That's all you need. Use the right word(s) at the right time and hey hey hey they will work every time. Now of course WHO decides what righteous is varies greatly. Have you ever ha... moreThat's all you need. Use the right word(s) at the right time and hey hey hey they will work every time. Now of course WHO decides what righteous is varies greatly. Have you ever had to decide what was righteous and what was not?
No matter the circumstances. A 14-year-oild with a water pistol or an unarmed YOUNG BLACK MAN. It matters not at all. Just invoke the fear phrase and you're good ... moreNo matter the circumstances. A 14-year-oild with a water pistol or an unarmed YOUNG BLACK MAN. It matters not at all. Just invoke the fear phrase and you're good to go. Didja know?
I doubt that religion created the concept but it certainly makes the most of it. Good/Evil/Neither. Think most folks live in the middle where neither is true so what they do/say he... moreI doubt that religion created the concept but it certainly makes the most of it. Good/Evil/Neither. Think most folks live in the middle where neither is true so what they do/say helps not and hurts not?
Some folks run on automatic. They get in gear and off they go. Doing/saying sameoldsameoldsameold every day. Is the sameold routine a comfort to you or very boring? Does your... moreSome folks run on automatic. They get in gear and off they go. Doing/saying sameoldsameoldsameold every day. Is the sameold routine a comfort to you or very boring? Does your life excite you because of all the wonders in it or do you just do what you do because you always did that way? Are you lively and always living in the moment or are you thinking about/future and just go through motions in the present?
You ARE whom you support. You aren't what you support if what you support is ice cream of course. But it is illogical to believe that you would support anyone who isn't like you or... moreYou ARE whom you support. You aren't what you support if what you support is ice cream of course. But it is illogical to believe that you would support anyone who isn't like you or whom you would like to be. We know whom you are by whom you support. Period. So it is not a wild leap to observe that everyone who supports King don is exactly like him and enjoys what he does and says and if they could they would do and say precisely what he does. His fans are legion. You are known by those with whom you spend joyful time. You are known by what you support. You are known by what you attack. It is your thumbprint/blueprint/xray. How comfy does it make YOU feel that all those who support King don believe that everything he does/says is PURE GOLD? Let's see I think it was about 62 million of y'all voted for him. That many mini-dons running around the country extolling his virtues (of which according to them there are too many to list). Millions of you out there going to rallies and enjoying his speeches and ... less
Nick Mulvaney, chief big boss baby of that governmental entity has asked for a budget of $0! He has joined forces with PAYPAL and FIRED all the members of the panel.As ... moreNick Mulvaney, chief big boss baby of that governmental entity has asked for a budget of $0! He has joined forces with PAYPAL and FIRED all the members of the panel.As a Congressman he told lobbyists they would never have a meeting with him unless they contributed to his political campaign. Pay to play. Selling access. Isn't that what hoors do?Quite a guy isn't he?
closer to 100%? If you can't get near 100% in a house of pancakes what does that tell you about how yummy waffles are? All this to say polls like statistics can be skewed to ... morecloser to 100%? If you can't get near 100% in a house of pancakes what does that tell you about how yummy waffles are? All this to say polls like statistics can be skewed to suggest whatever you want them to suggest.
authorities to do when the parents have broken the law but the children have not? They go into the protective care environment. That is the system. Learn the game. You dig?
I came across a story this morning. A local woman was pregnant and the baby stopped developing around the two-month mark. Her doctor told her she could either have a D&C or use med... moreI came across a story this morning. A local woman was pregnant and the baby stopped developing around the two-month mark. Her doctor told her she could either have a D&C or use medications to finish the process. She chose meds and went to a local pharmacy to get them, at which point the pharmacist very publicly refused to fill the prescription. From what I can tell, their debate about the medication was loud enough that everyone in line heard why the woman was there and the woman ultimately left in tears- in part because this was a pregnancy she was excited about and was already devastated over the loss and in part because he was refusing to help and embarrassed her. He never said anything about transferring the prescription, but ended up having another location fill it after she left. It sounds like he took this as a pro-life debate, despite the fact that the pregnancy was no longer viable. I'm not even sure that's relevant, but it might be to you. Is there fault here and, if so, who is at fault? What... less
I have blue eyes and I wonder why? LoL!Do you think that somewhere out there is a planet of blue people?Like maybe they travelled here a long, long time ago and they mated with a h... moreI have blue eyes and I wonder why? LoL!Do you think that somewhere out there is a planet of blue people?Like maybe they travelled here a long, long time ago and they mated with a human and then left?