The book is about some stranded boys who attempt to govern themselves.The actual Lord of the Flies is described as a pighead that hunters mount on a sharpened stick and leave as an... moreThe book is about some stranded boys who attempt to govern themselves.The actual Lord of the Flies is described as a pighead that hunters mount on a sharpened stick and leave as an offering for "the beast". It is dripping in blood ad eerily grinning and attracting a swarm of buzzing flies (the dementia don base of course). If the shoe fits, right?
What exclusively extreme right-wing publications are there with white nationalist populist isolationist overtones of racism? Do they have an "approved to read" list or do they just... moreWhat exclusively extreme right-wing publications are there with white nationalist populist isolationist overtones of racism? Do they have an "approved to read" list or do they just follow dementia don and never read anything at any time for any reason? Just wonderin'.
That the only tv news stations dementia don adoring worshippers are allowed to watch. Whatever "news" they get comes from faux.Take your ordinary elephant. Faux news reports strict... moreThat the only tv news stations dementia don adoring worshippers are allowed to watch. Whatever "news" they get comes from faux.Take your ordinary elephant. Faux news reports strictly on the tail. Never anything else. So the watchers an hearers don't know that there is a lot more to the elephant than that. They will never know because the faux news folks will never tell them so because if they do they will be fired.So these watchers/hearers who think the tail is the entire elephant will spend their entire lives ignorant of 3-dimensional reality. They have no interest in exploring or seeking or questioning ot research or investigating. They are satisfied and trust the faux folks and dementia don and that's the end of the story. Gory story.Sorry I had to be the one to inform you. It makes sense now how dementia don is still afloat. less
And it's an exceptionally good "eating apple," she said. "It's ultra-crisp, very juicy and has a good balance of sweetness and tartness." Cosmic Crisps are a cross between the disease-resistant Enterprise and the popular, crunchy Honeycrisp varieties.Oct 21, 2019
Will new Cosmic Crisp apple, out Dec. 1, dethrone Honeycrisp ... › business › ct-biz-cosmic-crisp-apple-debu...
From the time he was shipped off to military school. to right now and this Russian script he promulgates about a fake Ukraine involvement. We know his lies. We know his crimes. We ... moreFrom the time he was shipped off to military school. to right now and this Russian script he promulgates about a fake Ukraine involvement. We know his lies. We know his crimes. We know his corruption. He spreads it out there everyday and much it will be used against him. HIS OWN WORDS will bite him on his corpulent a**. He keeps talking and tweeing and will continue on bleeding and sinking. Sure thing. No brainer.All hs lawsuits and bankruptcies and sex-abuse charges are all out there. The guy is an open book of scandale lawsuits lies failures. Lucky is the candidate who faces him. By election day of course dementia don may be long gone opting to resign rather than be removed from office after being impeached.Time will tell. Everyone sez so. That I can tell you. less
Dems SWEEP the elections and both House and Senate become MAJORITY DEMOCRAT!The Democratic candidate for office buries dementia don who loses by double digits easily and absolutely... moreDems SWEEP the elections and both House and Senate become MAJORITY DEMOCRAT!The Democratic candidate for office buries dementia don who loses by double digits easily and absolutely.Anything less will ensure our demise because there is no way we will survive another 4 years of dementia don his toady sycophant cabal et al. No way.
Whoever held his/her nose and voted for dementia don is as much to blame for his being "prez" as those who voted for him because they worship adore love him. The votes do not diffe... moreWhoever held his/her nose and voted for dementia don is as much to blame for his being "prez" as those who voted for him because they worship adore love him. The votes do not differentiate. They are all GUILTY.Now are those vote against the other candidate gonna do it again? Hold their noses and once more vote for the male hoor? Who knows?
That's the bottom line folks.American citizens soliciting by bribery and extortion the help of the leader of a foreign nation to make up/"find" fake dirt on an American citizen who... moreThat's the bottom line folks.American citizens soliciting by bribery and extortion the help of the leader of a foreign nation to make up/"find" fake dirt on an American citizen who is the political opponent of the terrified scairdy cat demented don US "prez". Reads like something out of a Russian tragedy doesn't it?The spy who came in from the cold. Well they don't come in. They are "exterminated" in the field..Who's the spy who's the spider whose the fly...the web grows wider. Stay tuned as more and more of these hapless dimwit halfwits will find to have been involved and knowledgeable about the fake scandal based on Russian scripted con scam. Sheesh. It would be comedic if it were taking place in in and elsewhere elsewise. less
Word is that allegedly he met with one of the rudyg Ukraine fake scandal so while he feigned innocence he met directly with one of the two rudyg henchmen facilitator fixers about t... moreWord is that allegedly he met with one of the rudyg Ukraine fake scandal so while he feigned innocence he met directly with one of the two rudyg henchmen facilitator fixers about the fake Ukraine scam. Jimmy jam. If true would his stock go up with you for being involved in the fake Ukraine Russian-based script just like the dozens of other nitwit halfwits?
Your mate is a hoor/gigoloYour daughter is into sadism and "does" those who are into it and earns her living that wayYour son has raped lotsa gals who will witness against him (pai... moreYour mate is a hoor/gigoloYour daughter is into sadism and "does" those who are into it and earns her living that wayYour son has raped lotsa gals who will witness against him (paid by dementia don who has a special account for that)And it is repeated and repeated and repeated and echoed by all the toady sycophants and lemmings and adoring worshippers and a**kissers and butt patters and never stops 24/7 night and day and night no matter what proof you show it matters not.Your mate is a hoor/gigoloYour daughter is into sadism and "does" those are into it and earns her living that wayYour son has raped lotsa gals who will witness against him (paid by dementia don who has a special account for that)repeatrepeatrepeatrepeatOn faux news you see photos of all of your family and guests who verify they know what you are what you did when you did it to whom you did it with photos of you in the act of the doingDay after day after day after day.Talk show radio racists have guests that nail you to the cross and vilify you a... less
devin nunesjimmy jordanliddlebillybarrrudygmike pouncemike pompousa**gordie sondbergmike cohenpaul manafortroger stoneamong somemore to come as it spreads among the cavorters suppo... moredevin nunesjimmy jordanliddlebillybarrrudygmike pouncemike pompousa**gordie sondbergmike cohenpaul manafortroger stoneamong somemore to come as it spreads among the cavorters supporters toady sycophanters
Don't you have to stop doing what you are confessing to and be sincerely sorry in order for the forgiveness to kick in?Can you confess to the same "crimes" every week and be forgiv... moreDon't you have to stop doing what you are confessing to and be sincerely sorry in order for the forgiveness to kick in?Can you confess to the same "crimes" every week and be forgiven every week as long as you do your penance and say your hail marys? I don't get how confession works if you don't doing it cold turkey.I wonder how many priests support dementia don and do they confess that sin to other priests every week? Where does the buck stop? The Pope? To whom does the pope confess his sins? Only GOD is left right? less
Make it so Ruth Bader Ginsberg does not return to the Supremes. GOD doesn't have to kill her off. Just disable her enough that she can no longer serve as a Supreme Court Justice.So... moreMake it so Ruth Bader Ginsberg does not return to the Supremes. GOD doesn't have to kill her off. Just disable her enough that she can no longer serve as a Supreme Court Justice.So we will see if GOD will prove HIS loyalty to don. After all the peeps insist that dementia don is a gift from GOD so why woundn't GOD service them by servicing HIS gift to humankind?. Stay tuned to see if GOD works his wonders once again. Mysteriously.
A white nationalist populist isolationist racist extreme right-wing dementia donnite. Is he praying for her demise? Let's put it this way. If he does pray it ain't gonna be her lon... moreA white nationalist populist isolationist racist extreme right-wing dementia donnite. Is he praying for her demise? Let's put it this way. If he does pray it ain't gonna be her longevity. So we wait and see. Court already rigged/stacked...5 cons 4 libs. Imagine 6 cons and 3 libs and you see why dementia don and all his cabal et al and toady sycophants hope that GOD really is on their side. I just thought of way GOD can prove himself to the don. Question on.
Currently the four forces of nature areGravityElectromagnetismThe strong nuclear forceThe weak nuclear forceDoes the possible fifth have anything to do with Dark Matter which is de... moreCurrently the four forces of nature areGravityElectromagnetismThe strong nuclear forceThe weak nuclear forceDoes the possible fifth have anything to do with Dark Matter which is described as the substance that holds the universe together?
Or the ONLY requirement?You don't need an average IQ. You don't need to be good looking. You don't need to be articulate. You don't need to be knowledgeable. You don't need to be a... moreOr the ONLY requirement?You don't need an average IQ. You don't need to be good looking. You don't need to be articulate. You don't need to be knowledgeable. You don't need to be anything. Well you gotta be alive although dead people have been elected to political office and I suspect many of them you hear at the top of their lungs are the walking dead...zombies. But I digress.It is the perfect job for a talentless ignorant impotent indigent mentally MIA of any age. I think. What job is perfecter that pays betterer where you can be hired poor and end up obscenely wealthy at the trough of the public like all other pols? A great country with great jobs like that. Who could ask for anything more?You can be a liar a louse a traitor a betrayer a cheater a racist a sexist a rapist even a lapdog puppet of a foreign enemy dictator despot. Don't matter no how no way no time. Only requirement? 24/7 LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE etcetera and so forth. less
There are all kinds of hoors. Not just the kind that sell sex. Some sell loyalty. Some sell truth. Some sell honor. Some sell integrity. If the price is right you can buy anyone. I... moreThere are all kinds of hoors. Not just the kind that sell sex. Some sell loyalty. Some sell truth. Some sell honor. Some sell integrity. If the price is right you can buy anyone. If you are rich enough.I wonder if that is true?
*himDementia donEnemy to the left of him. Enemy to the right of him. Enemy ahead of him. Enemy behind him. Enemy above him. Enemy below him. He is the target of jealous people and ... more*himDementia donEnemy to the left of him. Enemy to the right of him. Enemy ahead of him. Enemy behind him. Enemy above him. Enemy below him. He is the target of jealous people and their numbers grow biglier fastier.How does he protect himself? If you were he/him what would YOU do?
WARNING. Bridge out ahead.WARNING. Falling rocksWARNING. Deer CrossingWARNING. Flash flood zoneAll make up to fake you out and stop your progress right? By evildoers who are all ou... moreWARNING. Bridge out ahead.WARNING. Falling rocksWARNING. Deer CrossingWARNING. Flash flood zoneAll make up to fake you out and stop your progress right? By evildoers who are all out to get you, right?
Jesus said "what you do to the least of mine you do to me".Now the so-called "religious" dementia don adoring worshippers clearly ignore Jesus completely by worshipping and adoring... moreJesus said "what you do to the least of mine you do to me".Now the so-called "religious" dementia don adoring worshippers clearly ignore Jesus completely by worshipping and adoring dementia don who has done so much bad to the least of us and continues to do more bad more evil. The dementia don is the spawn of the devil whom these so-called bible believers worship and adore and defend and embrace. I think GOD is not pleased. The dementia don bible-thumping adoring worshippers clearly do not care.Bifurcated brains. What other explanation is there? less
Not looking for dictionary or Google definitions. I mean can you as a listener reliably distinguish between the elaborate ornamentation and melodies of Baroque, the&nbs... moreNot looking for dictionary or Google definitions. I mean can you as a listener reliably distinguish between the elaborate ornamentation and melodies of Baroque, the balanced nuances and clarity of Classical, the Fed emotive and emotive freedom of Romance, and the whimsical, moody, and emotive movements of Impressionism?
Is it all claptrap bogus fake hoaxy chickensh** bullsh** Dem propaganda?Any buyer's remorse out there among those of you who voted for dementia don? Or are ya gonna do it again onl... moreIs it all claptrap bogus fake hoaxy chickensh** bullsh** Dem propaganda?Any buyer's remorse out there among those of you who voted for dementia don? Or are ya gonna do it again only louder prouder stronger surer oftener? Because?