"Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform. She believes w... more"Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform. She believes we need to be a country that follows all laws BUT ALSO A COUNTRY THAT GOVERNS WITH THE HEART"
So why believe anything the corruptest lyingest bigliest lawbreaker in the history of the world says? Unless you are corrupt lying and a lawbreaker too. Are you?
JAMES 1:27. I expect when you are polluted by the world you do ONLY very evil things and lie and harm and betray and attack. There is not one ounce of goodness in pollution.
King don and Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions are definitely POLLUTED as they joyously and self-righteously separate mothers (who may be widows) from their children.
Sent away to Boarding School or Finishing School or Military School? Besides getting rid of you what was the purpose? Did you enjoy it (was living at home an abomination and any es... moreSent away to Boarding School or Finishing School or Military School? Besides getting rid of you what was the purpose? Did you enjoy it (was living at home an abomination and any escape was appreciated?) or hate it? Did you ever forgive your parents for rejecting you like that? Children going off to college by their own choice of their own volition is one thing. Young children being shipped to elsewhere having no choice or say in the matter is a different ball of wax. I can't imagine ever doing that no matter how rich I was. Could you imagine yourself or have you and were you? less
Never had a funeral. No one there to speak lovingly of the dearly departed. Nothing. Dead and gone but not forgotten. There was only one resurrection and that was taken. Dead and g... moreNever had a funeral. No one there to speak lovingly of the dearly departed. Nothing. Dead and gone but not forgotten. There was only one resurrection and that was taken. Dead and gone. But not forgotten. Long live America that usta be in memory. It will never rest in peace. :(
Generally I ignore the side-bar ads though I know they pay for the site. However I couldn't let this go without comment.It was a list of assorted suggested uses for the well-k... moreGenerally I ignore the side-bar ads though I know they pay for the site. However I couldn't let this go without comment.It was a list of assorted suggested uses for the well-known water-repellent, WD-40, shown by its Material Safety Data Sheet to be a mineral-oil based mixture.As wells as the ingenious and the blindingly obvious ideas, the advertising feature suggested using it as an adjunct to toilet cleaners, and for cleaning shower-heads. In other words, squirt mineral-oils down the drain, despite consistent, highly publicised warnings not to do so at all from chemical manufacturers, regulatory bodies and water companies!Come on AnswerMug, get that nonsense off the site and advise WD-40's manufacturers that some ignorant advertising company is promulgating a highly irresponsible (and in some countries possibly illegal) misuse of their chemicals. less
Everyone knew he didn't have the RIGHT STUFF to be president. Everyone says so. Believe me. Trust me. He was so inept and impotent and talentless that he needed a zillion different... moreEveryone knew he didn't have the RIGHT STUFF to be president. Everyone says so. Believe me. Trust me. He was so inept and impotent and talentless that he needed a zillion different "helpers" worldwide to make sure he'd be elected. I'm sure all those "helpers" are very proud of themselves. If you are one aren't you?
Blaming anything on Democrats should be insulting to y'all. Trumpetans OWN the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives. Blaming Dems? King don has rescinded dozens of... moreBlaming anything on Democrats should be insulting to y'all. Trumpetans OWN the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives. Blaming Dems? King don has rescinded dozens of Obama-era policies. Why doesn't he rescind everything and go for it? He LOVES to lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. And y'all buy buy buy buy buy . Why why why why why why?
Another feather in the King don cap? Unleashing latent racist beliefs? Making them okey dokey and grand and to be admired? What kind of prize does one deserve for that?