises anyone who doesn't silence truth. Will mikepompousa** save himself by doing something extraordinarily grandiose and cruel or will he go the way of all the others and be "thrown under the bus"? Why d'ya think so?
Lotsa folks have clumb aboard the SMEARWAGON. Republican sycophants all.They are jolly and jocular and joyful and jeez spectacalarly proud of their traitorsavior. For how long? For... moreLotsa folks have clumb aboard the SMEARWAGON. Republican sycophants all.They are jolly and jocular and joyful and jeez spectacalarly proud of their traitorsavior. For how long? For as long sa it takes whatever it takes no matter what. They are loyal steadfast and very certain they are RIGHT.Wonder where the smearwagon will end, how it will end and what the riders will do without it? Go their separate ways, go undercover go quiet so silent go away?
There is ALWAYS going to be a RESISTANCE to evil.The UNDERGROUND RAILWAY was born and alive and well to offset slavery.Every country has a RESISTANCE to evil. Some are more success... moreThere is ALWAYS going to be a RESISTANCE to evil.The UNDERGROUND RAILWAY was born and alive and well to offset slavery.Every country has a RESISTANCE to evil. Some are more successful at it than others. It takes a LOVE OF COUNTRY to combat the evil that takes over. Being part of the RESISTANCE is not for cowards or the faint of heart. It is not for draft dodgers or liars or those who commit treason and work on behalf of "the enemy". They would never last.So here's to the RESISTANCE movements all over in the world. In America in HONG KONG in everywhere and anywhere that the people defy the evildoers the corrupters the traitors. Good work. Keep it up. Carry on. less
You are guilty of one lie why not be guilty of telling as many lies as you can tell guilty of killing as many as you can kill? Bigger is always better right? More is mu... moreYou are guilty of one lie why not be guilty of telling as many lies as you can tell guilty of killing as many as you can kill? Bigger is always better right? More is much better than less or fewer. Everyone knows that. Everyone say so. That I can tell you.
Allegedly and hopefully there will be 8 more PATRIOTS who testify at the IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY. They will testify UNDER OATH.The curiostiy will be Gordon Sondland who has already lie... moreAllegedly and hopefully there will be 8 more PATRIOTS who testify at the IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY. They will testify UNDER OATH.The curiostiy will be Gordon Sondland who has already lied twice UNDER OATH. What will he do/say? Will we see him throw anyone under the bus and use that old standby "I folllowed orders"? Do you buy that as an excuse for doing anything wrong? The gas chamber bosses used that I suppose to justify gassing a bazillion Jews. "I was following orders". How far does that go to convince you that these jackals were just instruments of others and had no will of their own?A bullet is innocent though it is the thing that does the dirty work. Guns are just the housing. less
I s'pose some construction companies wear two hats. First they go in and knock down, tear down, blow up. Then they clean up that mess and return to build. But how can destroyers be... moreI s'pose some construction companies wear two hats. First they go in and knock down, tear down, blow up. Then they clean up that mess and return to build. But how can destroyers be builders? Doesn't it take a different mentality to be a destroyer? What draws those to destruction? Money of course but what else? Prestige? Being a great knocker downer is worthwhile because? Do they get paid more than the builder uppers?
What does living in mud do to the lungs? Don't all living things breathe?We know all Pols are mudlovers. That's a given. How do they survive inhaling/exhaling mud?
Ella Fitzgerald is mine. Obviously I rarely ever hear her sing but yesterday in the Dentist's Waiting Room she sang and I perked right up and pepped right up and was in a very groo... moreElla Fitzgerald is mine. Obviously I rarely ever hear her sing but yesterday in the Dentist's Waiting Room she sang and I perked right up and pepped right up and was in a very groovy mood. There'll never be another Ella.
My dad was the one who did the grocery shopping! He loved doing it and my mom loved letting him. So every Saturday morning my dad, sister and I went food shopping.We started at the... moreMy dad was the one who did the grocery shopping! He loved doing it and my mom loved letting him. So every Saturday morning my dad, sister and I went food shopping.We started at the market for packaged and dry goods. Then we'd go to the produce store next door. Then the bakery if we were going to get something sweet. Then we always ended up at the meat market where we'd get the meat. And then home! Every week. It was like a treasure hunt and it took several hours. My mom loved to go clothes shopping which I despise. She never was a fan of food shopping. But she loved to cook! Weird. less
Here's mine.Made a cherry walnut bread in the bread machine years ago. I guess it was too moist because when the bread was "done" it was only done on the outside. The inside was GU... moreHere's mine.Made a cherry walnut bread in the bread machine years ago. I guess it was too moist because when the bread was "done" it was only done on the outside. The inside was GUMMY and not thoroughly cooked.I was gonna throw it away and then I thought well maybe I can do something else with it.I put it on a cookie sheet and cut it up into BISCOTTI. Then I put it in the oven at about 250 degrees to let it bake. IT WAS DELICIOUS! It got nicely crisped up and dried out just like ordinary biscotti and was really good. Of course I never made it again. I tried but it wasn't in the cards. I've my share of unreclaimable disasters but that was my one shining success. Sigh. less
How is not telling the ENTIRE TRUTH preferable to being entirely honest?I don't mean cruel vindictive vicious. But if you remain silent about the negatives and only speak about the... moreHow is not telling the ENTIRE TRUTH preferable to being entirely honest?I don't mean cruel vindictive vicious. But if you remain silent about the negatives and only speak about the positive aren't you living life PARTIALLY SELECTIVELY SAFELY? Makes no sense to me.Some folks only talk about dislikes. Never about likes. I think that's just as phony as only talking likes. What about you? Are you a complete truthteller or do you only speak of those truths that won't get you into any trouble with anyone anywhere at any time? less