If food is big deal for your family what would you like to have on the menu?If it isn't then what kinds of things would you like to do? Watch football games or play charades or tak... moreIf food is big deal for your family what would you like to have on the menu?If it isn't then what kinds of things would you like to do? Watch football games or play charades or take a walk or watch old movies?
Dr. Fiona Hill pleaded with the Republicans on the committee who were hearing her testimony to NOT continue promulgating the Russian lies. Yet they continue doing doing so.It is no... moreDr. Fiona Hill pleaded with the Republicans on the committee who were hearing her testimony to NOT continue promulgating the Russian lies. Yet they continue doing doing so.It is not ignorance that fuels them. They KNOW better. What is it then that drives them or forces them to advance a fantasy not of our making but of Vlad Putin? Are they really all that naive that stupid that gullible or is rather some darker evil motive? When did they take the oath to uphold Russia and Putin and all the drivel garbage coming from the Kremlin? Is the exact date the same date as the installation of dementia don as "president"? All the way back to January 2017? Is that when all Republicans turned?RUSSIA meddled in our prez election and RUSSIA is currently meddling. UKRAINE is innocent of all charges of meddling.The lying bas**rd despot dictator who is ruining RUSSIA has floated this LIE and his lapdogpuppy dementia don is spouting the same lie and his toady sycophants and adoring worshippers continue on with the lie.We all know ... less
At we at the height and declining or is there higher better to go and we will continue on in that direction? With the stamping out of one disease isn't there always newer and worse... moreAt we at the height and declining or is there higher better to go and we will continue on in that direction? With the stamping out of one disease isn't there always newer and worser developing? Aren't some vaccines almost useless by the time they're developed because the strains of disease are advancing faster than we can keep up forget staying ahead of them?
The Donald once bragged "I could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and that would not matter to my supporters"Might start a war but so what? -Trump is always right.
In my case, the (approximate) figures are as follows: Married 80%, Single 15%, Divorced 5%.Their children's figures are different: Married 30%, Single 40%, Divorced 30%.
P.S. Please quit telling me that English is spoken there. I’ve heard you talk, and that stuff is whack. We can’t very well have a marriage with an interpreter following... moreP.S. Please quit telling me that English is spoken there. I’ve heard you talk, and that stuff is whack. We can’t very well have a marriage with an interpreter following us around 24/7.
A) me ( ME) B Merlin (shots) C) Element ( sciencey) D) Glis (Mcmuffin’ed)E) NJ ( she never makes any sense ffs) F) Nanoose ( eggnog stuff) G) ... moreA) me ( ME) B Merlin (shots) C) Element ( sciencey) D) Glis (Mcmuffin’ed)E) NJ ( she never makes any sense ffs) F) Nanoose ( eggnog stuff) G) Nevan, hey he likes to drinkH)other ( Cos I can’t think of anyone else who likes to drink... BORING.
I started to learn the russian alphabet , and i can read russian words now. that's because if i go to russia, ill need to localise myself by being able to read the street names.
ARTICLE IISection 4"The President Vice President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office or Impeachment for conviction of Treason, BRIBERY and othe... moreARTICLE IISection 4"The President Vice President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office or Impeachment for conviction of Treason, BRIBERY and other high crimes and misdemeanors"The dementia don done bribed and extorted in plain view and in language understandable to me and thee as wel as I and thy and me and you. All of us get it. Straight away he is impeachable for BRIBING. It didn't work but it doesn't matter. The CRIME IS IN THE ATTEMPT. If he were not such an extremely stable genius of extremely profound wisdom he would know that. less
He told us everything he did was with the knowledge of the STATE DEPARTMENT so the pompoua** cannot please ignorance. As Godon Sondland saidEVERYONE WAS IN THE LOOP
What kinda a**hole does that? Why would a NEVER TRUMP er wanna work for dementia don? How is that a logical thing to do? Oh. I forgot. Logic is a dirty word.
One report says 23,000 people committed suicide. I don't know if that's true or bogus. I don't know if even one person committed suicide because of becoming poor overnight. But I d... moreOne report says 23,000 people committed suicide. I don't know if that's true or bogus. I don't know if even one person committed suicide because of becoming poor overnight. But I do think rich people aren't as brave as the poor people. I do think rich people are soft and spoiled and when faced with harsh reality tend to cave.All of them? No of course not. Many of them could not figure out how to sustain themselves without the insulation of tons of money.I don't know if its being brave and being stubborn and defiant that carries poor people through life no matter how bad it gets for them. The rich are different from you and me. In how many ways I will never know. But brave is not the first thing that comes to mind when I think of rich/wealthy/privileged. less
Water seeks its own level. So do politicians. Whachure bitch ? Everyone does it. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.Kamala Harris talks to Blacks. Castro talks to Latinos. I thi... moreWater seeks its own level. So do politicians. Whachure bitch ? Everyone does it. Everyone says so. That I can tell you.Kamala Harris talks to Blacks. Castro talks to Latinos. I think Mayor Pete talks to everyone not just the LGBT community but he can speak for them because he lives it every day. So you appeal to your own kind to support you. Why wouldn't you? What's wrong with doing that?Now they aren't all you need to win. So ya gotta be real careful when you do it.Also that's when cheating and lying and rigging and sabotaging and stack the deck and tilting the playing field comes in as very necessary. The Republicans hands down have a vigorous lock on it...That's not to say that dems and othes are perfect. But the Republicans have mad a career of it all the way back to george w and the hanging chads and Al Gore who won but lost. We know that is their schitck. Cheat deny and lie. You'll convince enough folks that you are the truth that you can by. less