He has helped Putin to get everything he wants and keeps giving him support and defends him and compliments him. Putin has gotten a lot of good stuff from dementia don's efforts.An... moreHe has helped Putin to get everything he wants and keeps giving him support and defends him and compliments him. Putin has gotten a lot of good stuff from dementia don's efforts.Anywhere in the world at any time has this puzzlement ever been replicated?
Nonsense gibberish or the new defense of the dementia don attack puppies?Is attempted murder a crime?Attempted arson?Attempted extortion?Attempted bribery?Attempted treason?Attempted rape?
Because he is a mentally defective "leader" who wants nothing more than to please Putin. So every Republican who pushes that bullsh** speaks for Putin word for word. If they don't ... moreBecause he is a mentally defective "leader" who wants nothing more than to please Putin. So every Republican who pushes that bullsh** speaks for Putin word for word. If they don't know they are dumber than I give them credit for being. It's possible.
WHAT IFAll candidates for president had a LIMIT beyond which they could not legally go...funds they could spend on advertising and getting elected? Level the playing field?As it st... moreWHAT IFAll candidates for president had a LIMIT beyond which they could not legally go...funds they could spend on advertising and getting elected? Level the playing field?As it stands someone can have a war chest of billions of dollars while an opponent's war chest might be millions. Which means the wealthy can buy whatever they want including elections.Now I don't give a rat's if they buy multiples homes and yachts and jewels and cars and furs or islands for their own person use. But buy politicians to do their bidding out of obligation? Buying legislation outcomes(that's what lobbyists do in case you didn't know) like the NRA does and the oil/gas companies do and pharmaceutical companies do and on and on and on and that affects ME and others? SUCK BIGLY.Scary thought though for those who are used to buying what they want no matter what it is. Hopeless? less
To declare out loud in public that they will be investigating "corruption" including the Bidens. Ambassador Sondland testified to that UNDER OATH. What dementia don wrote and insis... moreTo declare out loud in public that they will be investigating "corruption" including the Bidens. Ambassador Sondland testified to that UNDER OATH. What dementia don wrote and insisted be camerad and what he did are not the same at all. They are opposite.So y'all know dementia don is a compulsive liar. Yet you choose to believe him. How is that logical?You really don't have to be a genius to figure out what's going on. You really do have to be a liar to deny it.
To get what they can get from him in his defenseless state. He cannot control his inadequacies. He doesn't know he has any. Those surrounding him know very well how they can manipu... moreTo get what they can get from him in his defenseless state. He cannot control his inadequacies. He doesn't know he has any. Those surrounding him know very well how they can manipulate him to their ends. EVERYONE.World Leaders manipulate him because they can get out of him whatever they want if they kiss a**Employees manipulate him because they get paid very well to butt kiss and his is a very big butt"Friends" and "Family" manipulate him to get what they can out of him. He cuts them off what do they do? His devoted "worshipping adorers" use him because they get from him what they wantHe is being used by all those who interact with him because they benefit personally. No one loves him or likes him enough to stop using him nor do any of them ever try to help him. NO ONE.I told you. A different perspective. He is like a 50 IQ innocent being manipulated by those much smarter than him without being remotely aware that he does their bidding..not the other way around. His mental defect is such that he has no self-awar... less
He'd better choose a dam* good pick for veep because he doesn't appear to be at the top of his game and if that is true now what does the future hold for him? Anyone feel the same?
Testifiers honored the SUBPOENAS and came forward to testify UNDER OATH against the instructions of the White House.It is clear to any sane logical intellitent person who the patri... moreTestifiers honored the SUBPOENAS and came forward to testify UNDER OATH against the instructions of the White House.It is clear to any sane logical intellitent person who the patriots are and who the traitors are.The tesifiers? PATRIOTS.The scairdy cat demanders to NOT SHOW UP? TRAITORS.Never was it more clear and hopefully once that dam* nightmare ends it never will come to this again. This is the very worst. If we survive it we can learn from it and all patriotic Americans can pull together to squash the traitor vermin who would destroy a country to please a defective insane man. less
State Department or so he said early on when asked and held up his phone. So I guess emails directly him are there.So the rudyg is already being distanced by dementia don. Will he ... moreState Department or so he said early on when asked and held up his phone. So I guess emails directly him are there.So the rudyg is already being distanced by dementia don. Will he be thrown under the bus to take the heat off with an eventual pardon? Will rudyg turn on dementia don FIRST to get a deal? Tune in tomorrow to see who betrays whom bigly firstly. Your money is on which one?
The dementia don scriptwriters are more often DEAD WRONG than right and so the folks who do follow that script (penned by stephen miller/sean hannity/dorky don?) will all fall down... moreThe dementia don scriptwriters are more often DEAD WRONG than right and so the folks who do follow that script (penned by stephen miller/sean hannity/dorky don?) will all fall down go BOOM. Being certain at the top of your lungs when you are dead wrong is the MO of the dementia donnites. A hallmark. Dependably .
There are exchange rates for people too apparently. Some are "worth more" in countries other than their own. I think Jerry Lewis was adored in France. David Hasselhoff was a ... moreThere are exchange rates for people too apparently. Some are "worth more" in countries other than their own. I think Jerry Lewis was adored in France. David Hasselhoff was a big deal in Germany wasn't he? Their allure may be less in their own countries but elsewhere? They are very popular.Would you be worth more if you went to live in a different country? Would the person you are be more prized than you are here wherever you live?Currently the most prized person in America is dementia don who is facing impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. See why we are the UGLY not the INTELLIGENT? less
We are a nation of UGLY Americans. Not all of us by any means but the ones in charge in power? ALL UGLY AMERICANS. Why we allow ourselves to be represented by ugly disgraceful disr... moreWe are a nation of UGLY Americans. Not all of us by any means but the ones in charge in power? ALL UGLY AMERICANS. Why we allow ourselves to be represented by ugly disgraceful disreputable dishonorable disgusting devious deceitful demagogue demigod desultory despicable denigrating derogating despot dictator power brokers I shall never fathom. Shall you? Do you? How could you?
Ungrateful disrespectful boneheaded illiterates.Nice going. Their ancestors are all weeping because of their cruel treatment of present-day asylum seekers. SHAME on them. They SHAM... moreUngrateful disrespectful boneheaded illiterates.Nice going. Their ancestors are all weeping because of their cruel treatment of present-day asylum seekers. SHAME on them. They SHAME their ancestors with each racist anti-immigrant attack. But they don't know that because they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. Sheesh.
On occasion in movie theaters a few would cheer for the bad guys. I always thought they were more than a bit weird. But there were so few of them I brushed it off. Now being a good... moreOn occasion in movie theaters a few would cheer for the bad guys. I always thought they were more than a bit weird. But there were so few of them I brushed it off. Now being a good guy sets you up as a target for being smeared and attacked and being a bad guy gets you elected president. Go figger.
Rather than seeking and reaching their lowest level (corrupt criminal lying) why don't people seek their hghest level and stay at that? I understand the pull of gravity. But why ca... moreRather than seeking and reaching their lowest level (corrupt criminal lying) why don't people seek their hghest level and stay at that? I understand the pull of gravity. But why can't homo saps fight that and reach for their better selves instead of doing the easy thing and sinking down as far as they can go and then operate and live there?
Being open to any kind of answers, I am looking forward to yours. I never ate turkey before I came from Germany to the U.S in 1984. I grew to like it - just a little bit, but my hu... moreBeing open to any kind of answers, I am looking forward to yours. I never ate turkey before I came from Germany to the U.S in 1984. I grew to like it - just a little bit, but my hubby does not eat it. Would you eat a goose roast, which is our traditional dinner for Christmas? I love it !!!
Why mikepompousa** of course. The rudyg already said weeks ago he has everything recorded on his phone ( his "insurance") and everything he did was at the direction of the STATE De... moreWhy mikepompousa** of course. The rudyg already said weeks ago he has everything recorded on his phone ( his "insurance") and everything he did was at the direction of the STATE Department, aka pompousa**. Eventually pompousa** will say he did everything on the orders of the prez. I dunno where fake AG liddlebillybarr fits in here but I think no doubt THEY ARE ALL GOING DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN. All the clowns. Going down holding hands singing KUMBAYAH my LORD KUMBAYAH. YA?
He said The State Department and the White House denied him access to papers and documents that he would have liked to review before he testified. Said they were also not provided ... moreHe said The State Department and the White House denied him access to papers and documents that he would have liked to review before he testified. Said they were also not provided to Congress who specifically requested them. Said he thought it would have better had they been given what they requested.He ain't gonna drown and let dementia don ride on his back. No way. No how. He sez he ws ADAMANTLY OPPOSED TO ANY SUSPENSION OF AID. Sondland is just beginning his testimony. Right now dementia don is fuming..jimmyjordan is gagging. Devie nunny is getting apoplectic. This is gonna be GOOD!"We worked with Mr. Giuliani because the president directed us to do so".Said the aid should have preceded without ANY CONDITIONS. Betcha dementia don regrets rolling over for that $1 million contribution that bought Sondland the job. Too late schmart too soon old don. What didja think Sondland would do? Sacrifice himself for YOU? Boy you are seriously out of touch less
So taking on a job that REQUIRES one's being HEALTHY in mind, body, spirit, emotions would be mandatory for a president.Now in the fictional TV show WEST WING the president was hid... moreSo taking on a job that REQUIRES one's being HEALTHY in mind, body, spirit, emotions would be mandatory for a president.Now in the fictional TV show WEST WING the president was hiding a medical condition that his wife (a doctor) was constantly treating him for. Never told the people about it. A lie of omission.
JFK had lots of physical problems stemming from the war I think but other things too. You'd never know it to look at him.I think FDR's polio was pretty much covered up. He'd be seen standing at podium. Never walking up to it or leaving it. It didn't affect his being president but ya know how pols are about "looking good" and appearances.This prez unexpected two-hour medical evaluation/testing may have found something serious. We have not seen him in the public since the hospitalization. Something is wrong. You know him. You know how he loves to be on camera talking. Why isn't he? Where is he? What's he hiding? What's going on? less
Well ya see he was UNDER OATH so he hadda tell da truth all the truth and nuttin butt da truth so help him GOD. He did. Devin Nunes must squirmed bigly. So too did dementia don whe... moreWell ya see he was UNDER OATH so he hadda tell da truth all the truth and nuttin butt da truth so help him GOD. He did. Devin Nunes must squirmed bigly. So too did dementia don wherever he s hiding out. Anyone seen him since his visit to the hospital for tests?
If they are unable to control themselves (and kleptomaniacs/compulsive liars are definitely that) how can we blame them for something beyond their ability to do?Think about it.
The concept cars are always sexy exotic state-of-the-art and drop dead BEAUTIFUL. What do they do with the one and only concept car? Does the auto company owner get it? The designe... moreThe concept cars are always sexy exotic state-of-the-art and drop dead BEAUTIFUL. What do they do with the one and only concept car? Does the auto company owner get it? The designer? Is it raffled off at the company picnic? Is it junked?
In 1891 he had 5 patients who were in the habit of telling EXCESSIVELY LARGE LIES. They were his inspiration for the nomenclature used to describe the condition.What causes i... moreIn 1891 he had 5 patients who were in the habit of telling EXCESSIVELY LARGE LIES. They were his inspiration for the nomenclature used to describe the condition.What causes it exactly I don't know. Maybe a bazillion different defects/weaknesses/lackings. But it is ABNORMAL.
"This above all to thine own self be trueAnd it must follow as the night dayThou canst not then be false to any man"Shakespeare wrote Hamlet sometime between 1599 and 1601.If you a... more"This above all to thine own self be trueAnd it must follow as the night dayThou canst not then be false to any man"Shakespeare wrote Hamlet sometime between 1599 and 1601.If you are always true to yourself you will never be false to anyone.But what if that self of yours is a compulsive liar? What then?