Who is that you ask and I say IDK some obscure crazy guy finger picker. Who in your idiot savante slightly retarded mind are you going to think of next honestly guy? Wow!
Here is mine.
At an event Biden was talking about Trump’s handling of the covid virus and he said -
"Remember when he was trying to deal with Covid...He suggested just inje... moreHere is mine.
At an event Biden was talking about Trump’s handling of the covid virus and he said -
"Remember when he was trying to deal with Covid...He suggested just inject a little bleach in your veins. He missed, it all went to his hair”. Cheers!
A reporter said that at Trump’s fraud trial it looked like his eyes were closed and his head kept lowering towards the desk. It will be funny if his head keeps getting lower ... moreA reporter said that at Trump’s fraud trial it looked like his eyes were closed and his head kept lowering towards the desk. It will be funny if his head keeps getting lower until he bumps his head on the desk and a cloud of orange makeup dust poofs up.
It would be really really funny if when Trump’s head hits the desk it lands on a rubber stamp that they use to reject documents. And after the puff of orange makeup dust Trump raises his head and there is the word reject stamped on his forehead. Cheers! less
Biden used this line at the Gridiron Club dinner on Saturday night, and at a private event more recently.“Just the other day a defeated-looking man came up to me an... moreBiden used this line at the Gridiron Club dinner on Saturday night, and at a private event more recently.“Just the other day a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, I have crushing debt, and I’m completely wiped out,’” Biden said. “And I had to look at him and say, ‘Donald, I’m sorry. I can’t help you.’”