Of course being as how I'm an American the most gory hoary deadly nonsense reality isdementia don and the cabal et al and all the toady sycophants and lemmings who treasonously and... moreOf course being as how I'm an American the most gory hoary deadly nonsense reality isdementia don and the cabal et al and all the toady sycophants and lemmings who treasonously and triatorously defend support embrace Putin and Russia and the RUSSIANIZING of America.TopWorstAwfullestTerriblestScariestCan you match or beat that?
Ever think of something comparable like say "up your a** with a piece of glass"? I don't why that makes me laugh. Tickles my fancy. Of course in real world terms I expect it could ... moreEver think of something comparable like say "up your a** with a piece of glass"? I don't why that makes me laugh. Tickles my fancy. Of course in real world terms I expect it could kill you. But in fantasy world terms it rhymes and I think it's what a cruel mean soulless heartless person would DO. Don't you?
Similarly at conception based on the couplling of sperm and egg a potential individual is created. Isn't it at that very moment that the wiring is implicit in the DNA based on the ... moreSimilarly at conception based on the couplling of sperm and egg a potential individual is created. Isn't it at that very moment that the wiring is implicit in the DNA based on the two "things" that connected? How not?
I don't know how many billionaires there are worldwide. I do know that somewhere between 150-204 or more have signed the Bill&Melinda Gates/Warren Buffet GIVING PLEDGE.More money d... moreI don't know how many billionaires there are worldwide. I do know that somewhere between 150-204 or more have signed the Bill&Melinda Gates/Warren Buffet GIVING PLEDGE.More money doesn't automatically make you charitable if you already are a money-hungry hoor. If you are a giving person then having more money will facilitate your ability to give more.Rotten to the oore doesn't change. Neither does charitable/kind/caring.Love of money is not the root of all evil. What is? I don't think there is ONE thing we can blame.We just know that some people are corruptible and look for angles and shortcuts and ways to tilt the playing field and they will go to any length to "get ahead". Some people cannot be bought or tempted or corrupted.Why that is I don't know. I just know that there are VERY BAD EVIL people and VERY GOOD KIND people and whichever one you are is what you are.So all the current corrupt TREASONOUS TRAITOROUS US gubment crumbumb lamebrains were not created by dementia don. He just drew them out and let them... less
Where are those who are sick and tired of the destroyers underminers naysayers trying to tarnish everything? It is an armada a fleet a swarm a mob of infectious insects traveling t... moreWhere are those who are sick and tired of the destroyers underminers naysayers trying to tarnish everything? It is an armada a fleet a swarm a mob of infectious insects traveling the globe eating up everything in its path. They breed like rabbits.How do you beat them crush them stop them destroy them? Dam*ed if I know but by gosh and by golly I'm gonna never stop trying.
There are anywhere between 150-204 billionaires WORLDWIDE who have signed THE GIVING PLEDGE which was created by billionaires Bill&Melinda Gate/Warren Buffet. The pledge states the... moreThere are anywhere between 150-204 billionaires WORLDWIDE who have signed THE GIVING PLEDGE which was created by billionaires Bill&Melinda Gate/Warren Buffet. The pledge states they will give at least half their wealth to charities. In some cases some have pledged much more than half. It is estimated that pledge may be worth about $600 BILLION by 2022.So all billionaires aren't the selfish greedy seedy needy money-hungry hoors you see front and center in politics.
Hello dear My 2:1. Thank you for not PB'ing me. I appreciate that you allowed me to stay on. BUT? I had nothing bad to say on any of those comments you took... moreHello dear My 2:1. Thank you for not PB'ing me. I appreciate that you allowed me to stay on. BUT? I had nothing bad to say on any of those comments you took off. I wonder why you thought I was someone who should be edited. Again, I do not care. I don't have anything all that important to say, but Jaimie and I were kidding around and I was not and never could be mad at her or anyone for getting sick of me and TRUMP. 2. Why I am thanking you is because I probably deserved it on other answers. I always deserve something. So, I always concede. Thank you for being nice once more. Sharonna, the Obnoxious NEVER EVER AND I WOULD SELL MY FIRST BORN BEFORE I WAS EVER A TRUMPER. less
I'm pretty sure his whole rational for throwing a wrench in already rusty gears is. " If Trump can do it, so can I"Will somebody put a leash on him please?
I just carried three small paving stones from the side yard to the backyard and I had to sit down and recuperate. My heart was racing as if I'd just run around the block and ... moreI just carried three small paving stones from the side yard to the backyard and I had to sit down and recuperate. My heart was racing as if I'd just run around the block and I was out of breath. What's wrong with me?
BESIDES WELBY. NO ONE FIGHTS WITH WELBY. HE IS TOO WONDERFULLY NICE.Yes. I am a tell-it-like-I-think personna. I think we all need that kind of a voice on here. I... moreBESIDES WELBY. NO ONE FIGHTS WITH WELBY. HE IS TOO WONDERFULLY NICE.Yes. I am a tell-it-like-I-think personna. I think we all need that kind of a voice on here. I cross the line and get thrown off, so I am careful not to as a rule. But, I am in total agreement with the TOS and the mods. If I am a brat or worse, I need to get thrown off.BUT DO NOT KID YOURSELVES. YOU WANT ME ON THAT WALL. you need me on that wall....AND WHEN I AM WRONG, LIKE HUMPTY I FALL and say OOPS! We are all human and I am that very angry voice in your head that never gets to escape. THAT MAKES PEOPLE IN DENIAL AND CRAZY. So, I am fun. GET MAD. GET SAD. LAUGH AND CRY THE DAY AWAY. I THINK I AM RAD less
Cut off the flow of all information detrimental to him and his puppetmaster Putin. It's the only way.His base will never need convincing. It's the other who have to stop hearing ab... moreCut off the flow of all information detrimental to him and his puppetmaster Putin. It's the only way.His base will never need convincing. It's the other who have to stop hearing about his humiliation and dedication to the Putin strong man. Plus all his toady sycophant Republican pols have to stop hearing this stuff. They are aren't as stupid as the look, act, sound. They know anything that comes out against their dementia don looks bad for them. So shut up stifle it stop it.Don'tcha think?
How and when will he blow up CBS, grind up 60 minutes to show what a good lapdogpuppet he is?He cannot stand silent on this issue. Nor can The toady sycophant scairdy CAT spineless... moreHow and when will he blow up CBS, grind up 60 minutes to show what a good lapdogpuppet he is?He cannot stand silent on this issue. Nor can The toady sycophant scairdy CAT spineless witness dumba** REPUBLICANS BACKER UPPERS. HE MUST ACT NOW!SO HOW ARE Y'ALL GONNA GO ABOUT IT? A VENDETTA AGAINST 60 MINUTES AND CBS TO SMEAR THEM AND DESTROY THEM AS YOU CONTINUE KISSING A**? WHATTA GAS! I KNOW. A CONTRACT OUT ON EVERYONE AT CBS AND EVERYONE ON 60 MINUTES. GET YOUR WEAPONIZED BRAIN DEAD WORSHIPPERS TO GO OUT AND CONQUER THEM? MURDER ALL OF THEM? HOW MUCH Y'ALL ARE HAVING. EVERY TIME SOMEONE CHALLENGES YOUR DEMENTIA DON YOU KNOW HE WILL REACT WITH MORE ATTACKS. YOU LEAD A VERY EXCITING LIFE. GO FORTH AND PROPAGATE. less
How do you react to ultimatums and the extortionists who give them? Ever punch one in the nose figuratively speaking? Ever tell the doofus ignoramus who tried it to go to he** and ... moreHow do you react to ultimatums and the extortionists who give them? Ever punch one in the nose figuratively speaking? Ever tell the doofus ignoramus who tried it to go to he** and get out of your sight and never to bother you again OR ELSE?Did you ever OR ELSE the person who OR ELSED you? How'd it go? Did the cowards crawl away scared to death of you? Usually when you confront an extortionist they cave/back down/slink away...or they set fire to your establishment because you refused to pay "protection" money. In real life or only in the movies? All mobs work in the same way. There is a DON to whom everyone bows down. They kiss his ring unless his a** is available to them. They are very obedient and respectful and would never do anything in any way to be critical or angry or disgusted. Not allowed. Death awaits he/she who dareth tryeth it ith. less
The some that adore liars have only disdain and contempt for truthtellers.How/when does that begin? At conception or by education of the LIAR LOVERS early on in life?Nature o... moreThe some that adore liars have only disdain and contempt for truthtellers.How/when does that begin? At conception or by education of the LIAR LOVERS early on in life?Nature or nurture?Born loving liars or taught that they rule rock and you'd better get on board OR ELSE?
Our wiring affects our intellectuality emotionality physicality spirituality. From evil to good from devil to angel from idiot to genius from vicious to kind from stingy to generou... moreOur wiring affects our intellectuality emotionality physicality spirituality. From evil to good from devil to angel from idiot to genius from vicious to kind from stingy to generous from selfish to giving etcetera etcetera etcetera.How many varieties of wiring and how many combinations of hardware to make how many different combinations of homo saps? An infinite variety or finite?
How does all that stuff in the sky differ?Star stuffMoon stuffPlanet stuffSun stuffBlack hole stuffHow does all that stuff differ from one another, each other? If we are made of st... moreHow does all that stuff in the sky differ?Star stuffMoon stuffPlanet stuffSun stuffBlack hole stuffHow does all that stuff differ from one another, each other? If we are made of star stuff why don't we twinkle?
Death by cop is when a perp wants to commit suicide but is too cowardly so he/she goads the police into killing him.Well this is death by politics. The Republicans are too cowardly... moreDeath by cop is when a perp wants to commit suicide but is too cowardly so he/she goads the police into killing him.Well this is death by politics. The Republicans are too cowardly to pull away from what is sure destruction so they block out warnings signing wearing eye patches and earmuffs because they deep down they can't do it on their own so they will follow the leader going down down down down down.Death Politics. Never so apparent and present as it is today.
He eats junk food and doesn't believe in exercise because sez he "it takes too much energy"Of course dd. We can see it in your eyes. We also see your size. Eating/exercising never ... moreHe eats junk food and doesn't believe in exercise because sez he "it takes too much energy"Of course dd. We can see it in your eyes. We also see your size. Eating/exercising never lies.You are what you eat. You are what you spend your time doing. Nothing more. Nothing less. All of you. All the time.
With lies of course.So on the game goes with the Republican Senators who spout the Kremlin partyline propaganda. It was Ukraine they insist. Vlad Putin began floating that lie in 2... moreWith lies of course.So on the game goes with the Republican Senators who spout the Kremlin partyline propaganda. It was Ukraine they insist. Vlad Putin began floating that lie in 2016. His lapdogpuppet dementia don insists that all his toady sycophants repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. They whimper cower grovel shiver roll over and obey.A might fine sight for sore eyes. In unison now on the count of 3"Ukraine did the meddling not Russia"Vlad Putin smiles every time his script is repeated. Big smiles. Sincere smiles. Deeply felt joy at his puppetboylapdog who has come through as expected. The dementia don lapdogpuppet lives to service Putin another day in any and every way he can.Touching. Heartwarming. The stuff dreams are made of....... less
My son Rich used to do it on Answerbag in days of yore and the Answerbaggers replied each year.So it is his idea not mine. I'm just following in his tracks.
Why does the military insist on its court to discipline? Why does the military INSIST ON AUTONOMY from outside influence?All of that is shot to he** by dementia don when he interfe... moreWhy does the military insist on its court to discipline? Why does the military INSIST ON AUTONOMY from outside influence?All of that is shot to he** by dementia don when he interferes with military decisions discipline.Shot to he**.
He sticks his nose into plces it doesn't belong but y'all think he is so dam* he can nose away all day an dyou won't mind.So when sticks nose into YOUR business and rescinds decisi... moreHe sticks his nose into plces it doesn't belong but y'all think he is so dam* he can nose away all day an dyou won't mind.So when sticks nose into YOUR business and rescinds decisions you've made how ya gonna like it then?He is very pushy. Let him take an he takes a mile.What will he do next? Tell you when you can have kids. How many you can have. How often you can have sex. What you can eat. What you can wear. Where you can work. What you read. What you can see. What you can hear. He will be your heartbeat and your breath. By decree and by degree and by mandate (his own) he will do all your deciding for you. Your greatest wishes will come true. less
Mike Bloomberg who is worth $53 BILLION buying the presidency for himself ordementia don who is worth mebbe $3 billion having other billionaires contribute billions to his war ches... moreMike Bloomberg who is worth $53 BILLION buying the presidency for himself ordementia don who is worth mebbe $3 billion having other billionaires contribute billions to his war chestMoney is money. Billionaires is billionaires. Money can buy anything you want. Whether the war chest comes from one very rich dude or multiples of very rich dudes? Whassamatta you?
Are you pro supreme power over everything and everyone by an inexperienced draft dodger who wants complete control over everything?You think that's a very good thing and very extre... moreAre you pro supreme power over everything and everyone by an inexperienced draft dodger who wants complete control over everything?You think that's a very good thing and very extremely necessary and very extremely critical? Why?
When did it happen and why? He is acting very abnormally and queerly and peculiarly for what reason?"If you can't admire Joe Biden there is something wrong with you". "Who doesn't ... moreWhen did it happen and why? He is acting very abnormally and queerly and peculiarly for what reason?"If you can't admire Joe Biden there is something wrong with you". "Who doesn't admire Joe Biden?"."He is as good a man as God ever created."Said By Lindsay Graham about Joe Biden in 2015.