I dare any answerMug member to model an outfit made entirely out of unused plastic garbage, trash, bin bag/liners. and Please give your opinion about wearing it.
Or used much if you prefer.. An e-friend likes to talk using old words... He came out with apparel recently.. I love 'therewith, there art' - any more?
You know how when you visit other states or foreign countries you never see the "poor" parts you only ever see the state-approved parts? Well that is true of the big box concentrat... moreYou know how when you visit other states or foreign countries you never see the "poor" parts you only ever see the state-approved parts? Well that is true of the big box concentration camp for kids. Two large spaces. One for show and one where the kids actually live in CAGES. So seeing what "the government" allows you to see is just t he tip. Hidden from view are the jail cells. That doesn't have government approval.
You go to the store to buy groceries which is not illegal. Your child is taken away from you. How does that make sense? The two scenarios are IDENTICAL. In each case nothing ... moreYou go to the store to buy groceries which is not illegal. Your child is taken away from you. How does that make sense? The two scenarios are IDENTICAL. In each case nothing illegal occurred. Why are some people pretending it did?
I tend to be very open, if someone asks me something I answer... or always used to... but I wonder.. maybe others don't feel I do give much away? And I wondered too as ... moreI tend to be very open, if someone asks me something I answer... or always used to... but I wonder.. maybe others don't feel I do give much away? And I wondered too as on another site a guy has accused me of being a man. It's ok, I find it quite funny but when I looked at his profile he had no pic, had hidden his replies and his friends list.. That's ok too but it made me wonder, some people feel they need to hide everything and other's pretty much seem to feel they've nothing they don't want to share.. That's really quite interesting to me less
Why then should we the people roll over tor King don who is as corrupt as they come? The Roman Empire had to be overthrown before the Kingdom of God could appear. So while Je... moreWhy then should we the people roll over tor King don who is as corrupt as they come? The Roman Empire had to be overthrown before the Kingdom of God could appear. So while Jesus was not a warrior who kills he was fighting the Romans who were crushing the Israelites by speaking truth to power. King don is crushing us. If we do not fight him we deserve to be crushed.
Sure. A summer camp, right?. Where you would want YOUR kids to go for fun and games. Allegations of keeping these children in CAGES inside the big box concentration camps are being... moreSure. A summer camp, right?. Where you would want YOUR kids to go for fun and games. Allegations of keeping these children in CAGES inside the big box concentration camps are being heard. Prisoners are locked up in cages. Isn't that what prisons are? How is this different? What crime did these children commit? Whom did they harm? Wanna sign YOUR kids up? Sounds like a swell experience. Unforgettable. SIGH
A half-baked conclusion is as stupid dumb as a half-baked cake. Only idiots would waste time doing it since both are doomed to the trash can. Geez. Why is there so much stupi... moreA half-baked conclusion is as stupid dumb as a half-baked cake. Only idiots would waste time doing it since both are doomed to the trash can. Geez. Why is there so much stupid dumb out there?McConnell says the Mueller investigation should be 'wrapped up". Really Mac? Because YOU say so? How many cakes have you baked and eaten half-done? Tasty treat?
Whatever truths comes out and allegations PROVED they won't care. He is their guy. They swoon when they see/hear him. They have life-size posters of him in their bedrooms/living ro... moreWhatever truths comes out and allegations PROVED they won't care. He is their guy. They swoon when they see/hear him. They have life-size posters of him in their bedrooms/living rooms. They Idolize him. His photo is probably placed right next to the one they have of Jesus. So he is safe from harm from them. They will die for him. They already gave up their souls for him (those who had them). Their lives too if he demands it. So "we'll see what happens". Corruption rules. Justice can be overruled. "We'll see what happens". less
King don and his whiny puny fearful racist bigoted "WHO ME" hatchet man Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions are surely doing GOD'S work aren't they? Y'all (the worshippers) are proud... moreKing don and his whiny puny fearful racist bigoted "WHO ME" hatchet man Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions are surely doing GOD'S work aren't they? Y'all (the worshippers) are proud as he** of both of them aren't you? Of course y'all are. :(. SIGH.
She sez sez she that America should not be in the business of WAREHOUSING CHILDREN IN CONVERTED BOX STORES OR TENT CITIES IN DESERTS. Do you agree with she or dis? Because?
He deserves a prize/award/medal/statue/plaque/wall. Scaled to size. In pure gold because he loves gold and diamonds and platinum. How much would a PlATINUM statue of King don weigh... moreHe deserves a prize/award/medal/statue/plaque/wall. Scaled to size. In pure gold because he loves gold and diamonds and platinum. How much would a PlATINUM statue of King don weigh/cost? Of course we can afford it. Nothing is too good for the King. Just ask him.
Our heart was accompanied with our soul, our spirit, our compassion, our empathy for other human beings. All gone. Forever I guess. Once a heart dies can an implant take or does th... moreOur heart was accompanied with our soul, our spirit, our compassion, our empathy for other human beings. All gone. Forever I guess. Once a heart dies can an implant take or does the body politic always reject it? I guess "we'll see what happens". :(
He**uva swell fella. Emboldened by his equally swell fella master King don and other equally swell fellas behind the scenes all of whom are racist SOB's. Heartless/cruel/mean/evil.... moreHe**uva swell fella. Emboldened by his equally swell fella master King don and other equally swell fellas behind the scenes all of whom are racist SOB's. Heartless/cruel/mean/evil. They all get along so very well. All swell fellas do. don't they?