Some only speak to anger insult attack others. Others will have none of that and only speak to exchange views and share thoughts. No agenda other than conversation communication.Wh... moreSome only speak to anger insult attack others. Others will have none of that and only speak to exchange views and share thoughts. No agenda other than conversation communication.Which group do you think is "happier"? Why?
Here's some of mineWho roasted coffee beans, ground them, put them in water and made a beverage Who took cacao beans ground them up sweetened them and made a sweet chocolaty bevera... moreHere's some of mineWho roasted coffee beans, ground them, put them in water and made a beverage Who took cacao beans ground them up sweetened them and made a sweet chocolaty beverage firstWho put yeast flour water together, kneaded it, let it rise and baked itWho ate mushrooms and died but others kept trying other mushrooms even thoughWho figgered out that garlic butter makes anything delicious. Escargot?
I guess that Donald Trump cannot tell that his appointees are often way the heck uglier than any people Trump picks on for physical unattractiveness.BIG MOUTH and ugly supporters.&... moreI guess that Donald Trump cannot tell that his appointees are often way the heck uglier than any people Trump picks on for physical unattractiveness.BIG MOUTH and ugly supporters. Calls Adam Schiff Pencil NECK. LOOK AT THESE GUYS TAKE A LOOK at GORGEOUS GORDON.
I am going to pray that GOD IMPEACHES HIM FOR GOOD. I am going to pray that GOD permanently removes him from office. I am going to pray that GOD forces him to permanent... moreI am going to pray that GOD IMPEACHES HIM FOR GOOD. I am going to pray that GOD permanently removes him from office. I am going to pray that GOD forces him to permanently resign from the planet. GOOD RIDDANCE to BAD RUBBISH.
When those who are charged with ENFORCING THE LAWS are the very people who IGNORE THE LAWS AND RIDICULE THE LAWS AND BREAK THE LAWS AND ARE THE LAWLESS.So how do you combat lawbrea... moreWhen those who are charged with ENFORCING THE LAWS are the very people who IGNORE THE LAWS AND RIDICULE THE LAWS AND BREAK THE LAWS AND ARE THE LAWLESS.So how do you combat lawbreakers? Your go- to guys ARE CORRUPT.The Founding Fathers didn't provide for that. I guess they never thought that any 'leaders' would be so very vile venal evil corrupt criminal traitorous treasonous gullible puppets of hostile foreign puppetmasters.Wish we could go back and get a do-over. Wish someone way back then had a crystal ball and saw dementia don and his cabal et al and what they planned to do. Somewhere along the line if he ended up where he is now the CONSTITUTION would have provided for IMMEDIATE removal. And removal of all who supported him..If any of you are familiar with charlie and the chocolate factory remember the scale that weighed good eggs and bad eggs and what happened to the bad eggs? Catapulted into some oblivion from which they never returned. Well that's what would automatically happen to them. Catapulted by so... less
Does ALLEGEDLY not smoking, boozing or shooting up drugs offset obesity, junk food ingestion and slothful lazy living?Any health experts out there who think he is one he**uva health nut?
Lying about and/or hiding things is what dementia don done done done did done do 24/7.He is TERRIFIED that we will find out something very ugly in his tax returnsHe is TERRIFIED th... moreLying about and/or hiding things is what dementia don done done done did done do 24/7.He is TERRIFIED that we will find out something very ugly in his tax returnsHe is TERRIFIED that we will find out something very disturbing about his healthHe lies all the time about everything. His wealth or lack thereof because he is ashamed of how little he is worth and his health because he is obese has a lousy diet doesn't exercise.Not smoking and not drinking booze doesn't really make up for being lazy overweight and eating junk food. less
He cannot take criticism from anyone about anything and therefore no matter who sez it that person becomes a NEVER TRUMP.His peeps buy that schtick. Ick.
The press secretary saidHe starts work every day at 6am and works till very late at night.Yep. She did. See why she is such a gifted PS(poop spreader) for dementia don?
He could appoint the Saudi Crown Prince and Erdogan and Kim and duterte and all the other despot dictators to his cabinet. Right? Who is gonna stop him?
Allegedly dementia don's IRE is on fire directed at mike. For what?For bringing in William Taylor and all the other State Department folks who are testifying TRUTHFULLY.The dementi... moreAllegedly dementia don's IRE is on fire directed at mike. For what?For bringing in William Taylor and all the other State Department folks who are testifying TRUTHFULLY.The dementia don thought the pompousa** knew truth was to be avoided at all costs. So who will replace him?Sean HannityStephen MillerAlex JonesDavid DukeTom SelleckScott BaioJudge JeannieLaura whatshernameSarah PalinSarah SandersHis last out of wedlock sex partner...Now that would be sumpin'!IvankaDonjohnjrEricTiffanyBaronJaredPutin (who sez a foreign hostile enemy can't be part of the dementia don cabinet?) less
An Answerbagger gal told me that years ago. She was always suspicious if someone gave her a compliment. Her first and only reaction was "what does he/she want from me"? I never for... moreAn Answerbagger gal told me that years ago. She was always suspicious if someone gave her a compliment. Her first and only reaction was "what does he/she want from me"? I never forget it because it still bothers me that there are people like her who are so suspicious of others. So are you suspicious too?
I fall in love too easily methinks. Not romantic love...Jim is my only hearthrob. But people I meet wherever we go. Some I "love" immediately and I'm not sure why. Jim is more caut... moreI fall in love too easily methinks. Not romantic love...Jim is my only hearthrob. But people I meet wherever we go. Some I "love" immediately and I'm not sure why. Jim is more cautious. It takes him a little while to "like". I can tell at a glance whether a person is simpatico and I seem to click with them for whatever reason. I can't figger it out. Some I never see again. It's just a one-time very pleasant interaction. I am always open to that and people respond. You can tell. How? When I pass by I look folks in the eye and I will smile. If I get a smile and a "hello" in return I know. There are a few who look away and even if you say a simple greeting they say nothing in return. They seem to be very unhappy people and closed off to possibilities.Anyway are any of you like that or are you the opposite? I never go anywhere by myself any more. Jim is always with me. He does all the driving. I used to love driving but I don't anymore so he does it.Years ago my son described me to a friend of his (who passed it alo... less
Are dream wishes? Some are very simple straightfoward logical understandable. Others are all over the place and make no sense. Are they our escape hatch...our steam venter on the p... moreAre dream wishes? Some are very simple straightfoward logical understandable. Others are all over the place and make no sense. Are they our escape hatch...our steam venter on the pot so we don't explode? Are they meant to teach us something? Are they particular and specific and purposeful or are they random meaningless non-directional? I have no idea. You?
Now the United States of America is known worldwide as a White Nationalist nation. White Nationalist is PC for RACIST. Proudly so to listen to the words of the high and might... moreNow the United States of America is known worldwide as a White Nationalist nation. White Nationalist is PC for RACIST. Proudly so to listen to the words of the high and mighty like stephen miller alex jones sean hannity rush limbaugh laura whatshername and of course the the gas of that engine dementia don.On his watch he turned the country known for living up to the words on the Statue of Liberty into what you see now. Deplorable despicable disreputable dishonorable disgusting dissolute denigrating demeaning divisive dementia donland. After that diseased deformed infection is routed out how long will it take to get the very ill and dying body politic back to where it was and who will be able to perform that operation without killing the patient? less
How do we fix it?Eliminate all political parties/labels/slogans/proselytizing.Have people run for any office and have citizens vote for whomever seems best to them.No ads. No attac... moreHow do we fix it?Eliminate all political parties/labels/slogans/proselytizing.Have people run for any office and have citizens vote for whomever seems best to them.No ads. No attacks insults lies. No TV shows promulgating anyone. No radio shows supporting anyone.Simplicity is key to civility. Don'tcha think?No op ed pieces. No hunting for dirt. NO MANUFACTURING DIRT.The candidates just tell you why they are running and what they plan to do. NO MENTIONING OF ANY OPPONENTS. Only positive pitches limited to the candidate speaking will be allowed.No dirty tricks. No politics. No shadow governments. No conspiracy theory wackadoodle wingnuts.Why would anyone object to that? less
He is the orangeman and good grief Orange and RED CLASH bigly. It is most offensive and dastardly. Why would an orangeman adore a color that is so clashy? Now on its own red is fin... moreHe is the orangeman and good grief Orange and RED CLASH bigly. It is most offensive and dastardly. Why would an orangeman adore a color that is so clashy? Now on its own red is fine. A dress a car a sunset. But a political philosophy that has always been HOSTILE to democracy? Seriously? Something stinks bigly.