Empty inside. A black hole that is never filled. Goodness me oh my how sad is that? He is drawn to strong cruel leaders which is why he is so over-the-moon about Vlad Putin, Kim Ju... moreEmpty inside. A black hole that is never filled. Goodness me oh my how sad is that? He is drawn to strong cruel leaders which is why he is so over-the-moon about Vlad Putin, Kim Jung un and other murderous dictator despots. He doesn't admire Macron or Trudeau. He admires the "tought" guys.
Seeking asylum the come and have their children taken from them. An evil beyond which there is little comparison. The devil rules America today. Where are the clergy on this issue?... moreSeeking asylum the come and have their children taken from them. An evil beyond which there is little comparison. The devil rules America today. Where are the clergy on this issue? White Evanlegical Christians are pro this? Where in the bible does it sanction/condone/tell you that it is okay to do. How do you justify rationalize such an evil unless you are now serving the devil?
Being as how she is a daughter of a preacher man you'd think she WOULD HAVE been conversant in what the Bible sez wouldn't you? But no. She is not. Sessions is not. They are ... more Being as how she is a daughter of a preacher man you'd think she WOULD HAVE been conversant in what the Bible sez wouldn't you? But no. She is not. Sessions is not. They are con artists, scammers, fakers. They pull out words that someone else told them to use and do not have a clue what the Bible holds with regard to how we should treat one another. Blasphemy? Lying by omitting? Pompous a**es think they are convincing. They should be embarrassed.
The Bible sez a lotta things. Funny bizarre how the extreme right-wing ALT-RIGHTS focus only on building walls and obeying laws and ignore completely everything that pertains to lo... moreThe Bible sez a lotta things. Funny bizarre how the extreme right-wing ALT-RIGHTS focus only on building walls and obeying laws and ignore completely everything that pertains to loving they neighbor and caring for children. Isn't it?
Many American citizens are not safe here. Refugees fleeing from certain death are still safer in their home countries than they are in America in the reigh of King don because they... moreMany American citizens are not safe here. Refugees fleeing from certain death are still safer in their home countries than they are in America in the reigh of King don because they are ALLOWED to stay with their families. Here you are not safe at all. You are used for political reasons to fling red meat to the red-meat-loving King don base. You deserve better than that. America is no longer a "better" place to be. America is a travesty of what it used to be. Your timing is lousy. Apologies to all of you. I wish it were otherwise. :( less
King don is always taking credit for things he didn't do. He refuses to take the well-deserved credit for the ZERO TOLERANCE border policy which is HIS POLICY. Now why is it that a... moreKing don is always taking credit for things he didn't do. He refuses to take the well-deserved credit for the ZERO TOLERANCE border policy which is HIS POLICY. Now why is it that a man who will take for everything he didn't do NOT take credit for something he did do? Whatcha think? What's up with THAT? What's up doc?
Siblings are purposely sent to separate internment detention prisons. An additional unnecessary cruelty perpetrated by evildoers. WAKE UP PEOPLE! DO YOU NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT... moreSiblings are purposely sent to separate internment detention prisons. An additional unnecessary cruelty perpetrated by evildoers. WAKE UP PEOPLE! DO YOU NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT ANY OF THIS evil? Are you so besotted in love with King don that anything he does is OKAY? HE LIES when he says it is the faul of Democrats. The ZERO TOLERANCE EVIL PLAN is a don King/King don Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions POLICY . don King King don lies further when he says he doesn't like it. The baldfaced LIAR AGREED TO IT with his court jester Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions. less
WHAT IF King don is incapable of controlling his mouth or his deeds? What if the normal process that people use to say/do what is APPROPRIATE is missing from King don's DNA? How ca... moreWHAT IF King don is incapable of controlling his mouth or his deeds? What if the normal process that people use to say/do what is APPROPRIATE is missing from King don's DNA? How can he be blamed for words and deeds if they were never his to control? A diseased mind/body without limits or a guidance system. The people elected him and released him and now? It's anyone's guess where/when/how/why he will strike next. It pays to thoroughly investigate what you are buying before you inflict it on others. Too soon old. Too late schmart! DUCK! less
King don keeps lying about the policy of separating children from mothers. He insists he hates it and that is all due to the Democrats. He lies lies lies lies. His AG JEFFREY BEAUR... moreKing don keeps lying about the policy of separating children from mothers. He insists he hates it and that is all due to the Democrats. He lies lies lies lies. His AG JEFFREY BEAUREGARD SESSIONS is a racst. He doesn't differentiate between adults or children. He HATES all of them equally if they are people of color. He is true southern "genleman" isn't he? RACISM is his thing. He has power. Democrats have nothing to do with it. But the lie will continue to told. Notice how huges the noses are getting? Pinocchios in the making? less
Dangling pardons for folks like Michael Cohen so he will say nothing? How much more OBSTRUCTIVE could RudyG be than that? He is a mindless boob programmed to robotically repeat the... moreDangling pardons for folks like Michael Cohen so he will say nothing? How much more OBSTRUCTIVE could RudyG be than that? He is a mindless boob programmed to robotically repeat the same lies. Didn't he used to be someone? Didn't he used to be somebody? What happened to him to transform him into a talking head whose gibberish is getting his master (King don) into more trouble? Wassa matta him?
Manafot was out on bail wearing an electronic ankle monitory around EACH ANKLE. How did he now knew he was under surveillance 24/7? I cannot believe anyone is that bere... moreManafot was out on bail wearing an electronic ankle monitory around EACH ANKLE. How did he now knew he was under surveillance 24/7? I cannot believe anyone is that bereft of brains. But he certainly is. He contacted some folks to try to get their stories straight. I don't know how many but whomever it was IMMEDIATELY contacted Mueller. This is the level incompentence with which King don surrounds/surrounded himself. Will Michael Cohen flip now that he no lawyer representing him? less
Any of you oldtimers (like me) who are out there still hopeful? You still think good will prevail, that justice will be served and that all the bad guys will get what they deserve?... moreAny of you oldtimers (like me) who are out there still hopeful? You still think good will prevail, that justice will be served and that all the bad guys will get what they deserve? Based on what?
Sultan Mohamed Aga Khan 111 was paid his weight in gold and diamonds for the 60th anniversary and paid his weight in platinum for the 70th. It is said he also sold his bathwater at... moreSultan Mohamed Aga Khan 111 was paid his weight in gold and diamonds for the 60th anniversary and paid his weight in platinum for the 70th. It is said he also sold his bathwater at a high price per nip which people drank. It gave devoted followers a chance to pay a befitting tribute to their Spiritual Lord. King don is missing out on a way to become INCREDIBLY rich. Start charging us for the privilege of his service to the country. Not in salary but gold/diamonds/platinum equivalent to his weight. He won't cheat on the weight. The fatter he is the richer. He might even add a few lead weights to get paid more. Then he should save his shower water so that it can be also be sold to his devoted worshippers. If King don were only educated and knowledgeable about the historical he couldda already made a killing! Heads up. That will come next. You read it here first. He wants to become the world's FIRST TRILLIONAIRE. You want to give him what he wants right? Keep him happy? SIGH. less
His vics are the normal folks who suffer because of him but don't enjoy the pain. Why doesn't he just focus on those who adore enjoyably whatever he dishes out? He is pervert... moreHis vics are the normal folks who suffer because of him but don't enjoy the pain. Why doesn't he just focus on those who adore enjoyably whatever he dishes out? He is perverted. They are perverted. Great fit. Why not leave the "normal" people out of it?
The list of top-notch golfers who got cut from the US Open now being played is shocking. It's anybody's guess who will win but the field of "best" has been mightily cut down so the... moreThe list of top-notch golfers who got cut from the US Open now being played is shocking. It's anybody's guess who will win but the field of "best" has been mightily cut down so there will be less competition. How does that happen?