How would they be built physically and what sort of physical system would they need to thrive? What if breathing wasn't necessary for them, would there be an alternative? &nb... moreHow would they be built physically and what sort of physical system would they need to thrive? What if breathing wasn't necessary for them, would there be an alternative? Would their eyes have some sort of a protective lens? (they have to have eyes ) Would they be able to hear or communicate. How would sound travel? For any scientists out there, thanks.
I spoke to a lady yesterday who said that she has had to teach her Granddaughter how to tell the time by a clock, since the school no longer teaches this due to the digital age.&nb... moreI spoke to a lady yesterday who said that she has had to teach her Granddaughter how to tell the time by a clock, since the school no longer teaches this due to the digital age. I have also found that many young people cannot read a map nor care to learn, since there reliance is on their smart phones or navigation systems. It appears that people do not have to learn or think for themselves anymore they can just "Google it or ask Alexa." What could be the outcome to this reliance on technology? less