So what will Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions do now? Da King sez he is gonna sign something soon to keep families together. His own church reminds him that he too is a child of God. Wh... moreSo what will Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions do now? Da King sez he is gonna sign something soon to keep families together. His own church reminds him that he too is a child of God. What's a guy like that gonna do? Punt?
Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions is being sued for abusing children. By whom? Also and more importantl a Methodist Church spokesperson(which is what Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions is) remi... moreJeffrey Beauregard Sessions is being sued for abusing children. By whom? Also and more importantl a Methodist Church spokesperson(which is what Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions is) reminds Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions that he too is a CHILD OF GOD. Do you think anything will move him from his cruel position?
The children NO LONGER have legal representation. Can anyone figger out the endgame? Is there one? The plan seems without a point or end or purpose or point. Other than to create a... moreThe children NO LONGER have legal representation. Can anyone figger out the endgame? Is there one? The plan seems without a point or end or purpose or point. Other than to create additional chaos and fear. Is THAT the endgame then?
Pennies. Dollars. Hundreds. Thousands. MILLIONS? You'd rather spend money imprisoning them right? Makes a he**uva lotta sense doesn't it? Of course it does to those who are support... morePennies. Dollars. Hundreds. Thousands. MILLIONS? You'd rather spend money imprisoning them right? Makes a he**uva lotta sense doesn't it? Of course it does to those who are supporters of anything the King decrees . Illogical or not he be da King!
To the highest bidder? BLACK MARKET adoptions? All money going to the bank account of the King no doubt. He never lets an opportunity make money elude him. He is right on top of it!
Love takes thinking and devotion and emotion. Hate only requires emotion. Thinking is hard. You don't have to think to hate. You always have to think when you love. Taking the easy... moreLove takes thinking and devotion and emotion. Hate only requires emotion. Thinking is hard. You don't have to think to hate. You always have to think when you love. Taking the easy way out is for the lazy foke who want things done for them by others. Doing their own thinking is high on that list. So they don't. They cede the thinking to others and just memorize what they say. It's easier that way! Hey hey hey. :(
Outsiders are not allowed to take pictures of the prisons in which children are being held. Outsiders are not allowed to go into any prison filled with children they ask to visit. ... moreOutsiders are not allowed to take pictures of the prisons in which children are being held. Outsiders are not allowed to go into any prison filled with children they ask to visit. It is only two of the prisons to which limited access has been allowed. We have NEVER seen inside the prison(s) where babies/infants/girls are being kept locked up. What terrible disgusting evil things are being done to them behind closed doors that the guards DARE NOT let us see?
Would you really care one way or the other and tune in to watch a McDonald's burger flipper when you can see/hear all about King RAT the dic(tator) and Stormy Daniels? Seriously?
Many Evangelicals think it's all a big lie. So does the entiretly of FAUX NEWS and its admirers. That the photos are lies and the people are lies and it's a huge conspiracy against... moreMany Evangelicals think it's all a big lie. So does the entiretly of FAUX NEWS and its admirers. That the photos are lies and the people are lies and it's a huge conspiracy against the blessed angel savior of mankind the MESSIAH known as King RAT the dic(tator)! Isn't that charmingly loyal of them? They are something aren't they?