He is so insecure about his ability to win FAIRLY (he knows he won't) he dare not have any competition at all. His goal? He is the only running. One by one he will take out any and... moreHe is so insecure about his ability to win FAIRLY (he knows he won't) he dare not have any competition at all. His goal? He is the only running. One by one he will take out any and all who dare to challenge him.Crazy corrupt creep.
Liddle lindsay is now biggly a**kissing and buttpatting dementia don. Know what's next?Other a**licker buttkissers will be vying for the attention of dementia just like devinnunes ... moreLiddle lindsay is now biggly a**kissing and buttpatting dementia don. Know what's next?Other a**licker buttkissers will be vying for the attention of dementia just like devinnunes and jimmyjordan and all the others. There will be internecine WARFARE to determine who kisses a** best and buttkisses or butt pats best. The winner will have dinner with dementia don consisting of BIG MACS at 40 paces with beautiful chocolate cake and two scoops of ice cream in the boudoir of don dressed in his jammies watching multiple screens of cable TV as his stubby fingers furiously rebut in tweets on Twitter in real time anything that ticks him off.A circus clown showing off in multiple rings all his tricks. Fawning idiots lavishly salivating to see which of them he will point to as being the current "favorite" in his harem. For those who enjoy this kinda crap. SIGH. How many millions of you are there out there? I know. If you tell me you will hafta kill me. Fuggeddabboutit. I can figger it out. less
Some take every opportunity to make points at someone else's expense while others never do anything at someone else's expense if they can possibly avoid doing so.Two ends of a pole... moreSome take every opportunity to make points at someone else's expense while others never do anything at someone else's expense if they can possibly avoid doing so.Two ends of a pole. What izzit exactly that prompts the "some" to do that and the "others" to try to avoid doing it?Nasty nice? I dunno. Beats me. Whether I encounter it personally or observe it from afar I always wonder why that is the road/path they chose and not another one? It happens. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
Wonder at what age dementia don began his compulsive lying? He was sent away to military school. Does the military abide liars as earnestly and lovingly as politicians seem to too ... moreWonder at what age dementia don began his compulsive lying? He was sent away to military school. Does the military abide liars as earnestly and lovingly as politicians seem to too tutu et tu?
Perhaps he wanted everyone at risk to hook them into playing along and supporting an illegal crime. I dunno.The doofuses who fell for it maybe are now regretting it. Or maybe they ... morePerhaps he wanted everyone at risk to hook them into playing along and supporting an illegal crime. I dunno.The doofuses who fell for it maybe are now regretting it. Or maybe they wear their risk as a badge of honor showing loyalty to a guy who is loyal to no one but himself ever.It takes all kinds don't it though?
The hero is not only braver but a much better human being all the way around apparently. I don't know for sure of course but it's just an observation. I haven't been able to figger... moreThe hero is not only braver but a much better human being all the way around apparently. I don't know for sure of course but it's just an observation. I haven't been able to figger it out. Have you?It would be logical for the hero to LOOK DOWN on the coward but it's always the coward who tries very hard to put down the hero. Weird pecular queer bizarre nutty coocoo kookoo crackpots.
All attack puppies are not alike. Some are light some are dark some are middle aged some are old some are thin some are fat some are smart some aren't.Is there an IDEAL that all at... moreAll attack puppies are not alike. Some are light some are dark some are middle aged some are old some are thin some are fat some are smart some aren't.Is there an IDEAL that all attack puppies should be? A list of requirements?
Because the dementia don puppetmaster Vlad Putin demanded it and insisted on it and so the dutifully obedient weak dementia don rolled over and has been mimicing that crap along wi... moreBecause the dementia don puppetmaster Vlad Putin demanded it and insisted on it and so the dutifully obedient weak dementia don rolled over and has been mimicing that crap along with all his dementia don true believers. That Ukraine done did it to benefit Hillary Clinton and that Putin and Russia are innocent and pure as the driven snow SO HELP THEM GOD. Virginal and pure. That's right. That's what they need you to believe and spread. The GOSPEL according to putin the puppetmaster spread by one of his most adoring acolytes dementia don. He do anythin' everyting he be instructed to do. Lapdog puppets have no brains you see and so they are only vehicles for the words of others who control them.By extension every time a dementia don adoring worshipper repeats the same crap they too are dutifully rolling over and being obedient good little boys and girls. Sigh. It's an epidemic! less
Yep. That little vermin devin is implicated in it too. The skunk who crawled on his belly to the White House when he was the Minority Leader in the House of the Committ... moreYep. That little vermin devin is implicated in it too. The skunk who crawled on his belly to the White House when he was the Minority Leader in the House of the Committee that Schiff now heads. Scurrying vermin in the dark of night sucking up to and kissing the butt of dementia don! THAT GUY. Perfect. Implicated in the FAKE dirt manufacture against Joe Biden and his kid Hunter because dementia don is scared sh**less of Joe and so tried to take him down by any means possible using everyone he could get his stubby little hands on...by now in the multiples of dozens. It figgers. He is so weak and inept and impotent on his own he's gotta have droves of folks to do his bidding.More to come. Stay tuned. What could it hurt? Ya might learn something you didn't know. less
Witch hunt. They tried to commit a coup and failed.Looked stupid dumb on dementia don and looks equally stupid dumb on netanyahu the craven corrupt criminal crybaby copycat crumbum... moreWitch hunt. They tried to commit a coup and failed.Looked stupid dumb on dementia don and looks equally stupid dumb on netanyahu the craven corrupt criminal crybaby copycat crumbum. From Putin to dementia don to Netanyahu...all whinya** weak inept impotent crybabies. Sheesh! This is the 'best" they got right? Any bester and you'd be looking at JESUS.
What kind of work can sex offenders get when they've been outed?How the mighty have fallen. Clearly he is the runt of the family intellectually.Of course Charles is no prince eithe... moreWhat kind of work can sex offenders get when they've been outed?How the mighty have fallen. Clearly he is the runt of the family intellectually.Of course Charles is no prince either. William or Harry worthwhile or are they runts too? Everywhere everyone disappoints someone. Who disappoints you and whom do you disappoint?
Where are they headed? Script is already written. MO is carved in stone. The caravan moves on is currently in the desert. Will it survive to an oasis? Are they in stasis? What's th... moreWhere are they headed? Script is already written. MO is carved in stone. The caravan moves on is currently in the desert. Will it survive to an oasis? Are they in stasis? What's the basis and who are the faces trekking along behind? Gracious!
True confessions.Before Jim came into my life here's what I didUsed instant coffeeDid not use the dishwasher in the apartment..washed dishes by handDid not have an answering machin... moreTrue confessions.Before Jim came into my life here's what I didUsed instant coffeeDid not use the dishwasher in the apartment..washed dishes by handDid not have an answering machineDid not like the remote control so I never used it..way back then you could still control TV manuallySeriously.Since Jim..since him...we brew our coffee daily. DeliciousThe dishwasher is in use daily...I cook a lotWe NEVER answer the phone unless we know who is calling and want to talk to him/herI LOVE the remote...used to call it a space commander. Did not realize you could MUTE/SHUT UP jacka** polsSo you see being exposed to new and improved takes time for some like me to come around. Others are very needy to be first with the newest thingy. Not me. I toldja. True Confessions. Your Turn! :) less
Pilots have checklists to make sure the plane meets whatever requirements are needed. Enough fuel for starters. I should think HOSPITALS have checklists too. Don't you? What other ... morePilots have checklists to make sure the plane meets whatever requirements are needed. Enough fuel for starters. I should think HOSPITALS have checklists too. Don't you? What other professions rely on checklists to see them through?
There are car recalls all the time about defective parts. Occasionally there are notifications of POSSIBLE exposure to life-threatening diseases.Would you rather not be bothered wi... moreThere are car recalls all the time about defective parts. Occasionally there are notifications of POSSIBLE exposure to life-threatening diseases.Would you rather not be bothered with it and let the chips fall where they may or do you appreciate being notified so you have a CHOICE of acting on that information?m Why?
Even though you don't run to others whinya**ing and complaining because you are quite capable of defending yourself if that is what you want to do or ignoring it...even so isn't it... moreEven though you don't run to others whinya**ing and complaining because you are quite capable of defending yourself if that is what you want to do or ignoring it...even so isn't it nice to know there are others out there WATCHING YOUR BACK and speaking up on your behalf? That they are so incensed at unfair attacks they can't remain silent?I can fight my own battles. But I know there are folks out there who have backed me up and spoken up even they didn't need to do so. I think Lt. Col. Vindman is no different from me..well except he is a WAR HERO WITH A PURPLE HEART and Dr. Fiona Hill is no different from me well except she is a BRILLIANT public servant who is highly moral and intelligent and apolitical and eloquent. They don't "NEED" defending I am sure but what could it hurt to speak up and stand by them? A bunch of whinya** scairdy cat toady sycophants don't have the right stuff to do that. The dementia don is counting on them for that. Including the Pentagon and mike pompousa**. Sheesh. What a bunch of loser... less
That seems to be what we are living through now with the crackpot wackadoodle 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger. With what we have observed/experienced when that train hits what wi... moreThat seems to be what we are living through now with the crackpot wackadoodle 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger. With what we have observed/experienced when that train hits what will the outcome be? Will there be any survivors? Is dementia don the engineer the driver? I dunno.Is there any hope at all that the light we see is really a light meaning we've come to the end of the darkness and are now able to move ahead? I have no idea. Do you?
If they don't attack you because they are commanded to by a crackpot wackadoodle they remain silent and let you die right there.Mike pompousa** silent about the attacks on State De... moreIf they don't attack you because they are commanded to by a crackpot wackadoodle they remain silent and let you die right there.Mike pompousa** silent about the attacks on State Department longtime nonpartisan professionals.Pentagon silent about the attacks on Lt. Col. Vindman a WAR HERO and PURPOSE HEART warriorA bunch of crapsh**s who roll over and are vermin. The dementia don gubment is LOADED with vermin. They inbreed you see so that would explain it.
He's gotta lotta rallying to do before November 2020. His peeps are very needy for his presence. He is very needy for their love and cheery beery being. So what's the holdup? Where... moreHe's gotta lotta rallying to do before November 2020. His peeps are very needy for his presence. He is very needy for their love and cheery beery being. So what's the holdup? Where is he why is he hiding out and when he plan to take his minstrel show on the road? Anyone know whassup?
Little boxes on the hillsideLittle boxes made of ticky tackLittle boxes on the hillsideLittle boxes all the sameTicky tacky people are not in the closet. They are very proud of the... moreLittle boxes on the hillsideLittle boxes made of ticky tackLittle boxes on the hillsideLittle boxes all the sameTicky tacky people are not in the closet. They are very proud of their ticky tacky lives.Never more obvious than now under the supreme lapdog puppet of Putin the dementia don. They dare not stray. They dare step over the line. They dare not or they will pay.
A great boon to mankind or the defect that will wipe them out? If you nurture encourage reward homogeneity and "extract" the "other" does humankind become the best it can be or the... moreA great boon to mankind or the defect that will wipe them out? If you nurture encourage reward homogeneity and "extract" the "other" does humankind become the best it can be or the worst of the worst of the worst?
They are RUSSIAN-loving patriots. America can go to he** for all they care. It is Russia and Putin per dementia don..THE HOLY GRAIL of devotion and worship.The devotion to that not... moreThey are RUSSIAN-loving patriots. America can go to he** for all they care. It is Russia and Putin per dementia don..THE HOLY GRAIL of devotion and worship.The devotion to that notion is so intense and dense and immense that true American patriots are being denigrated excoriated vilified crucified attacked insulted and lied about.The leader of the excoriation vilification pack is a 5-time FAKE BONESPUR draft dodger who is a compulsive liar. Go figger.
Certainly we the people are the losers hear here because our environment is crapped up and our health is jeopardized. The fat and sassy obscenely wealthy folks don't give a rat's a... moreCertainly we the people are the losers hear here because our environment is crapped up and our health is jeopardized. The fat and sassy obscenely wealthy folks don't give a rat's a**.Someone is making a bucket of money off dehealthifying our country. Imagine getting richer off making people sicker? Well just look around. You don't have to imagine anything. Breath deeply and inhale all those airborne carcinogens. Grow food in soiled soil. Drink water that you should really boil. Your gubment at work to get rich on your backs. Swell right? Meanwhile back at the ranch....? less
The dementia don demand that Ukraine announce an investigation into political corruption vis a vis Joe Biden and his son Hunter OR ELSE the military aid would not be released. To t... moreThe dementia don demand that Ukraine announce an investigation into political corruption vis a vis Joe Biden and his son Hunter OR ELSE the military aid would not be released. To that end the dementia don ordered a bazillion loser toady sycophants brainddead deadheads to spend all their time and a trillion dollars flying hither and yon ginning up ways to attack Joe Biden.Who knew about it? "EVERYONE WAS IN THE LOOP" according to Gordon Sondland Ambassador to the EU (the guy who contributred $1 million to the dementia don warchest and was made Ambassador because of it).I must say Dr. Hill did have a few kind things to say about dementia don. It is clear that she is not politically partisan. However her intelligence and knowledge and eloquence showed her to be head and shoulders above anything dementia don could drum up. A lady. Gracious and fact-oriented and unimpeachable with regard to telling the truth under OATH. "DOMESTIC POLITICAL ERRAND". Sheesh. That's all there are in D.C. ERRAND BOYS AND ERRAND GIRLS AND... less
If so I root against 'em.Talent isn't always accompanied by humble and thoughtful and kind. T'would be swell as he** if it were but it isn't.Big fat egos and big fat paychecks and ... moreIf so I root against 'em.Talent isn't always accompanied by humble and thoughtful and kind. T'would be swell as he** if it were but it isn't.Big fat egos and big fat paychecks and big fat homes and big fat cars and big fat lies mean nothing if a jacka** is conceited and unkind and arrogantly self-serving.How do you feel about it?
The recall is on all romaine lettuce grown in the Salinas Valley. I had a nice big bowl of the recalled lettuce for dinner. Should know by tomorrow if my pkg was&n... moreThe recall is on all romaine lettuce grown in the Salinas Valley. I had a nice big bowl of the recalled lettuce for dinner. Should know by tomorrow if my pkg was contaminated.
(Either said by the caller or by the recipient.)Examples: I just called to say I love youWalk on byI wanna hold your hand This is the right timeWouldn't it be nice?~