You are in the here and the now so you must have had ancestors!My father's side comes from the north of England so I think they were probably farmers and maybe even were donating s... moreYou are in the here and the now so you must have had ancestors!My father's side comes from the north of England so I think they were probably farmers and maybe even were donating some of their time to help build Stonehenge or other historical sites.
CAVEAT: This concerns a loan only, not a gift of money from you to a family member.
a. We’re family, simple as that.
b. The closeness or distance of the family relationship I... moreCAVEAT: This concerns a loan only, not a gift of money from you to a family member.
a. We’re family, simple as that.
b. The closeness or distance of the family relationship I have with the person who is asking.c. Because it’s expected of me.
d. The amount of money that he or she is asking for.e. The probability of it being repaid to me.f. He or she has loaned me money in the past.g. I have plenty, I can afford it, and I won’t miss it.h. I would feel awkward, uneasy, and/or guilty saying no.i. It would depend on the severity of the reason for needing a loan.j. Everyone else in the family has declined to float the loan.k. Leverage.l. The wellbeing and/or health of minor children is part of the equation.m. It’s part of a get-rich-quickly scheme, and I’ll be promised a cut.n. Finally it’s for something besides tildes, sub-basements, sandwiches, grammar, and sleazy motels.o. It involves a plan for that relative to move out of town far away from me.p. I’ve said no too ma... less
Trump resonantly invited Rittenhouse to Mar-a-Lago and afterwards he said Rittenhouse was a fine young man. I figure that made Trump's children jelly for a couple of reasons.... moreTrump resonantly invited Rittenhouse to Mar-a-Lago and afterwards he said Rittenhouse was a fine young man. I figure that made Trump's children jelly for a couple of reasons. One of the reasons was because their father usally doesn't praise them like that. And the other reason is that they know that they are yesterdays news and Rittenhouse is the talk of the town so their father will be spending a lot of time with him. I figure Trump is just using Rittenhouse as a tool in his fight against democracy. Cheers and happy weekend! less
Lately our Grandson has been getting pretty sad because his big sister beats him at every game they play. So I have been thinking of putting a little Play-doh on the spring of his ... moreLately our Grandson has been getting pretty sad because his big sister beats him at every game they play. So I have been thinking of putting a little Play-doh on the spring of his Rock Em Sock Em Robot then push the head back down. That will make it next to impossible for his sister to knock the block of his robot and he will start feeling better. Cheers and happy weekend!
You will probably never guess so I will just tell you - our youngest son. We just got a call from him and he let us know that they sold their house in BC and moved to Nova Scotia a... moreYou will probably never guess so I will just tell you - our youngest son. We just got a call from him and he let us know that they sold their house in BC and moved to Nova Scotia and bought 5 acres of lake front property for $10.000. The only bad part is they are now a 6 day drive away from us instead of 8 hours. Cheers!
My F-I-L was livid that my husband didn’t name our first son after my husband, my F-I-L and the two that came before them. My husband hates his first name, but it was a... moreMy F-I-L was livid that my husband didn’t name our first son after my husband, my F-I-L and the two that came before them. My husband hates his first name, but it was also his dad’s grandpa’s and great-grandpa’s first name. My husband told me he already had that shouting match with his dad by the time he was 12. My F-I-L was also upset because we didn’t get our sons circumcised. My own mom disagrees with us about spanking and LGBTQIA issues, but she supports all of our other parenting decisions, such as what we don’t let the kids watch on TV. less