I wonder if Jesus complains about you religious folk not hanging HIS picture in your homes?Should HE fire you from Christianity because you don't show proper respect?The odd bizarr... moreI wonder if Jesus complains about you religious folk not hanging HIS picture in your homes?Should HE fire you from Christianity because you don't show proper respect?The odd bizarre peculiar queer little orange man with the stubby fingers rolls on and on do he the double d.
That is a rhetorical question. The dd is banking on all the Republican Senators to judge him NOT GUILTY. We know that. The Senate Majority is dementia don based and unless enough R... moreThat is a rhetorical question. The dd is banking on all the Republican Senators to judge him NOT GUILTY. We know that. The Senate Majority is dementia don based and unless enough Republican Senators get a conscience and grow a spine they will tow the line and roll over and comply with the demand of the dddddd...DoofusDonDementiaDonDiddlerDon.Could a miracle occur? Anything is possible. Where there is life there is hope. We shall overcome. There is light at the end of the tunnel. A stitch in time saves nine. Look for the silver lining. When you are in trouble and you don't know what to do give a little whistle give a little whistle. This too shall pass. Stay tuned. less
Apparently Eddie Gallagher was acquitted of murder but convicted for posing with a corpse. How dignified a thing to do. Pose with your trophy.So the Gallagher whinya** on faux news... moreApparently Eddie Gallagher was acquitted of murder but convicted for posing with a corpse. How dignified a thing to do. Pose with your trophy.So the Gallagher whinya** on faux news of course. The dd praised him and supported him and took his victory laps.Civilian dd who doesn't know what serving in the military is like since he 5-time fake bonespurred his way by draft dodging stuck his nose where it didn't belong as he always does.A lousy civilian who knows nothing about anything militarily taking over. Why not. What could it hurt? Everyone says so. That I can tell you. less
There are benefits to living in a world of illusion that has been constructed for you by others. For one thing you don't have to work hard at all because all thinking and decision-... moreThere are benefits to living in a world of illusion that has been constructed for you by others. For one thing you don't have to work hard at all because all thinking and decision-making is done for you by others. I mean let's not kid outselves. Investigating researching questioning challenging is very hard work. Thinking is not for wimps. It is serious work and if you do engage in it you are enveloped by it 24/7. You do not ever set it aside to take a breather. Thinking never stops and the more you do it the more focused you are on it.Predigested views. Prechewed. Prechosen.Might as well ingest babyfood that has been mashed and squished and liquified. less
A woman's touch might have improved things. The female perspective to mitigate the all-guy view. I dunnoif our today world would be any better had that occurred. We will never know.
If ya wanna go back to "the good old days" what days were those? Can you describe them and explain why you miss so much you want to live a life intrograde?
Is it because their intellect and integrity/morality is on the line depending upon whom they support and so they will become vicious and vile to defend it whereas no one gets vicio... moreIs it because their intellect and integrity/morality is on the line depending upon whom they support and so they will become vicious and vile to defend it whereas no one gets vicious about defending liking/disliking broccoli?I dunno. Seems to me if we can disagree about food and cars and clothes and music and literature we ought to be able to disagree with civility about our politics.Once upon a time in the long ago we could. That changed. Can it pendulum back to the good old days? What will it take?
The best way to defeat an enemy is to lie deny vilify attack insult sabotage undermine and destroy.Do you fight opponents or are you only interested in fighting enemies? Do hate by... moreThe best way to defeat an enemy is to lie deny vilify attack insult sabotage undermine and destroy.Do you fight opponents or are you only interested in fighting enemies? Do hate by direction of others or is hate something deep within you that only needs to be nurtured to reveal itself?How often have you defeated and opponent? How often have you defeated the enemy? Which is more satisfying?
Nothing wrong with robust disagreement. Nothing wrong with having differences of opinion based on different intellects, emotions, comprehensions. It's human and normal and keeps th... moreNothing wrong with robust disagreement. Nothing wrong with having differences of opinion based on different intellects, emotions, comprehensions. It's human and normal and keeps the brain activated.What is abnormal is the drive to silence disagreers. Not only silence them but destroy them. Annihilate them. Crush them. That is very abnormal and it seems to me that lately the abnormal is gaining ground. Is that sound? Is that helpful? Is that healthy? Is that desirable? Is that patriotic? Is that moral?Very weird these days. Very weird. Very peculiar these days. Very peculiar. The louder they shout the more certain we be of their fear denial refusal hostility. The fear is growing because it is self-generated self-fulfilled and all they have to drive them on to this ultimatum. EITHER OBEY AGREE or you will be history. Scairdy cats. Terrified of different views different words different truths. Peculiar. Queer. Weird. Bizarre. less
Each side believes it is good right angel righteous. Of course that is an impossibility in reality. A war between the dark side where betrayal is the medium of exchange and destruc... moreEach side believes it is good right angel righteous. Of course that is an impossibility in reality. A war between the dark side where betrayal is the medium of exchange and destruction is the awful price that is being paid.And the beat goes on. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. SIGH
Once upon a time Democrats were the opponents of Republicans. During that time they were able to work together to achieve certain important things for the good of the country.Then ... moreOnce upon a time Democrats were the opponents of Republicans. During that time they were able to work together to achieve certain important things for the good of the country.Then Newt Gingrich (I have heard) decided to make the Democrats THE ENEMY and so decade after decade it has taken root and here we are today. Every change dd gets he attacks Dems as if they were the enemy as well as praising and complimenting a country that used to really be the enemy. Russia.Now dd did not do this overnight of singlehandedly. He rode the coattails of those who came before and just exacerbated it and made way bigger and huger and importanter.There was no one in the Republican camp to say "no that is not right". So here we are in a place that some love and some don't. If Newt never existed would someone else have initiated the same thing? Make an enemy out of your opponent and no holds are barred? less
He might have been lovey dovey and sweet and kind and good and swell as he**. But whatever it was he was all hs is to me is the evil monster who was insane who was behind the holoc... moreHe might have been lovey dovey and sweet and kind and good and swell as he**. But whatever it was he was all hs is to me is the evil monster who was insane who was behind the holocaust.I think of dementia don and it is not so clear. He is guilty of so many atrocities that I cannot focus on just or the worst. Many are the worst.If he was ever lovey dovey and sweet and kind and good and swell as he** I don't care. What he is now and what he has done by far outstrips anything he might inadvertently done that benefitted others.So how do you perceive people? By their worst acts or their best? Why? less
In the movie it was on a battlefield and this one solider kept fighting despite losing appendages. With both legs and arms gone the torso and head was still game to keep fighting. ... moreIn the movie it was on a battlefield and this one solider kept fighting despite losing appendages. With both legs and arms gone the torso and head was still game to keep fighting. Sounds gruesome but believe me it was HILARIOUS. He was serious and determined.Similary Scalise keep reading from the script originated by Russia and promulgated by dd and his cabal et al and each time Chris Wallace confronted Scalise with facts Scalise kept coming back with more inane irrelevant "talking points" as he was losing body parts figuratively. He did not give up though badly wounded he kept going and going and going.So there are silver linings to be found even in the most evil people. All ya gotta do is look for them. less
Once you commit to dd you must say only complimentary positive things. One critical word and you're out, gone, booted, silenced.Good to know. A word to the wise. You have been warned.
Here's the challenge: It's one shot of hard liquor for each time you wrote Donald Trump's name on Answermug or for each time it appeared on a meme you posted on Answermug this year... moreHere's the challenge: It's one shot of hard liquor for each time you wrote Donald Trump's name on Answermug or for each time it appeared on a meme you posted on Answermug this year. (Yes, I counted my posts and included this one in that number.)My result:
Your BAC is Approximately:
0.56 %
It will take ~ 37 hours to get to 0% BAC.
You're probably not reading this because there's a good chance that you're unconscious or you have a toilet seat stuck around your neck.
Today my wife's long lost brother called us up on the phone. We had over 30 years to catch up on and we also talked about him and his wife (who we don't know) paying us a visit in ... moreToday my wife's long lost brother called us up on the phone. We had over 30 years to catch up on and we also talked about him and his wife (who we don't know) paying us a visit in the spring or summer. I don't have many relatives so I'm pretty excited about it and I'm thinking about surprizing them with 30 years of belated Christmas gifts this year. Cheers!
Inspired by this question: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/94912/before-i-move-to-canadiaville-or-canadaland-or-whatever-they-calCanadaville would be pretty redundant becau... moreInspired by this question: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/94912/before-i-move-to-canadiaville-or-canadaland-or-whatever-they-calCanadaville would be pretty redundant because Canada means village.Examples would be places or things like these:
that starts an endless thread of other comments, sometimes arguments, that have nothing to do with the question?https://answermug.com/forums/topic/94917/please-list-five-5-ways-tru... morethat starts an endless thread of other comments, sometimes arguments, that have nothing to do with the question?https://answermug.com/forums/topic/94917/please-list-five-5-ways-trump-has-negatively-or-positively-af
Bloomberg is so much RICHER than dementia don and has S MUCH MORE MONEY TO SPEND.Of course in panic mode dementia don might beg implore beseech grovel crawl on his belly to get his... moreBloomberg is so much RICHER than dementia don and has S MUCH MORE MONEY TO SPEND.Of course in panic mode dementia don might beg implore beseech grovel crawl on his belly to get his billionaire buddies to kick in more bigly. Think they can kick in bigly enough to beat Bloomberg?
He cannot take being bested by WOMEN WHO ARE SMARTER THAN HE IS and he is surrounded by them. It stick sin his craw bigly constantly and there is nothing he can do about it but att... moreHe cannot take being bested by WOMEN WHO ARE SMARTER THAN HE IS and he is surrounded by them. It stick sin his craw bigly constantly and there is nothing he can do about it but attack them. He can't get smarter..he is the best he will ever be. He can't unsmart the women. They are very smart and getting smarter. What else can an inept impotent in company bully do when he is bested by women? Attack them smear them insult them lie about them. The refuge of losers.