Will he continue to try to play dumb despite all the testimonies UNDER OATH that put him squarely in the center of the scandal along with dementia don.The things these fools don't ... moreWill he continue to try to play dumb despite all the testimonies UNDER OATH that put him squarely in the center of the scandal along with dementia don.The things these fools don't have to "play dumb". They are dumb. No question about it. Collectively they don't have working brain among them. If they did they would not have gotten themselves into such a mess and then EXACERBATED IT. Dumbheads dumbbums stupid dumbs. Birds of a feather could do better together than these clowns.
Some Republicans have left the party (the party left them truth be told) and are now independents. They always emphasize they are FORMER Republicans since there is no Republican Pa... moreSome Republicans have left the party (the party left them truth be told) and are now independents. They always emphasize they are FORMER Republicans since there is no Republican Party. That died on inauguration day in January 2017 and is nothing but a footnote. It is the dementia don cabal y'all. He is a very powerful pariah. I expect when he goes to prison he will demand gold fixtures and McDonald's 24 hours a day..
Accusing a patriotic military Hero of committing espionage and having dual loyalty.Imagine how despicable and evil a thing that is? Wounded in action. Wearing a PURPLE HEART. Willi... moreAccusing a patriotic military Hero of committing espionage and having dual loyalty.Imagine how despicable and evil a thing that is? Wounded in action. Wearing a PURPLE HEART. Willing to die for his country (THE USA FOR YOU DIMWITS OUT THERE). I cannot explain how disgusted I am with the vermin who are promulgating this evil. A pox on your houses. Unforgivable sin. Congrats. Now let's see how much lower you go as you follow the leader dementia don to depths of depravity.
Y'all are the only ones who believe him believe in him look up to him and support him. Y'all are the only ones who take him seriously. The rest of world laughs at him, uses him, ma... moreY'all are the only ones who believe him believe in him look up to him and support him. Y'all are the only ones who take him seriously. The rest of world laughs at him, uses him, manipulates him, puts him down and he keeps going back for more of the same.It is your dementia don duty to stick by him no matter what. You've already given everything to support him so ya got nothing left to lose. Good luck. God speed. Happy sailing. With the wind at your backs who knows how far the wind will blow ya? Shows ta go ya. less
The extent to which the dementia don adoring worshippers would go to protect him defend him support him adore him lie for him deny for him attack for him insult for him sell their ... moreThe extent to which the dementia don adoring worshippers would go to protect him defend him support him adore him lie for him deny for him attack for him insult for him sell their dignity and honor and integrity and souls for him.It is unimaginable so this truth is far stranger than the bar scene in Star Wars. Creepier uglier stranger peculiarly bizarrer and queerer.
The intimidated docile obedient pushovers are less needy than their bully lords and massas. They can exist very well without the presence essence existence of butcher dictators. Bu... moreThe intimidated docile obedient pushovers are less needy than their bully lords and massas. They can exist very well without the presence essence existence of butcher dictators. But the bully dictators cannot exist without people to bully. Thinking they can is very silly. So the people cooperate because it's easier to do than not. But it is the rulers who are DESPERATE to be obeyed. They are the ones who are crazy crackpot wackadoodles on steroids. Don'tcha think?
Advertise a complete body tattooed with everything related to dementia don. Charge up the yingyang. His supporters are very wealthy.His famous sayings in script running up both arm... moreAdvertise a complete body tattooed with everything related to dementia don. Charge up the yingyang. His supporters are very wealthy.His famous sayings in script running up both arms His face on the forehead. Every inch of the body will be covered by art based on the profoundly wise extremely stable genius.Perhaps it may get you a cabinet seat. Walking advertisements for him to know how beloved he is. What could it hurt?You could run a special on his birthday, the day he was inaugurated, his anniversay. You know tie the specials in to everything relating to him.It could be HUGE. So huge that it would become a requirement to attend a dementia don rally. Only devoted and loyal supporters would be allowed in.To tattoo or not to tattoo? That is the question. less
A 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger targets a decorated distinguished WAR HERO for elimination for being TRUTHFUL.The dodger dog whistles his crackpot wackadoodle adoring worshippe... moreA 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger targets a decorated distinguished WAR HERO for elimination for being TRUTHFUL.The dodger dog whistles his crackpot wackadoodle adoring worshippers who are weaponized to find him and destroy him.To protect the hero and his family the ARMY plans to spirit them away out of range of crackpot wackadoodles.The ending hasn't been written yet. Will the wackadoodles win?As if all that comes with being in the military and getting medals for bravery weren't enough...now they have to worry about their safety from their own country's crackpots who serve the dementia don without question.Fair or un? You decide. less
Because he testified TRUTHFULLY UNDER OATH and so he is now the target of the crackpot wackadoodles weaponized dingbat dementia don adoring worshippers.Shocking but that's the worl... moreBecause he testified TRUTHFULLY UNDER OATH and so he is now the target of the crackpot wackadoodles weaponized dingbat dementia don adoring worshippers.Shocking but that's the world y'all voted for and got.That a decorated military man WHO TOLD THE TRUTH UNDER OATH is now in peril is simply what is today in the USA.That's the way ya like it. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Good job y'all! Make it a life or death matter and maybe fewer folks will testify. Give me the ability to tell the truth or give me death. Either or. Excellenct for starters. What else d'ya plan to support that the dementia don is all for?This is the reward he gets. Somehow somewhere things went awry. less
Your devotion and commitment to him for all the world to see.We otherwisers can't tell you are an adoring worshipper until you open your mouths. This way it gives us a heads up jus... moreYour devotion and commitment to him for all the world to see.We otherwisers can't tell you are an adoring worshipper until you open your mouths. This way it gives us a heads up just looking at you. It would not be a first...the tattoo.The concentration camp inhabitants were tattooed on their arms I believe. Early on Jews had to wear black armbands identifying them.Now don't you think he will be pleased looking out on his rally crowds all of whom wear his face tattooed on their foreheads? PROOF of your undying support.I know I sure would love being able to spot you on sight from a distance. Think about it. Your gift to him. less
Did is slowly creep up or was it always there? I don't know. Until now if it was always there it wasn't so noticeable. I mean Anita Hill was trashed. So sex-pervert Clarence Thomas... moreDid is slowly creep up or was it always there? I don't know. Until now if it was always there it wasn't so noticeable. I mean Anita Hill was trashed. So sex-pervert Clarence Thomas is a supreme. More recently a sex pervert named kavanaugh joined him. Same MO. Trash the accuser to save the perp's a**.Even Joe Biden, a good old boy, wasn't there for Anita Hill. Even good old boys aren't so good sometimes. He has subsequently apologized to her. Big wow. Too little too late. So if even the good old boys aren't so hot whaddya expect of the bad old boys? They have their fans and their spokesmouth and folks who will join the parade of truthteller trashers. And so it goes. Something to write about futurely. A puff piece or an expose? It could go either way. less
The DEMS are there to GET AT THE TRUTHThe dementia don attack puppies are there to obfuscate accuse insult divert insinuate demean denigrate vilify undermine sabotage undercut tras... moreThe DEMS are there to GET AT THE TRUTHThe dementia don attack puppies are there to obfuscate accuse insult divert insinuate demean denigrate vilify undermine sabotage undercut trash. It takes no intelligence to do that. They are loaded with it! Lack thereof.The questioner is always identified as (R) or (D). Totally unnecessary. You can tell by the questions they ask and HOW they ask them.The truthseekers are polite respectful not accusatoryThe truth avoiders are insulting officious self-righteous obnoxious.Ever it shall be thus. Which side will win? It's hard to tell. One group wants to know the truth. The other group will crawl on its belly to hide it. I don't know if the bellycrawlers are sturdier. They are always dirtier muddier scummier. less
They don't have to work hard to provide for their families.They can work to make more money. ORThey work to make the lives of those less fortunate better.Wouldn't YOU love to have ... moreThey don't have to work hard to provide for their families.They can work to make more money. ORThey work to make the lives of those less fortunate better.Wouldn't YOU love to have that choice? What would you do with it?
Humble and kind are illegal in America for sure. Elsewhere I don't know since I don't live there.Tim would be laughed off the stage and ridiculed. The lyrics? Seriously? In this cl... moreHumble and kind are illegal in America for sure. Elsewhere I don't know since I don't live there.Tim would be laughed off the stage and ridiculed. The lyrics? Seriously? In this climate? Ain't that a shame?
A five-time fake bonespur DRAFT DODGER. Support him who so little valued you and your service to your country? What the he** is wrong with you? You dishonor all the guys who died o... moreA five-time fake bonespur DRAFT DODGER. Support him who so little valued you and your service to your country? What the he** is wrong with you? You dishonor all the guys who died on the battlefields of all our wars. How dare you?
Move over, Jim Carrey: Rosie O'Donnell has sold 91 anti-Trump paintings
... moreMove over, Jim Carrey: Rosie O'Donnell has sold 91 anti-Trump paintings
There are hundreds of celebrities who have something negative to say about Donald Trump, but truly few of them have been as persistent and vitriolic as Rosie O’Donnell, who’s feuded with him for more than a decade now. The actress/activist now has a new avenue for her ire: anti-Trump artwork, which she’s selling to the public on Etsy.
O’Donnell explains on her Etsy account that she began working on the vivid, unflattering portraits several months ago by doodling on her iPhone. “Sadness, rage and disappointment flowed out my finger,” she writes.
Rosie O’Donnell and her artwork. (Photo: IEtsy/ROSIEOart)
The images were transferred to aluminum and sold in small batches, with O’Donnell adding new ones each time a run sold out. She vows she won’t stop making the art until Trump is out of office.
As of posting time, O’Donnell has four paintin... less
There is nothing they can say to REFUTE THE TRUTH.They are dimdumb crumbums and keep trying to matter. All they do is make ridicule a sure thing. Tomorrow they'll go at it again an... moreThere is nothing they can say to REFUTE THE TRUTH.They are dimdumb crumbums and keep trying to matter. All they do is make ridicule a sure thing. Tomorrow they'll go at it again and once again fail.Some are really slow in getting it. They never will.