Currently the Republican party is far more Russian than it is American. Somewhere in the deep dark past mysterious powers saw the connection and took on the cloak of color.Any coun... moreCurrently the Republican party is far more Russian than it is American. Somewhere in the deep dark past mysterious powers saw the connection and took on the cloak of color.Any country's citizens referred to as BLUES?
Some folks KNOW all kinds of esoteric information which means they've done a lot of reading about a lot of different things and pick up knowledge that most of us never knew existed... moreSome folks KNOW all kinds of esoteric information which means they've done a lot of reading about a lot of different things and pick up knowledge that most of us never knew existed. Constantly seeking out and researching and asking and investigating endlessly throughout their entire lives. I think that's a way better way to spend your time from birth to death than joining any group whose main goal is to promulgate hate. Different strokes.What is the most arcane esoteric obscure bit of information you know and how didja find out about it? less
What possible Deus ex Machina will deliver us from this current reality? If we live in a matrix and these "experiences" are artificially induced while we sleep how will we ever kno... moreWhat possible Deus ex Machina will deliver us from this current reality? If we live in a matrix and these "experiences" are artificially induced while we sleep how will we ever know? Unless we awaken in which case would you rather know or not know? Trapped in individual tubes "living" a manufactured life unbeknownst to you or fully aware of where you are what you are and what your future is?
Or do you prefer the flamboyant exuberant bombastic dramatic erratic attention-seeking attention-demanding bombers? You know the kind who will blow things up to get your attention?WHY?
They are "minds" or "brains" and serve the purpose of thinking evaluating comparing contrasting analyzing codifying investigating researching verifying substantiating assessing con... moreThey are "minds" or "brains" and serve the purpose of thinking evaluating comparing contrasting analyzing codifying investigating researching verifying substantiating assessing concluding.What/who determines which blobs are conspiracy theory receptacles that are extremely limited and which blobs are functioning independent minds/brains that are unlimited in ability?Luck or fate?
Democrats began their resistance and talk of impeaching Trump on Inauguration Day. Apparently, there is evidence that anti-Trump forces in the Justice Department worked to orchestr... moreDemocrats began their resistance and talk of impeaching Trump on Inauguration Day. Apparently, there is evidence that anti-Trump forces in the Justice Department worked to orchestrate a coup against the president. What kind of system do we have if forces inside the government attempt to influence the outcome of an election, and then work to undermine the president elected by the people?But efforts to undermine Trump are unnecessary. As an insufferable braggart and serial offender of decency, no one undermines Trump more than Trump himself.For either Democrats or Republicans to see their party as holding the high ground requires a lot of squinting. Are we reaching a point at which dysfunctional government becomes intractable? How about a blanket impeachment that takes them all out? less
A company I worked for said that if a person disappears for more than 6 months then their employment is considered terminated. They pay a lot of money to train their people.
The dementia don is way weird. Nothing normal about the guy. Nuttin' at all. I can take weird in VERY SMALL DOSES ON VERY RARE OCCASIONS.This weirdo dementia don is all over the pl... moreThe dementia don is way weird. Nothing normal about the guy. Nuttin' at all. I can take weird in VERY SMALL DOSES ON VERY RARE OCCASIONS.This weirdo dementia don is all over the place all the time weirding everything he does sez is.
Not my idea but that of an Answermug friend. Of course the scan was part of the two-hour impromptu medical checkup for dementia don. In fact per my friend he had TWO scans. Both ne... moreNot my idea but that of an Answermug friend. Of course the scan was part of the two-hour impromptu medical checkup for dementia don. In fact per my friend he had TWO scans. Both negative. Gosh. How embarrassing!
The hapless witless dementia don adoring worshippers are PARROTING KREMLIN PROPAGANDA. Dumb de dumb dumb dumb! Sheesh. How thickheaded are they that they do know this? Others do an... moreThe hapless witless dementia don adoring worshippers are PARROTING KREMLIN PROPAGANDA. Dumb de dumb dumb dumb! Sheesh. How thickheaded are they that they do know this? Others do and not only in America. Worldwide. I guess the dumbbells always think they know it all. That's what makes them dumbbells.
That it was not Russia but Ukraine that meddled in the 2016 election.The dementia don Putin lapdog puppet pleases his master very bigly as do all those echoing the same RUSSIAN par... moreThat it was not Russia but Ukraine that meddled in the 2016 election.The dementia don Putin lapdog puppet pleases his master very bigly as do all those echoing the same RUSSIAN party line script. A shameful chapter in our history or how we proceed from here on until we are no longer?The lapdog puppets are so obtuse they are not even remotely aware that their audience is Putin and they have done EXACTLY as he expected them to do because he controls the dementia don lock stock and you know whats!It should embarrass them but that would take insight and self-awareness and a modicum of intelligence and well they got none of the above. OBVIOUSLY less
These slimy scumbags have done nothing remotely tolerable in their entire lives and they have the nerve to ridicule/put down former ambassador Yovanovich. They are just exactly lik... moreThese slimy scumbags have done nothing remotely tolerable in their entire lives and they have the nerve to ridicule/put down former ambassador Yovanovich. They are just exactly like moscow mitch..sons of itches. A pox on them for filthy lies and attacks on someone who served her country long and well. They are despicable!
House rules require all the Chairperson of a committee to hear every "Point of Order" offered by a member. Schiff violated this rule on the 2nd day of public testimony by refu... moreHouse rules require all the Chairperson of a committee to hear every "Point of Order" offered by a member. Schiff violated this rule on the 2nd day of public testimony by refusing to recognize a member.
Get him out of sight. Shut him up. A sex scandal is already what dementia don is all about. Sex sex and payoffs for silence. We been there done that jimmy. Now you too? Sheesh! Is ... moreGet him out of sight. Shut him up. A sex scandal is already what dementia don is all about. Sex sex and payoffs for silence. We been there done that jimmy. Now you too? Sheesh! Is there one honorable man in the Republican Party or do y'all have scurrilous pasts?
The plethora of LIAR DEFENDERS are all over the place like maggots. Spewing the lies their public feeds off of.One day they will pay for spreading such LIES. BIG. Universal justice... moreThe plethora of LIAR DEFENDERS are all over the place like maggots. Spewing the lies their public feeds off of.One day they will pay for spreading such LIES. BIG. Universal justice will bite them on their a**es...all the jacks and jills.
While in the Navy in the late 80s, I regularly drove from the Naval base in North Chicago to Toledo and back. I used to be able to see the golden dome of Notre Dame University from... moreWhile in the Navy in the late 80s, I regularly drove from the Naval base in North Chicago to Toledo and back. I used to be able to see the golden dome of Notre Dame University from the tollway. Also traffic was reasonable coming and going back. A few years ago my wife and I went to see her cousin near Waukegan, WI. The traffic was so bad around Chicago, it took over an hour to get around it. Also, the trees along the highway blocked the view of the dome. Disappointing.