Why doesn't da prez just eat and golf and watch FAUX news? Nothing matters. Nothing changes. He might as well just shut up and enjoy life. Tweet because he has to or he will simply... moreWhy doesn't da prez just eat and golf and watch FAUX news? Nothing matters. Nothing changes. He might as well just shut up and enjoy life. Tweet because he has to or he will simply die. Have his holly jolly rallies but otherwise? Shut up. Wasted breath. He should conserve it. Never know what lies ahead. He may have to start running. Literally.
Rather than giving such folks a helping hand because they understand they try to attack/destroy so folks won't think they are anything alike. Rather like the closet gay(especially ... moreRather than giving such folks a helping hand because they understand they try to attack/destroy so folks won't think they are anything alike. Rather like the closet gay(especially true of religious politicians) who violently and viciously attack gays. To deflect suspicion so others will never think he is one of "them". It is sad. If they cannot help their own people why must they harm them? Why not just let them be? Leave them alone. Don't try to erase their very existence. Methinks he doth protest too much. Yes. That is what methinks. Stephen Miller is virulently ANTI-ASYLUM SEEKER because his great grandfather was one and he is dreadfully embarrassed ashamed humiliated. What other could he possibly have for being so cruel? :( less
Ironically, significantly and very very very sadly he is the descendant of an ASYLUM SEEKER.He is the great grandson of a Jewish immigrant who fled the poverty and pogroms of the R... moreIronically, significantly and very very very sadly he is the descendant of an ASYLUM SEEKER.He is the great grandson of a Jewish immigrant who fled the poverty and pogroms of the Russian empire in the early 1900's. He arrived in New York with $8 and ZERO LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAPERS. If there were a Stephen Miller back then his grandfather would have been placed in a "detention center" to process for prosecution. Isn't he lucky as he** there was no such person as him way back then?There are many words to describe the Stephens Millers of the world. None of them are printable. SIGH. And so it goes. The hypocrisy and lying and deceit and duplicity and hate and cruelty continues on thanks in part to the Stephen Millers. They are owed much. I hope they receive their due. I do. SIGH. :( less
Are the only folks the extreme right-wings will tolerate are themselves and others just like them? No broad umbrella that welcomes all to the party? Very spare and narrow and parti... moreAre the only folks the extreme right-wings will tolerate are themselves and others just like them? No broad umbrella that welcomes all to the party? Very spare and narrow and particular and specific and PICKY PICKY PICKY PICKY PICKY? NO WIGGLE ROOM?
Native-born American citizens commit the most crimes. Undocumented immigrants commit the next most. Legal immigrants commit the least. IN ADDITION TO WHICH states with larger share... moreNative-born American citizens commit the most crimes. Undocumented immigrants commit the next most. Legal immigrants commit the least. IN ADDITION TO WHICH states with larger shares of undocumented immigrants tended to have LOWER crime rates than states with smaller shares. This is also confirmed by the Washington Post. So it's convenient and handy as he** to blame the people you despise/fear for things they didn't do to justify your point of view. Truth is a casualty in all of this. It didn't used to be. Times have changed. less
As usual he hung them out to dry. Swinging in the wind. Pulled the rug right out from under them. But why did they pay any attention to him? Why didn't they just go ahead and do th... moreAs usual he hung them out to dry. Swinging in the wind. Pulled the rug right out from under them. But why did they pay any attention to him? Why didn't they just go ahead and do their jobs? Maybe they could have found a way to get something through. So he vetoes it. SO WHAT? They OVERRIDE the veto. I don't get it.
* I think Norwegians are almost all white. Not much color there. Why flee from a splendid homeland? Why would anyone do that? You flee from terror, torture, rape and possible/proba... more* I think Norwegians are almost all white. Not much color there. Why flee from a splendid homeland? Why would anyone do that? You flee from terror, torture, rape and possible/probable/inevitable death. To flee to a place where survival and safety WERE PURPORTEDLY available back in the day. When you find it's just as bad or worse as what you left behind what do you do?
*People of color. They are said to "INFEST" wherever they are. How will THE BROWN PLAGUE kill anyone? Just by its very presence does the essence seep into the skin and destroy from... more*People of color. They are said to "INFEST" wherever they are. How will THE BROWN PLAGUE kill anyone? Just by its very presence does the essence seep into the skin and destroy from within? Any proven deaths from The Brown Plague? I know. They are ALL rapists and murderers and not the best that any country has to offer. The toddlers/infants/babies too. Touch them and you die. All the teens are MS 13's. The adults are all murderers, rapists. Every single one. All of them. BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID. They are coming to get you! :( SIGH less