She is afraid of bees, and said she saw Carpenter bees under our pool deck. She won't go under it to look. They scrape small holes for a nest for a single egg upward into wood. The... moreShe is afraid of bees, and said she saw Carpenter bees under our pool deck. She won't go under it to look. They scrape small holes for a nest for a single egg upward into wood. They are quite harmless and the small hole does very little damage.It can be caulked full at the end of the season. Here is the lie. I told her I didn't see any nests, even though there was one. I hate killing creatures that are not harmful.
Remember how DA PREZ praised the NAZIS saying there were good people on both sides? Well DA PREZ gets to say the same thing again. Praising how great NAZIS are! I betch... moreRemember how DA PREZ praised the NAZIS saying there were good people on both sides? Well DA PREZ gets to say the same thing again. Praising how great NAZIS are! I betcha he looks forward to it WAY BIGLY since they are HIS PEOPLE. SIGH. Gonna go or no show? Think it will rock or blow?
i went to do the driving exam a few days ago, and the examiner told me i have failed it...i didnt had practice at all so i was nervous a bit, but he said i missed a stop sign .&nbs... morei went to do the driving exam a few days ago, and the examiner told me i have failed it...i didnt had practice at all so i was nervous a bit, but he said i missed a stop sign . i wish to get the license but it need me to go practice a lot to be able to be ease .
That is PRECISELY what is happening at "detention centers" (PRISONS). No one gets immediate access. Melania Trump is in Texas and has access to a contract facility run by Lutherans... moreThat is PRECISELY what is happening at "detention centers" (PRISONS). No one gets immediate access. Melania Trump is in Texas and has access to a contract facility run by Lutherans. What about the prisons run by Homeland Security or HHS? Are they open and accessible to observers without filling out a form and waiting two weeks? How ridiculous is this and why is it happening in the formerly great United States of America? They are hiding something horrible or else they would be pridefully BRAGGING and BOASTING and showing off how wondrous everything was. You know your prez is big old SHOWOFF. You KNOW that's true don't you?. less
It isn't a facility run by HHS. It is a facility contracted out to the Lutheran Church. I wonder. Can Melania visit any one of the 100 detention centers(PRISONS) she chooses or onl... moreIt isn't a facility run by HHS. It is a facility contracted out to the Lutheran Church. I wonder. Can Melania visit any one of the 100 detention centers(PRISONS) she chooses or only those that are "approved" for outsiders to see? Something stinks bigly. Is this just another fake phony photo op with paid actors performing for the camera?
The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is doing wrong and trying to hide it by denying access to it. HOW DARE THEY? What evil is going on behind the walls and chain link fences and tents that a lo... moreThe FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is doing wrong and trying to hide it by denying access to it. HOW DARE THEY? What evil is going on behind the walls and chain link fences and tents that a local official is NOT ALLOWED to witness it? What is happening to the children who are being treated like things. Is anyone out there concerned at all about any of it? Anyone anywhere? SIGH. :(