This week it is of the tiny little girl dressed in red crying as her mom is being "detained". Da prez TOWERS over her looking down at her. I KNOW he is thrilled as he** to on that ... moreThis week it is of the tiny little girl dressed in red crying as her mom is being "detained". Da prez TOWERS over her looking down at her. I KNOW he is thrilled as he** to on that cover again! He doesn't care in what context. Just spell his name right and shoot him on his best side. Which side that is I don't know but I'm sure he must have one. Doesn't everyone?. A record number of covers. Somewhere they are all framed and hanging in mute testimony to his wonderfulness. A record that no one will ever eclipse/surpass. He NAILED it. :( less
There is a wealth of riches ahead for those who get into the incarceration business. VERY BAD citizens and foreigners will always keep them full no matter how many are built.... moreThere is a wealth of riches ahead for those who get into the incarceration business. VERY BAD citizens and foreigners will always keep them full no matter how many are built. A good way to make a quick buck. Also very patriotic. Get all the rapists and murderers and torturers and white collar crumbums and foreigners off the streets and keep them behind bars. Whatever it costs it's worth it! :(
All numbers are in BILLIONSUS Customs & Border Protection16.4US Immigration and Customs Enforcement7.94US Citizenship and Immigration4.4Executive Office of Immigration Review.5Bure... moreAll numbers are in BILLIONSUS Customs & Border Protection16.4US Immigration and Customs Enforcement7.94US Citizenship and Immigration4.4Executive Office of Immigration Review.5Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration ( Migration and Refugee Assistance) 2.7Administration for Children and Families1.46
And it would help if you (and everyone else of course) is willing to share your living space with a few people seeking refuge from impoverished/war torn countries. Equality of... moreAnd it would help if you (and everyone else of course) is willing to share your living space with a few people seeking refuge from impoverished/war torn countries. Equality of living standards. My place is roomy enough and putting in 3 tier bunk beds I could take in about a dozen people. I'm sure we could all get along somehow.
Will the world unite against the U.S AND the nation calling itself Israel? A lot of times nations are forced to fight each other because the banks hold their debt.
"Darling, is there anything I can do to satisfy you right now? I'll do whatever you wish." You say "Sure, go make me a sandwich and a cold beverage." How would she react? (I guess ... more"Darling, is there anything I can do to satisfy you right now? I'll do whatever you wish." You say "Sure, go make me a sandwich and a cold beverage." How would she react? (I guess I should not discriminate. Ladies and gays, too.)
Any of you SUFFERING for what DA PREZ has done did or not done did since his takeover of the country? Are ALL the coal miner jobs back AS HE PROMISED? Are ALL the steel mills... moreAny of you SUFFERING for what DA PREZ has done did or not done did since his takeover of the country? Are ALL the coal miner jobs back AS HE PROMISED? Are ALL the steel mills in full operation and all the steel jobs back as he PROMISED? What's happening with ya and do ya bless him every single night in your prayers for those who pray or curse him? The teeny tiny shrinking little man is very erratic and doesn't always live up to his promises. Which matters NOT AT ALL if they don't affect YOU but matters a whole lot if they do. Has he serviced you fully and well without holding back anything you expected? Is he all that you expected he would be or way more? Are y'all happy as clams at high tide? less